
The aunt colluded with the factory director to force her mother to be laid off, and now her mother earns 8,000 a month


This article is a short story, the content is purely fictional, please watch her live on the streets rationally

My mother always said that the layoff was the heaviest blow in her life.

Maybe it was because our family was too smooth at that time, and it attracted the red eyes of others.

But no matter how hard the days were, we all survived together.

Now, my mother can earn 8,000 yuan a month, but the aunt who once made her lose face has been reduced to the streets, and she has a sad meal.

Mother, a female worker in a textile factory, was hit hard by a sudden notice of layoff in '96. Auntie, her own sister, was secretly proud on the side.

The aunt colluded with the factory director to force her mother to be laid off, and now her mother earns 8,000 a month

My mother, who had lost her job but not her dignity, told me, "Son, no matter what others think, we have to straighten our backs." ”

My aunt used to be the pride of the family, but because of the pursuit of material life, she gradually lost herself.

She regarded her marriage as a transaction, in exchange for money and status for herself, but she lost herself.

The depravity of my aunt is a portrayal of social atmosphere and a tragedy of personal choice.

My father, an ordinary miner, left us forever in a mining accident shortly after I was born.

His death put our family in a difficult situation, and it was also the starting point for my mother's strength.

The death of my father was not only a family tragedy, but also a symbol of the fate of the working class in that era.

The aunt colluded with the factory director to force her mother to be laid off, and now her mother earns 8,000 a month

Auntie, she had a lot of dreams when she was young, but she stumbled over reality after she became pregnant.

She wanted to pursue freedom, but she was bound by the reality of being pregnant out of wedlock.

The man's family hurriedly held a wedding, and the aunt became their daughter-in-law.

This marriage, for her, is not the destination of love, but the end of youth.

My aunt's husband's family is a typical patriarchal family, and there is only one expectation for her - to have a son.

Auntie's avant-garde thoughts, in their eyes, are nothing more than unrealistic fantasies.

Her beauty and pride, in this marriage, slowly faded.

Auntie's difficulties are the epitome of women in that era.

She was forced to eat all kinds of home remedies, and twenty eggs a day became her daily routine.

Her mother-in-law only cares about her grandson and ignores her aunt's health. My aunt cried into tears every day.

The aunt colluded with the factory director to force her mother to be laid off, and now her mother earns 8,000 a month

Her rebellion was dismissed as disobedience; Her grievances were regarded as squeamishness.

What my aunt got was not only physical torture, but also mental shackles.

Her freedom, little by little, was deprived until she almost lost herself.

Mother has always been the strong backing of my aunt.

When she learned about her aunt's situation, she decided to go and see for herself. The arrival of the mother is a ray of light in the darkness for the aunt.

When the mother saw her aunt's haggardness, she was so distressed that she couldn't speak.

The arrival of her mother gave her aunt hope. The mother's care and support gave my aunt a glimmer of hope.

The mother's strength made the aunt see the power of women. Her persistence is not only her love for her aunt,

My aunt finally divorced. She gave birth to a daughter, but failed to give birth to a son, which became the reason for her abandonment.

The faces of the husband's family, when the nurse took out the girl, all sank. They left the hospital, and none of them stayed to take care of my aunt.

The divorce of the aunt is not only the breakdown of the family, but also the victim of social concepts.

She lost her life and her dignity as a mother. This turning point is the low point of my aunt's life and the beginning of her personality change.

Mother, always the one who reaches out in difficult times. After she heard about my aunt's incident, she immediately asked for leave and took me to my aunt's house.

What we saw was chaos, and my aunt's emotions were out of control.

The mother found out that her aunt was about to jump into the river with her daughter, and she did not hesitate and rushed forward to prevent the tragedy from happening.

Auntie's self-abandonment was her choice in despair. Faced with the ruthlessness of her ex-husband's family and the prejudice of society, she chose to give up.

She left her daughter with her mother, and she returned to the family that had given her a rich life.

This decision is a moral degradation of my aunt and a complete change in her personality. Her daughter became a victim of her pursuit of material life.

The aunt colluded with the factory director to force her mother to be laid off, and now her mother earns 8,000 a month

But this act also provided an opportunity for the mother to show great love, she adopted her aunt's daughter and gave her a warm home.

