
Can the "airfield" really get bigger by kneading it?

author:Passionate poker Nqk

Women's pursuit of body is often a matter of keen concern, and the size of breasts has sparked widespread discussion. Some people claim that a gentle rub can make the breasts fuller, is this claim credible? Perhaps the answer will surprise you.

The process of breast development in women is a complex process that is influenced by factors such as nutrition and hormones. During puberty, women who are well-nourished and have higher hormone levels tend to have fuller, more elevated breasts. However, not everyone can achieve satisfactory developmental results at this stage.

Can the "airfield" really get bigger by kneading it?

As an adult, some women may realize that their breasts are not as full as they would like. As a result, they began to look for ways to improve the shape of their breasts, including massage. However, the size of the breasts depends mainly on the glands and fatty tissue, and a simple massage will not bring about significant changes.

In addition to massage, maintaining the right body weight and fat ratio is also essential for breast shape. Eating more protein and fatty foods and building your pectoral muscles through fitness are all effective ways to help your breasts become more straight.

Can the "airfield" really get bigger by kneading it?

Therefore, in order to have proudly tall breasts, women need to consider a variety of factors and do not believe in some so-called methods of rapid breast enlargement. Only when we fully understand the laws of breast development and take a scientific and reasonable approach can we truly achieve the beauty and straightness of the breasts.

Can the "airfield" really get bigger by kneading it?