
The current situation of the male protagonist of the deformation meter, from the "law of true fragrance" to the winner of life: Wang Jingze's counterattack

author:The front smell is on the road~


From the "Law of True Fragrance" to the winner of life: Wang Jingze's counterattack road

In that program, which has been talked about by countless audiences, Wang Jingze has become the greatest philosopher of the 21st century with his unique "law of true fragrance". This former rebellious teenager conquered the hearts of hundreds of millions of netizens with a sentence of "true fragrance".

The current situation of the male protagonist of the deformation meter, from the "law of true fragrance" to the winner of life: Wang Jingze's counterattack

Today, his name has become a symbol of an era, a symbol of growth, transformation, and self-discovery. Wang Jingze's story is like an inspirational novel, telling us that no matter what the starting point is, everyone has the possibility to write their own wonderful chapter.

The current situation of the male protagonist of the deformation meter, from the "law of true fragrance" to the winner of life: Wang Jingze's counterattack

Netizens have various comments on Wang Jingze's transformation. Someone said: "Wang Jingze's law of true fragrance is simply the truth of life, and you can't accept it!" Some people also joked: "Since I learned the law of true fragrance, my quality of life has skyrocketed, thank you Wang Jingze, you are my life mentor!" ”

The current situation of the male protagonist of the deformation meter, from the "law of true fragrance" to the winner of life: Wang Jingze's counterattack

Wang Jingze's "true fragrance" is not only an attitude, but also a kind of wisdom of life, which tells us that in the face of all kinds of unsatisfactory life, what we need is not to escape, but to face it bravely, and then say out loud that "true fragrance".

The current situation of the male protagonist of the deformation meter, from the "law of true fragrance" to the winner of life: Wang Jingze's counterattack

From Rebel to President: Zhang Di's Gorgeous Turnaround

Zhang Di, this name has left a strong mark in the history of "Metamorphosis". In the past, he was a rebellious teenager who gave his parents a headache, but now he has turned around gorgeously and become a successful president.

The current situation of the male protagonist of the deformation meter, from the "law of true fragrance" to the winner of life: Wang Jingze's counterattack

Zhang Di's story is like a modern version of "The Prince's Revenge", he proved his worth with practical actions, and also gave a resounding slap in the face to those who once questioned him.

The current situation of the male protagonist of the deformation meter, from the "law of true fragrance" to the winner of life: Wang Jingze's counterattack

Netizens were full of praise for Zhang Di's transformation. Someone said: "Zhang Di's story tells us that everyone has potential, and the key lies in how you tap and use it." ”

The current situation of the male protagonist of the deformation meter, from the "law of true fragrance" to the winner of life: Wang Jingze's counterattack

Some people also humorously commented: "Zhang Di's success reminds me of the sentence, 'Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi', it seems that I am also going to start preparing my counterattack plan!" Zhang Di's transformation is not only a personal victory, but also an encouragement to those young people who are still looking for direction in confusion.

The current situation of the male protagonist of the deformation meter, from the "law of true fragrance" to the winner of life: Wang Jingze's counterattack

From rebellion to gratitude: Ma Yihua's path to growth

Ma Yihua, a rebellious teenager who once broke his parents' hearts, has now become sensible and grateful. His transformation is like a warm family drama, which makes people see hope in moving. Ma Yihua's story tells us that no matter what detours we have taken, as long as we are willing to turn back, life will always give us a chance to start over.

The current situation of the male protagonist of the deformation meter, from the "law of true fragrance" to the winner of life: Wang Jingze's counterattack

Netizens were full of emotion about Ma Yihua's change. Someone said: "Ma Yihua's change reminds me of my adolescence, and I was so ignorant at that time." Some people also joked: "After reading Ma Yihua's story, I decided to go home and give my mother a big hug, thanking her for her tolerance and love for me over the years." "Ma Yihua's growth is not only a personal maturity, but also a kind of feedback to the family and society.

The current situation of the male protagonist of the deformation meter, from the "law of true fragrance" to the winner of life: Wang Jingze's counterattack

Controversial summary: Can Metamorphosis really change lives?

The program "Metamorphosis", with its unique form and content, has attracted the attention of countless audiences. It not only chronicles the transformation of a group of rebellious teenagers, but also provokes deep reflection on growth, education and social responsibility. However, as the show deepened, more and more people began to question, can "Metamorphosis" really change lives?

The current situation of the male protagonist of the deformation meter, from the "law of true fragrance" to the winner of life: Wang Jingze's counterattack

Some people believe that Metamorphosis is just a show, and the transformation it presents may be only superficial, and that real change will take time and personal effort. There are also those who believe that "Metamorphosis" has given these teenagers a chance to rediscover themselves and society, and its impact is far-reaching.

The current situation of the male protagonist of the deformation meter, from the "law of true fragrance" to the winner of life: Wang Jingze's counterattack

In any case, we cannot deny that "Metamorphosis" at least gives us a starting point for thinking, a starting point for how to better guide the growth of teenagers.

The current situation of the male protagonist of the deformation meter, from the "law of true fragrance" to the winner of life: Wang Jingze's counterattack

We look forward to more voices and more discussions on this controversial topic. Because only through continuous communication and collision can we find the most suitable education method for this era and help more young people find their own path. Metamorphosis may not change everyone's lives, but it at least gives us hope, a hope for the future.

The current situation of the male protagonist of the deformation meter, from the "law of true fragrance" to the winner of life: Wang Jingze's counterattack

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