
Shen Zui recalled being captured, Huaye had the best food, and Wang Yaowu did not give meat to the generals of the national army who had pitted him

author:Meow meow talks about things

In 1949, the Chinese Civil War drew to a close, and Kuomintang rule on the mainland was in jeopardy. After Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan in defeat, he left behind many henchmen and generals on the mainland. These figures, who once occupied important positions in the Kuomintang regime, have now become "war criminals" in the hands of the new regime. In China before the reform and opening up, the handling of these people was not only related to social stability, but also a kind of psychological and political struggle after the change of regime. The establishment of the Beijing Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center marked an important turning point in this historical stage.

Shen Zui recalled being captured, Huaye had the best food, and Wang Yaowu did not give meat to the generals of the national army who had pitted him

At the beginning of 1956, the Gongdelin Prison on the outskirts of Beijing, a facility dedicated to the detention of high-ranking Kuomintang generals, was officially completed. Here, the once glorious high-ranking Kuomintang generals, such as Du Yuming, deputy commander of the Xuzhou Lieutenant General, and Wang Yaowu, a close confidant of Chiang Kai-shek, were all imprisoned.

Du Yuming's life in prison is very different from the iron-blooded harshness on the battlefield. In a conversation with prison guards, he said bitterly: "After more than 40 years in the army, I never imagined that it would end in this way. The prison guard calmly replied, "This is the starting point of reform, General." ”

Wang Yaowu experienced different treatment in prison. Even in the harsh environment of captivity, he never gave up reflecting on his actions. He once said to Song Xilian, who was in the same room in the dead of night: "General Song, we have served the Kuomintang, and now, we need to examine ourselves for history and the people." ”

Shen Zui recalled being captured, Huaye had the best food, and Wang Yaowu did not give meat to the generals of the national army who had pitted him

Life in prison, while rigorous, is not without human touch. On National Day, the prison authorities deliberately improved the food and even allowed the prisoners to engage in recreational activities. On such days, Shen Zui, who was once known as one of the "Three Musketeers of Military Command", performed a Peking opera that won the applause of everyone present, including the prison guards.

The change in prison is particularly significant. He was once the backbone of the Kuomintang military command and had a bitter hatred for the Communist Party, but after a long period of ideological transformation, he began to reflect on his past. His conversation with a young Communist prison guard shows the change in his heart: "I used to think that you were enemies, but now I see the changes that the new China has brought to the people. ”

This change is reflected in the action of intoxication. One day at the end of 1956, he organized a lecture in prison on the theme of "Reform and Future of New China", talking about his changes in understanding and his expectations for the future.

Shen Zui recalled being captured, Huaye had the best food, and Wang Yaowu did not give meat to the generals of the national army who had pitted him

Over time, many of the imprisoned high-ranking Kuomintang generals changed their thinking. Gongdelin Prison is not only a physical cage for them, but also a spiritual baptismal ground. In his last speech in prison, he said: "From hostility to understanding, here is my interpretation and distillation of this historical event:

Shen Zui recalled being captured, Huaye had the best food, and Wang Yaowu did not give meat to the generals of the national army who had pitted him

In the long history of China, the last years of the Republic of China were a special period, full of wars and disputes over regime change. In 1949, with the establishment of the People's Republic of China, many high-ranking generals of the Kuomintang remained on the mainland. These former military and political leaders faced an unprecedented turn of fortune under the new regime. The establishment of the Beijing Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center is not only a place for physical restrictions on these figures, but also symbolizes the end of an era and the beginning of a new life.

Shen Zui recalled being captured, Huaye had the best food, and Wang Yaowu did not give meat to the generals of the national army who had pitted him

In Beijing in 1956, on a cold morning, the iron gate of Gongdelin Prison slowly opened. A number of high-ranking Kuomintang generals such as Du Yuming and Wang Yaowu were imprisoned here. For them, this is not only physical imprisonment, but also a process of mental torture and self-reflection.

Shen Zui recalled being captured, Huaye had the best food, and Wang Yaowu did not give meat to the generals of the national army who had pitted him

Du Yuming, the once imposing Kuomintang general, lived a very different life in prison than on the battlefield. In a late-night conversation with prison guards, he mused: "Living here, every day reflects on past choices. The prison guard responded: "General Du, this is a place for rethinking and a place for washing the soul." ”

Wang Yaowu, as Chiang Kai-shek's confidant, his transformation was particularly complicated. During a group discussion in prison, he said fondly: "We have all fought for ideals, and now it's time to re-examine what those ideals really mean." These words resonated deeply with the people around him.

Shen Zui recalled being captured, Huaye had the best food, and Wang Yaowu did not give meat to the generals of the national army who had pitted him

In this closed environment, the changes in intoxication are the most remarkable. He was a high-ranking cadre of the military command and was extremely hostile to the Communist Party. In the course of long-term ideological education and reflection, he began to understand that the establishment of New China was not accidental, but a historical necessity. Shen Zui said after a group study: "I began to understand that true courage is not only about fighting on the battlefield, but also about facing one's past and mistakes. ”

In addition to reflection and learning, the daily life of these senior generals also includes some special festival activities. Whenever the National Day or Spring Festival comes, the prison authorities will relax some rules, allowing them to carry out some cultural and sports activities, and even organize small celebrations. In these activities, Shen Zui often plays a role in Peking Opera, expressing his emotions and thoughts in the form of traditional art.

Shen Zui recalled being captured, Huaye had the best food, and Wang Yaowu did not give meat to the generals of the national army who had pitted him

With the passage of time, these once iron-blooded generals have undergone profound changes in their thinking. Many of them began to accept the policies of the new China, realizing that their past behavior needed to be re-evaluated under the new historical conditions. In 1975, with the development of society and changes in policy, the Kung Tak Lin prison was gradually closed, and these former senior Kuomintang generals were released or pardoned.

Shen Zui recalled being captured, Huaye had the best food, and Wang Yaowu did not give meat to the generals of the national army who had pitted him