
The truth about the sober humanity that makes you live in the world is really too real!

author:Mountains and rivers have met - there will be a period later
The truth about the sober humanity that makes you live in the world is really too real!
The truth about the sober humanity that makes you live in the world is really too real!
The truth about the sober humanity that makes you live in the world is really too real!
The truth about the sober humanity that makes you live in the world is really too real!
The truth about the sober humanity that makes you live in the world is really too real!
The truth about the sober humanity that makes you live in the world is really too real!
The truth about the sober humanity that makes you live in the world is really too real!
The truth about the sober humanity that makes you live in the world is really too real!
The truth about the sober humanity that makes you live in the world is really too real!
The truth about the sober humanity that makes you live in the world is really too real!
The truth about the sober humanity that makes you live in the world is really too real!

In ancient times, there was a village surrounded by mountains called "Qingyuan Village". Although this village is small, it has many talents, especially the wise man in the village - Li Bo. He was nearly seventy years old, and his beard and hair were all white, but his eyes were still bright, as if he could perceive people's hearts. The villagers often gathered in front of Lieber's hut to listen to his wisdom and sobering words about life.

One day, the sky was as blue as a wash, and Qingyuan Village ushered in the annual harvest festival. The villagers gathered together to celebrate the hard work and fruitful results of the year. However, in this festive atmosphere, there is a young man, Xiaojie, with his brows tightly knit and his heart heavy.

Xiaojie is a rising star in the village, smart and clever, but his personality is a little impatient and conceited. He often argues with others over trivial matters, and even turns against relatives and friends. This harvest festival, he was supposed to celebrate with his family, but because of some trivial matters, he had an unpleasant quarrel with his family, and sat alone in the corner, sullen.

Li Bo saw it in his eyes, and his heart moved. He knows that Xiaojie is a young man with potential, but character flaws may hinder his development. So, he decided to take this opportunity to teach Xiaojie a life lesson.

Li Bo walked up to Xiao Jie, patted him lightly on the shoulder, and said, "Xiao Jie, why are you so sullen? ”

Xiaojie glanced up at Li Bo, sighed and said, "Li Bo, I think people are very hypocritical, always saying one thing and doing another. I have done so much for them, but they never appreciate it, but they still target me everywhere. ”

Li Bo smiled and shook his head, and said, "Child, you are wrong. Human nature is inherently good, but the world is chaotic, and people will inevitably be confused by various desires and interests. However, this does not mean that humanity has lost its true and good side. What you need to do is to learn to see through people's hearts and understand the complexity of human nature. ”

Xiaojie looked at Li Bo suspiciously, and asked, "Then how can I see through people's hearts?" ”

Li Bo smiled and said, "I'll tell you a story." ”

So, Lieber began to tell a story about human nature. Once upon a time, he said, there was a merchant who met a beggar on a journey. When the merchant saw that the beggar was pitiful, he gave him some money and food. The beggar was grateful and vowed to repay the merchant's kindness. However, when the merchant meets the beggar again, the beggar asks him for more money. The merchant was disappointed and angry, believing that the beggar had betrayed him. But later, the merchant learns that the beggar's family is seriously ill in bed and is in urgent need of money for treatment. Only then did he realize that the beggar was not ungrateful, but forced by the difficulties of life.

After Li Bo finished telling the story, he looked at Xiaojie and said, "Son, have you seen through this beggar's heart?" He has both a greedy side and a kind side. That's the complexity of human nature. We cannot deny the beauty of humanity as a whole just because we see the dark side of human nature. Instead, we should learn to understand and embrace the complexities of human nature. ”

After hearing this, Xiao Jie nodded thoughtfully and said, "Uncle Li, I understand." Human nature is not static, but changes with circumstances and experiences. I should learn to feel and understand others with my heart, not just by appearances. ”

Li Bo smiled with relief and said, "Son, you have finally opened your mind. Remember, life is like a spiritual practice, and we need to keep learning and growing. Only by keeping a clear mind and a kind heart can we find our place in this complex and ever-changing world. ”

Xiao Jie was deeply inspired by this, and he decided to change his personality and way of doing things. He began to learn to listen to the opinions and suggestions of others, and no longer easily argued with others; He began to take the initiative to help those in need, no longer caring about personal gains and losses; He began to feel and understand others with his heart, and no longer judged human nature based on superficial appearances.

Over time, Xiaojie's personality gradually became gentle and humble. He won the respect and trust of the villagers and became a leader in the village. And all these changes originated from Lieber's wake-up words and the story about human nature.

At the end of the story, Xiaojie stands in front of Lieber's grave and bows deeply. He said: "O Li Bo, it was you who made me see the truth of human nature and made me understand the true meaning of life. I will take your cautionary words to heart and continue on the road of life. ”

This story teaches us that human nature is complex and real. We need to keep a clear head and a kind heart in order to see through the truth of human nature and understand the meaning of life. At the same time, this story also brings us hope and inspiration: as long as we feel and understand others with our hearts, and learn to tolerate and understand the complexity of human nature, we can find our place in this complex and ever-changing world and live our true selves.