
Wu Sangui: Led the Qing army into the customs, Chong Guan was angry and turned red, and the rebellion of the three feudal clans finally came to an end!

author:Onigiri says things

The big figures in history often have complex and multifaceted lives, and Wu Sangui is undoubtedly one of them. This Liaodong general, who had ups and downs in his life, from a hero guarding the border to a "traitor" who led the Qing army into the customs, and then rebelled against the Qing Dynasty in his later years, every choice he made profoundly affected the direction of China's history. Do you know why Wu Sangui went from being a loyal general of the Ming Dynasty to a helper of the Qing Dynasty?

Wu Sangui: Led the Qing army into the customs, Chong Guan was angry and turned red, and the rebellion of the three feudal clans finally came to an end!

The name Wu Sangui is full of controversy and legend in Chinese history. His life can be said to have gone from one extreme to the other. In his early years, Wu Sangui was a loyal border general of the Ming Dynasty, but later became the founder of the Qing Dynasty, and finally rebelled against the Qing Dynasty and established himself as king.

Wu Sangui: Led the Qing army into the customs, Chong Guan was angry and turned red, and the rebellion of the three feudal clans finally came to an end!

In 1628, at the age of sixteen, Wu Sangui demonstrated his extraordinary military prowess in Jinzhou City. That year, his father, Wu Xiang, was on patrol outside the city when he was unfortunately besieged by the Eight Banners Army of the Later Jin. Faced with the situation of being outnumbered, most people may choose to protect themselves, but Wu Sangui desperately asked his uncle and ancestor Dashou to send troops to rescue. In the end, without sufficient support, he personally led the only 20 or so family members to break through and rescue his father desperately. This feat not only showed his courage and determination, but also earned him the respect and love of the people of Jinzhou.

Wu Sangui: Led the Qing army into the customs, Chong Guan was angry and turned red, and the rebellion of the three feudal clans finally came to an end!

The wheels of history rolled forward, and with the successive defeats and retreats in the last years of the Ming Dynasty, Wu Sangui faced a more complicated situation. In 1644, the Ming Dynasty was already in danger, Li Zicheng's peasant army invaded Beijing, Emperor Chongzhen hanged himself, and the Ming Dynasty was declared extinct. At this time, the Qing army was approaching Shanhaiguan, and Wu Sangui was faced with a difficult choice: should he remain loyal to the Ming Dynasty, which no longer existed, or should he find another way out?

Wu Sangui: Led the Qing army into the customs, Chong Guan was angry and turned red, and the rebellion of the three feudal clans finally came to an end!

As we all know, Wu Sangui finally chose the latter. For his personal love, it is said that in order to rescue his lover Chen Yuanyuan, who was kidnapped by Li Zicheng, he decided to "lure the wolf into the room" and switch Yingqing. Although this decision helped the Qing army pacify the Central Plains in one fell swoop, it also made him bear the infamy of being a "national traitor".

Wu Sangui: Led the Qing army into the customs, Chong Guan was angry and turned red, and the rebellion of the three feudal clans finally came to an end!

After the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, Wu Sangui was named the king of Pingxi, and the scenery was infinite. He assisted the Qing army in quelling the rebellion of the three feudatories, and made outstanding achievements. The expansion of power and the doubts of his later years led him to eventually embark on the path of rebellion. In 1674, he launched the famous "Rebellion of the Three Feudatories" against the Qing Dynasty. Although the move initially achieved some victories, it ultimately ended in failure due to a lack of sufficient support and a strong counterattack by the Qing army. After a series of defeats, Wu Sangui died of illness in 1678, leaving behind an unfinished dream.

Wu Sangui: Led the Qing army into the customs, Chong Guan was angry and turned red, and the rebellion of the three feudal clans finally came to an end!

Wu Sangui's life is full of drama and contradictions. He was once a hero of the frontier, guarding the territory and the people; He was also a power seeker, not hesitating to cooperate with foreign enemies in order to achieve personal revenge and the expansion of power. Each of his choices profoundly affected his fate and the lives of those around him. In his rebellion in his later years, we can see the fear of a once powerful king who is out of control of power and reflects on his past choices.

Wu Sangui: Led the Qing army into the customs, Chong Guan was angry and turned red, and the rebellion of the three feudal clans finally came to an end!

Wu Sangui is not only a personal history, but also a microcosm of that turbulent era. In the context of such a great era as the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the fate of countless people has fluctuated in the torrent of history. Although Wu Sangui's choices are sometimes incomprehensible, the trajectory of his life reflects the joys and sorrows and complex psychology of the characters of that era.

Wu Sangui: Led the Qing army into the customs, Chong Guan was angry and turned red, and the rebellion of the three feudal clans finally came to an end!

Looking back at Wu Sangui's life, it is not difficult to find that history is often more tortuous and dramatic than fiction. From a frontier general to a key figure in the Qing Dynasty, to a rebel identity change, every step is full of power games and difficult personal choices. Although his fame has been controversial, it is undeniable that his life is the most profound footnote of that era. In discussing Wu Sangui, it also makes us think about how individuals should maintain their hearts and make the most ethical and rational choices in the turbulent world when the great wheel of history rolls forward.