Mother, her heart is bigger than the sea. The daughter-in-law was quietly carried home by her. This innocent little life has become a new concern for my mother.

The mother had no complaints, only full of love. She said, "This child is my life." ”

My aunt's daughter grew up in our family.

Her mother taught her how to be a human being, to be strong and kind. This child, although he lost the protection of his mother, received all that he had from another mother.

Her growth is a symbol of mother's kindness and the hope of our family.

Auntie's revenge came violently and ruthlessly. She colluded with the factory director, and her mother's job was gone.

The mother was forced to leave her job, but the aunt smiled. Her revenge is a satire of her mother's kindness and an indictment of social injustice.

Her mother was unemployed, but she didn't give up. There was still an unyielding light in her eyes. "As long as we have breath, we can't throw in the towel," she said. ”

Although the aunt's revenge gave her mother a blow, it also inspired her mother to have a stronger fighting spirit.

My mother took us away from that old home, which was full of memories. She sold the house and took us to the city.

The mother did not choose comfort, but chose to struggle. She rented a basement in the city and started a new business.

The mother's new life is full of challenges and hope. With her own hands, little by little, she built a new home.

Her success is the best response to her aunt's revenge, and it is also an encouragement to the women of that era.

Mother, whose story tells us, is that if you fall, you can still get up.

With the money from the sale of the house, she did not choose to be comfortable, but rented a basement in the city and started her own small commodity business. The mother had a unique vision, and her merchandise was quickly popular.

As the business grew, my mother contacted the producers of the obligation to set up her own company.

Her success is not only the result of personal struggle, but also the best proof of the self-reliance and self-reliance of women in that era.

Her mother's monthly income reached 8,000 yuan, and she changed her fate with her own efforts.

In order to take revenge, she did not hesitate to collude with the factory director, but in the end she was subjected to domestic violence, went insane, and lived on the streets.

The tragedy of my aunt is an indictment of the patriarchal concept of that era, and it is also a deep reflection on personal choices.

Auntie's madness has become the talk of the village, and her ending is sad.

Her tragedy is the epitome of social problems and the tragedy of personal character.

My aunt's daughter finally found her and gave her the last care.

My aunt's daughter, her story, is about filial piety and forgiveness.

Although her aunt once abandoned her, she has no resentment, only love. When she grew up, she returned to her hometown, found her crazy aunt, and took her home.

The daughter of the aunt used her actions to show the true meaning of filial piety. Her kindness and tolerance are the best response to my aunt's past behavior.

The aunt colluded with the factory director to force her mother to be laid off, and now her mother earns 8,000 a month

At the last moment of her life, my aunt finally recognized her daughter, and her last words were an apology to her daughter and a reflection on her life.

The last moments of my aunt are a poignant memory. Her life, like the fallen leaves of autumn, is finally going to return to its roots.

In those chaotic days, Auntie's sanity was good and bad, and her memories were elusive like smoke blown away by the wind.

But in her sober moments, she finally recognized her daughter. At that moment, there was a long-lost warmth and clarity in my aunt's eyes.

She took her daughter's hand, her voice weak but full of strength: "I'm sorry, daughter, I deserve it." ”

This sentence is my aunt's summary of her life, and it is also her deep apology to her daughter.

Her life was full of choices and consequences, and her choices made her lose her family, lose herself, and end up on the streets.

My aunt's daughter, despite the complicated emotions in her heart, chose to forgive. Her forgiveness is a love for her mother and a relief for her past.

She didn't blame her aunt, she just held her hand tightly, tears rolling in her eyes.

The last moment of my aunt is a review of her life and a farewell to her daughter.

Her life, although full of regrets, in the last moments, she found inner peace and tranquility.

The story is finished, although it is fictional, but the turmoil in my heart has not subsided. It's not just a story, it's a mirror that reflects the social reality around us.

The lives of my mother and aunt are like two completely different rivers, one with turbulent waves and the other flowing calmly.

Mother, her character is tenacious, like the stone by the river, even if the wind and rain blow, she still stands.

Auntie, her personality is changeable, once lost in the whirlpool of material and vanity, and finally went to tragedy.

Social issues, like a boulder, weigh on everyone's mind.

The concept of patriarchy was once the shackle of many women.

But the mother used her actions to break this shackle and prove that women can hold up half the sky.