
"It is recommended to cancel the pension subsidy for farmers! Because they don't contribute..."What do you think about this?

author:Milk tea says things

The existence of the peasant pension subsidy has been strongly questioned, and some people have even put forward proposals to abolish this benefit, and the rhetoric is simply jaw-dropping.

The emergence of this proposal has not only sparked a wide range of discussions, but also led people to revisit this controversial topic.

"It is recommended to cancel the pension subsidy for farmers! Because they don't contribute..."What do you think about this?

Faced with such a situation, we can't help but ask, is this suggestion really tenable?

The contribution of old farmers cannot be ignored

The old farmers, the true guardians of this land, contribute more than farming and raising their families! Their story is one of the most moving chapters in the magnificent history of the motherland.

"It is recommended to cancel the pension subsidy for farmers! Because they don't contribute..."What do you think about this?

Looking back on history, when the country was in danger, they shed their blood and even sacrificed their lives, making great contributions to the freedom and dignity of the motherland.

In the wind and rain of every Anti-Japanese War, they are not only the logistics of the soldiers, but also the main force of the Anti-Japanese War!

During those tragic years, the old peasants shouldered the burden of their families, but they rushed to the battlefield without hesitation.

"It is recommended to cancel the pension subsidy for farmers! Because they don't contribute..."What do you think about this?

They are either ordinary militiamen or nameless anti-Japanese volunteers, but their figures are engraved in the long history of the Anti-Japanese War.

They wore the stars and the moon, walked through the steep mountains and forests, patrolled the remote villages, and guarded the territory of the motherland with loyalty and perseverance.

Even on the fertile soil where the war was raging, the old farmers never gave up their attachment and love for the land.

"It is recommended to cancel the pension subsidy for farmers! Because they don't contribute..."What do you think about this?

With their thin bodies and tenacious perseverance, they cultivated the fields of hope on the battlefield full of artillery fire.

In that blood-soaked land, they sowed the hope of the nation and reaped the fruits of victory.

Their sweat watered the vast mountains and rivers of the motherland, and their hard work forged a chapter of victory during the Anti-Japanese War.

What is even more awe-inspiring is that they do not enjoy social security, but they do have endless hard work and dedication.

"It is recommended to cancel the pension subsidy for farmers! Because they don't contribute..."What do you think about this?

In the years when they ran out of ammunition and food, they used the last drop of blood and the last bullet to protect the dignity and glory of the motherland.

They are unknown, but they write a legend of loyalty and responsibility with practical actions.

A fair society should have fair treatment

In today's society, pensions in cities are rising, while the pension subsidies for old farmers can barely make ends meet.

"It is recommended to cancel the pension subsidy for farmers! Because they don't contribute..."What do you think about this?

This phenomenon can't help but make people ponder, is there unfair treatment of old farmers? A fair society should be embodied in the fair treatment of every worker, and the treatment of the old peasants is obviously unreasonable.

Looking back on their lives, they once silently dedicated their youth and sweat to the country.

When they were young, they worked hard in the cold winter and heat, and silently contributed to the country's food security.

"It is recommended to cancel the pension subsidy for farmers! Because they don't contribute..."What do you think about this?

In all times when the country was in crisis, they threw themselves into the battlefield without hesitation, throwing away their heads and spilling their blood to defend the dignity and territory of the motherland.

However, when they grow old, society's rewards pale and inadequate.

The high pension in the city is a kind of respect and reward for the long-term hard work of urban residents, but the pension allowance of old farmers is far from comparable.

"It is recommended to cancel the pension subsidy for farmers! Because they don't contribute..."What do you think about this?

Their pensions can barely maintain basic living needs, and they are often unable to cope with the expenses of medical care and children's education.

This obvious difference in treatment makes people lament that the society's respect and care for the old farmers are far from enough.

The concept of a fair society requires us to pay attention to the living conditions of every worker, especially for the older generation of farmers who have paid for the country, and we should give due respect and care.

"It is recommended to cancel the pension subsidy for farmers! Because they don't contribute..."What do you think about this?

We cannot allow those old peasants who once sacrificed their youth and sweat for the motherland to fall into economic hardship in their old age and be forgotten on the margins of society.

On the contrary, we should adopt a sound social security system and policies to ensure that the old peasants can have a secure life in their old age and enjoy the dignity and comfort they deserve.

Social responsibility cannot be abolished lightly

Life as a farmer has never been easy.

"It is recommended to cancel the pension subsidy for farmers! Because they don't contribute..."What do you think about this?

They work silently on the land and carry the heavy responsibility of the motherland's food, but they often can only rely on meager subsidies to maintain food and clothing.

Such a life dilemma makes people feel that they have more than enough to do.

As a country, we have the responsibility to ensure the quality of life of every citizen, especially those old farmers who have sacrificed their youth and sweat for the country.

"It is recommended to cancel the pension subsidy for farmers! Because they don't contribute..."What do you think about this?

The abolition of the peasants' pension allowance is tantamount to an injury to the country's history and a betrayal to the peasants.

These old peasants are the founders of national construction, the witnesses of the glorious history of the motherland, and the spiritual pillars of the Chinese nation.

They work in the busy season and carry the hope of food; In the midst of war, he threw himself into the battlefield without hesitation to defend the dignity and territory of the country.

"It is recommended to cancel the pension subsidy for farmers! Because they don't contribute..."What do you think about this?

Their hard work and selfless dedication have created the glorious history of the country, and they are the people's heroes who will always be respected and remembered.

However, the reality is harsh.

The old farmers are facing difficulties in their later years, and the meager pension allowance is far from meeting their basic living needs.

"It is recommended to cancel the pension subsidy for farmers! Because they don't contribute..."What do you think about this?

They may not have the generous pensions in the city, but their efforts and contributions are just as worthy of respect and reward.

The abolition of the peasants' pension allowance will make their life worse in their old age, which is tantamount to a ruthless erasure of their life's work.

As a country, we should pay more attention to the living conditions of old farmers, and ensure the dignity and comfort of their old age by increasing policy support.

"It is recommended to cancel the pension subsidy for farmers! Because they don't contribute..."What do you think about this?

Only in this way can we truly respect and repay the older generation of farmers, so that they can live a comfortable life in their old age and enjoy the dignity and care they deserve.


For the old farmers, the pension subsidy is a symbol of their lifelong struggle, and it is also the country's affirmation of their hard work.

"It is recommended to cancel the pension subsidy for farmers! Because they don't contribute..."What do you think about this?

The abolition of this benefit is undoubtedly disrespectful to the older generation of farmers, and it is also a departure from a fair society.

We can't let this generation of old farmers be forgotten! So, what do you think about the cancellation of farmers' pension subsidies?

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