
After 50 years, the protagonists of "Lusheng Love Song" met, and Song Xuejuan burst into tears when she saw her former "lovers".

author:Meow meow talks about things

In China in the 1950s, the founding of the People's Republic of China brought about dramatic social changes and cultural revival. During this period, the state attached great importance to the development of cultural industries, especially the film industry, as an important tool to disseminate socialist values and enhance the spiritual outlook of the people. Movies not only reflect the spirit of the times, but also shape the emotions and ideals of a generation. In this context, a film depicting national heroes and love stories, "Lusheng Love Song", was born, which not only shows the customs of ethnic minorities, but also profoundly depicts the complex and deep emotional entanglements between the protagonists.

After 50 years, the protagonists of "Lusheng Love Song" met, and Song Xuejuan burst into tears when she saw her former "lovers".

In the spring of 1955, in a modest audition room at the Changchun Film Studio, the young Song Xuejuan waited nervously. In front of her sat several serious directors and screenwriters, and she was about to audition for Nava, the heroine of "Lusheng Love Song", a beautiful and strong Lahu woman.

After 50 years, the protagonists of "Lusheng Love Song" met, and Song Xuejuan burst into tears when she saw her former "lovers".

Director Mr. Zhu Guangqian broke the silence: "Song Xuejuan, are you ready?" This role requires not only external beauty, but also inner strength. ”

Song Xuejuan took a deep breath and replied, "Yes, director." I'll use all my power to interpret Nava. ”

After 50 years, the protagonists of "Lusheng Love Song" met, and Song Xuejuan burst into tears when she saw her former "lovers".

The auditions began. Song Xuejuan affectionately recited the scene of Nava's first encounter with the male protagonist Zatu in the script. Her voice gradually took on strength, as if she had really become the Lahu woman who was fighting against fate on the banks of the Lancang River. At the end of the audition, the directors smiled at each other, knowing that Nava had found them.

A few weeks later, the official shooting began. Song Xuejuan met Wang Jie, who played Zato, a handsome and affectionate Northeast guy on the set. The first scene between the two is in the mountains and forests, where Zatu appears to the sound of reeds, and Nava shyly bows her head among the flowers.

After 50 years, the protagonists of "Lusheng Love Song" met, and Song Xuejuan burst into tears when she saw her former "lovers".

Wang Jie said to Song Xuejuan: "We came to this story to make the audience believe in the power of love and sacrifice. Let's bring this innocent emotion to every audience. ”

As the filming deepened, Song Xuejuan and Wang Jie gradually immersed themselves in the characters, and their performances were natural and full of emotion. Especially in the separate scene they performed, Song Xuejuan's tears were so real that even the staff were moved.

After 50 years, the protagonists of "Lusheng Love Song" met, and Song Xuejuan burst into tears when she saw her former "lovers".

After the filming ended, Song Xuejuan and Wang Jie both felt an indescribable loss. The deep emotions they established in the film have also left indelible traces in reality.

After 50 years, the protagonists of "Lusheng Love Song" met, and Song Xuejuan burst into tears when she saw her former "lovers".

Many years later, when the old crew of "Lusheng Love Song" reunited in a TV show, Song Xuejuan met Wang Jie again. The years have left traces on the faces of the two, but when their eyes meet, the former emotion seems to return to their hearts. Song Xuejuan looked at Wang Jie, tears slipped quietly, and she whispered, "Zato, Nawa finally waited for you to come back." ”

After 50 years, the protagonists of "Lusheng Love Song" met, and Song Xuejuan burst into tears when she saw her former "lovers".

Wang Jie clasped her hand and said with emotion: "Xuejuan, the love we created on the screen has moved countless people, and this emotion has also deeply affected our lives. ”

After 50 years, the protagonists of "Lusheng Love Song" met, and Song Xuejuan burst into tears when she saw her former "lovers".

This is a story about time and memory, love and reunion. In "Lusheng Love Song", Song Xuejuan and Wang Jie convey an emotional connection that transcends time and space through the screen. The reunion after many years is not only a personal emotional retrospective, but also a tribute to the artistic creations of the past. Their stories tell us that art can transcend the boundaries of time and space, touch the depths of the heart, and leave an eternal mark. Just like the melody of the reed sheng, it resounded through the valley and echoed in the hearts of every lover for a long time. In the changing world, sincere emotions and the power of art have always been the constant melody of human resonance.

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