
5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be embarrassed to look at it

author:Dr. Ren Health Talk

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Xiao Ming is a young and promising programmer who works in front of the computer for more than ten hours a day.

Recently, he has found himself feeling tired and weak all the time, and his libido has dropped significantly.

At first, he attributed the symptoms to work stress and an irregular life.

5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be embarrassed to look at it

However, as time went on, his problems with sexual function became more and more serious, and even began to affect his married life.

With the encouragement of his wife, Xiao Ming decided to go to the hospital for a detailed examination.

After arriving at the hospital, Xiao Ming first underwent a series of routine tests, such as blood tests, urine tests, etc.

5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be embarrassed to look at it

The results showed that his physical indicators were basically normal.

However, when the doctor asked him about his sex life, Xiao was obviously a little embarrassed and flickering.

"Xiao Ming, I noticed that you seem to be a little evasive about sexual topics.

5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be embarrassed to look at it

As a doctor, I have to ask, have you been feeling a decrease in libido or sexual dysfunction lately?" The doctor asked.

Xiao Ming blushed and nodded: "Yes, doctor." I have indeed recently felt a noticeable decrease in libido, and sometimes even had trouble getting an erection and premature ejaculation. This made me feel very distressed and inferior. "

The doctor comforted him and said, "Don't worry too much, it's not uncommon and it's most likely related to your lifestyle and stress."

5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be embarrassed to look at it

We also need to do some further tests to rule out other possible causes. "

During subsequent examinations, the doctor found that Xiao Ming's testosterone level was low.

Testosterone is an important male hormone in the male body and plays a vital role in maintaining libido and sexual function.

5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be embarrassed to look at it

Doctors recommend that Xiao Ming improve his lifestyle habits, such as eating a reasonable diet, exercising moderately, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress.

At the same time, doctors also prescribe some complementary medications, such as tadalafil (viagra), to help improve sexual function.

The doctor also told Xiao Ming that sexual function problems are not only physical problems, but also closely related to psychological factors.

5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be embarrassed to look at it

Excessive anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and other negative emotions can lead to a decrease in sexual function.

Therefore, maintaining a positive and optimistic mindset and learning to release stress can also be very helpful in restoring sexual health.

After a period of treatment and lifestyle adjustments, Xiao Ming's sexual function problems have improved significantly.

5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be embarrassed to look at it

He regained his libido, his erectile function became stronger, and premature ejaculation was largely gone.

This revitalized his married life with his wife. What's more, Xiao Ming realizes that sexual health is closely related to overall health and needs to be taken seriously.

In fact, situations like Xiao Ming's are not uncommon among men.

5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be embarrassed to look at it

Many people have been misled by certain "trivia" about sexuality, believing that certain phenomena are normal, or that there are misconceptions about sexual health issues.

Some people believe that decreased libido is a normal phenomenon of aging and does not require special attention;

Some people believe that frequent masturbation can lead to sexual dysfunction, which can cause serious psychological stress on themselves;

5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be embarrassed to look at it

There are also those who blindly believe in the saying that "the more sex you have, the healthier it is", and over-solicit or cooperate with their partner's needs, which is counterproductive.

In fact, these seemingly correct "trivia" often lack scientific basis and may even have a negative impact on people's sexual health.

It is true that decreased libido may be age-related, but more often it is due to factors such as lifestyle, psychological stress, illness, etc.

5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be embarrassed to look at it

If there is a significant decrease in libido and it does not improve for a period of time, it is necessary to pay attention to it and seek medical help in time.

Although excessive masturbation does not directly cause sexual dysfunction, long-term excessive masturbation may affect sexual sensitivity and increase psychological burden, thereby indirectly affecting sexual function.

There is no fixed standard for the frequency of sexual life, the key is to decide according to the actual situation and needs of both parties, and do not blindly compare or force yourself.

5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be embarrassed to look at it

Sexual health is a complex topic that involves physiological, psychological, social, and more.

We should not blindly believe in some specious "cold knowledge", but should take a scientific approach to sexual health issues.

Once you have sexual dysfunction or other sexual health problems, seek professional medical help in time, rather than blindly trying or listening to home remedies.

5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be embarrassed to look at it

At the same time, we should pay attention to adjusting our lifestyle, develop good diet, exercise, and sleep habits, learn to relieve stress, maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, and strengthen communication and understanding with our partners.

These seemingly simple details of life are of great significance to maintaining men's sexual health and overall health.

In modern society, people are more open to discussing sexual topics, but sexual health education is still insufficient.

5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be embarrassed to look at it

Many people lack the right understanding of their sexual health or are ashamed to speak up and ignore the underlying problems.

This requires us to change our mindset, abandon prejudices, and approach sexual health in a more open, rational and responsible manner.

All sectors of society should also strengthen sexual health education, popularize scientific knowledge, and help people establish correct sexual concepts.

5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be embarrassed to look at it

Sexual health is relevant to everyone, including physical health, mental health, and marital happiness.

We should face up to sexual health problems, learn scientific knowledge, and not be misled by specious "cold knowledge".

At the same time, we should pay attention to the improvement of lifestyle and strengthen the maintenance of physical and mental health, so as to have a healthy, harmonious and pleasant sex life and improve the overall quality of life.

5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be embarrassed to look at it

Remember, everyone should take responsibility for their own sexual health, be brave enough to face problems, seek medical attention promptly, and not ignore potential harm because of momentary shame or ignorance.

Let's work together to promote the development of sexual health education, so that more people can have a healthy and happy sex life!

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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