
Sister Fat Cat's Fight Back: Death Certificate & Rumor Buster

author:The front smell is on the road~

Sister Fat Cat's Fight Back: Death Certificate & Rumor Buster

In the ocean of the Internet, Sister Fat Cat is like a lonely navigator, facing a storm of turbulent rumors. Her boat is a cold screenshot, and her sails are a heavy piece of evidence. When the fat cat's name, Liu Jie, was engraved on the death certificate of the Chongqing Branch of the Yangtze River Shipping Public Security Bureau, those rumors that had been swaying in the wind fell one after another like a kite string that had been cut.

Sister Fat Cat's Fight Back: Death Certificate & Rumor Buster

Netizens were in front of the screen, as if sitting in the first row of the movie theater, witnessing a reversal drama. Someone ridiculed: "This plot is even more ups and downs than "Game of Thrones". And those bloggers who used to wield a "real hammer" now seem to have been hit by their own hammers, and can only silently put away their "weapons".

Sister Fat Cat's Fight Back: Death Certificate & Rumor Buster

The Fat Cat Incident: An Internet Carnival and Reflection

The fat cat incident, like a sudden storm, swept the entire online world. Some people find fun in this storm, and some people get lost in this storm. And Sister Fat Cat is like a tree in a storm, although it is crumbling by the wind, it still stands strong.

Sister Fat Cat's Fight Back: Death Certificate & Rumor Buster

In the comment area of netizens, some people ridiculed: "Is this the legendary 'Internet celebrity'?" Some people also reflected: "Should we look at cyber incidents more rationally?" And more people silently pressed "forward", in this way, to praise the persistence and courage of the fat cat sister.

Sister Fat Cat's Fight Back: Death Certificate & Rumor Buster

The Cyber Judge's Dilemma: The Battle of Truth and Prejudice

In the whirlpool of this fat cat incident, netizens were pushed to the throne of "Internet judges", holding not a gavel, but a keyboard in their hands. They try to find the pearl of truth in the sea of information, but they are often swept up in the tide of prejudice. Someone joked: "In these days, being an Internet judge is more difficult than taking a lawyer's certificate." ”

Sister Fat Cat's Fight Back: Death Certificate & Rumor Buster

Those netizens who call themselves "messengers of justice" type out "verdicts" one by one on the keyboard, but they never realize that in their "courtroom", evidence and emotions are often mixed. Someone ridiculed: "This is simply the self-cultivation of 'keyboard warriors', practicing while typing." And in this war without gunpowder, the fat cat sister and sister became the most innocent victims.

Sister Fat Cat's Fight Back: Death Certificate & Rumor Buster

The Storm on the Internet: A Cross-Border Journey of Rumors

The fat cat incident not only caused waves in China, but even Twitter on the Internet was not spared. The behavior of some netizens is like throwing a pebble into a calm lake, causing ripples. Someone posted the information of the fat cat sister on the Internet, trying to "expose the truth" on the international stage.

Sister Fat Cat's Fight Back: Death Certificate & Rumor Buster

Netizens have a lot of discussions about this, and some people joked: "Is this the legendary 'international style'?" Some people also questioned: "Should online violence also be 'globalized'?" "In this journey of rumors across borders, we can't help but ask: where are the boundaries of the network? Should the spread of truth transcend borders and prejudices?

Sister Fat Cat's Fight Back: Death Certificate & Rumor Buster

Controversial Summary: The Real and the Unreal in the Cyber World

In the turmoil of this fat cat incident, we see the reality and illusion of the online world. What is real is that the persistence and courage of the fat cat sister, the tears and appeals of the younger sister; Unrealistically, those relentless rumors and online violence.

Sister Fat Cat's Fight Back: Death Certificate & Rumor Buster

In the comment area of netizens, some people ridiculed: "Is this the legendary 'online world'?" Some people also reflected: "Should we look at cyber incidents more rationally?" And more people silently pressed "like" and "forward", in this way, to praise the persistence and courage of the fat cat sister.

Sister Fat Cat's Fight Back: Death Certificate & Rumor Buster

In this turmoil, we have seen the reality and illusion of the online world, as well as the brilliance and darkness of human nature. Let's use reason and kindness to illuminate this online world full of unknowns and possibilities.