
Was he a founding major general or deputy minister of general logistics, who was dismissed from his post at the age of 62 and lived by picking up scrap in his later years?

author:Meow meow talks about things

In the magnificent historical picture of modern China, there is a type of character who has always played an important role. They were not only direct participants in the war, but also witnesses of historical changes. Ding Xianguo, a peasant son born in Macheng, Hubei Province in 1909, experienced many internal and external wars throughout his life from the end of the feudal dynasty to the establishment of the Republic and then. The story of Ding Xianguo is a microcosm of modern Chinese history, especially the Jute Uprising in which he participated, as well as the subsequent War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, all of which profoundly reflect the complexity and variability of that era.

Was he a founding major general or deputy minister of general logistics, who was dismissed from his post at the age of 62 and lived by picking up scrap in his later years?

In the hot summer of 1937, Ding Xianguo, as a member of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, was urgently moving south with the team, preparing to participate in the battle against the Japanese army. During the march, news came that the friendly forces had won a shocking victory at Pingxingguan. This news was like a shot in the arm and boosted the morale of all the soldiers.

"Comrades, our comrades-in-arms have won a beautiful battle, and now it is our turn to continue to write brilliantly!" Ding Xianguo stood in front of the team and loudly encouraged his comrades.

Soon they received a new order: to reconnoiter the Japanese airfield near Yangmingbao. Ding Xianguo and his comrades-in-arms from the Political Training Office went to investigate in the dark at night. Through close reconnaissance, they discovered the location of the Japanese airfield and the weak points of its defense.

"Instructor Chen, we can launch a surprise attack from the foot of the mountain on the east side, where the Japanese garrison is relatively weak." Ding Xianguo pointed on the map and reported to Chen Xilian.

Was he a founding major general or deputy minister of general logistics, who was dismissed from his post at the age of 62 and lived by picking up scrap in his later years?

After receiving approval, Ding Xianguo personally led the team to carry out a night attack. They quietly approached the airfield and then suddenly attacked. The fierce battle lasted for an hour, and in the end they managed to destroy 24 enemy planes and kill more than 100 Japanese soldiers.

After the battle, despite the victory, there were also more than 30 casualties in the regiment. Feeling guilty, Chen wrote a letter of review to his superiors. However, unexpectedly, not only were they not criticized, but instead received congratulatory telegrams from the 129th Division and the Kuomintang high-level, and each of them was rewarded with two oceans.

"Ding Yuzi, you did a good job!" Li Xiannian said to Ding Xianguo on the phone.

Was he a founding major general or deputy minister of general logistics, who was dismissed from his post at the age of 62 and lived by picking up scrap in his later years?

Although this battle was small, it played a key role in the subsequent Battle of Yikou. As a result, Ding Xianguo's name became more prestigious among the troops.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Ding Xianguo did not stop and continued to play an important role in the War of Liberation. In 1946, the Kuomintang launched a large-scale attack on the liberated areas, and the 37th Regiment where Ding Xianguo was located was appointed as the vanguard regiment. In a key breakthrough battle, Li Xiannian ordered him: "When it gets dark, you must fight a bloody way for me!" "

Ding Xianguo immediately deployed the operation, he organized a death squad, took the lead in the charge, and personally served as the commando leader. In the night, the sound of gunfire and shouts is intertwined into a symphony of battlefields. Under his leadership, the PLA soldiers were brave and fearless, and finally managed to break through the siege under the enemy's intensive firepower, gaining precious time for the safe retreat of the main forces.

Was he a founding major general or deputy minister of general logistics, who was dismissed from his post at the age of 62 and lived by picking up scrap in his later years?

After the war, Ding Xianguo gradually rose to senior military rank because of his outstanding military talent and heroic performance, became the founding major general, and served as the deputy director of the General Logistics Department. Just when his career was in full swing, at the age of 62, he was suddenly dismissed from his post for a baffling reason that had not been made public.

In his later years, Ding Xianguo returned to a peaceful life in Chongqing. Despite being in a high position, he chose a modest and mundane lifestyle. Neighbors often see him picking up waste on the street, and he always smiles, as if he has found inner peace and satisfaction in this ordinary life.

Was he a founding major general or deputy minister of general logistics, who was dismissed from his post at the age of 62 and lived by picking up scrap in his later years?

Until the day of Ding Xianguo's death, his life was still as simple as ever. His death made the people around him deeply regretful, but more than that, it was a deep admiration for the veteran general's past brilliant achievements and perseverance in his later years. The story of Ding Xianguo spread in the small streets and alleys of Chongqing and became a good story among many people.

Ding Xianguo's life is a microcosm of that turbulent era. He is not only a hero on the battlefield, but also a fighter in life. Faced with the difficulties of his later years, he showed the dignity and demeanor of a warrior with perseverance. His story teaches us that no matter what stage of life we are in or what difficulties we face, we should maintain inner peace and steadfastness. As the poet said, "The years are long, the grass is green, the brave are fearless, the lonely sail is far away and the blue sky is exhausted, and only the Yangtze River skyline can be seen." Ding Xianguo's life is such a picture of a lonely sail and a distant shadow, showing his unyielding personality charm in the waves.

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