
From secondary school to doctorate, with a monthly salary of 500 to an annual salary of million, how did she counterattack when she was divorced with a baby?

author:The Ninth Sister's Reserved Land

Editor/Nine Sisters

From the lowest degree of secondary school to the highest degree of doctorate, from 500 months a month to an annual salary of one million, 16 to 39 years old, married and divorced with two babies, this woman's tenacious efforts are worth learning from everyone?

Recently, I brushed up on an article called "Female Doctor Qingqing", which is a very inspirational woman.

From secondary school to doctorate, with a monthly salary of 500 to an annual salary of million, how did she counterattack when she was divorced with a baby?

Blogger Qingqing was born in 1985,

In 2002, Qingqing graduated from secondary school,

Like all girls, she dreams of a big city and experiences a colorful life.

At the age of 16, she took a secondary school graduation certificate, said goodbye to her parents soon after graduation, stepped on the train to Beijing, and began her road to the north.

From secondary school to doctorate, with a monthly salary of 500 to an annual salary of million, how did she counterattack when she was divorced with a baby?

At the beginning, because of her low education, Qingqing couldn't find a good job in Beijing, so she could only stand at the counter, get a salary of 500 yuan a month, and live a very hard life.

Even 20 years ago, Beijing's consumption was not low, Qingqing's salary of 500 yuan, the rest was to go out with the little sister a few times, where is enough to spend.

So when she was 18 years old, she made a life-changing decision to prepare for college.

She was at the counter of Xidan Station during the day, and after work, she took the bus to Fengbei to a cram school.

From secondary school to doctorate, with a monthly salary of 500 to an annual salary of million, how did she counterattack when she was divorced with a baby?

Opportunity is reserved for those who are prepared, Qingqing worked hard during the day and studied hard at night, and when she was 20 years old, she was finally admitted to Capital Normal University.

She went to work and studied at the same time, and she persevered for four years.

From secondary school to doctorate, with a monthly salary of 500 to an annual salary of million, how did she counterattack when she was divorced with a baby?

In the second year after graduating from university, she applied for a job in a foreign company.

During her work, she listened to her colleagues speak English well, and her income could be doubled.

So she enrolled in a class to learn English, hired a tutor, and in three years, EF Business English learned from level 2 to level 12. The annual salary is more than one million.

From secondary school to doctorate, with a monthly salary of 500 to an annual salary of million, how did she counterattack when she was divorced with a baby?

Qingqing, who has an annual salary of one million and a successful career, met her beloved other half at the age of 31, and she got married and had children.

It was also from that year that she started the graduate school entrance examination again, and due to the influence of work, pregnancy, etc., she did very poorly in the first year.

From secondary school to doctorate, with a monthly salary of 500 to an annual salary of million, how did she counterattack when she was divorced with a baby?

Refusing to admit defeat, she chose World War II, and she didn't pass World War II, so she chose World War III.

In the third year, he was finally admitted to the University of International Business and Economics.

In 2017, Qingqing was in charge of the artificial intelligence business at Baidu's headquarters, traveling across the country from Monday to Friday, studying for an MBA on Saturday, and obtaining a master's degree in two years.

2021 is a turning point in Qingqing's life.

From secondary school to doctorate, with a monthly salary of 500 to an annual salary of million, how did she counterattack when she was divorced with a baby?

Soon after she gave birth to her second daughter this year, she divorced her husband and ended her five-year marriage, and it was also this year that she was unemployed.

A woman who is divorced and unemployed within a year will collapse many women, but Qingqing is very strong, and she chooses to study for a doctorate full-time.

After two years of study in China and one year of study in South Korea, she finally got her doctorate at the age of 39 this year.

From secondary school to doctorate, with a monthly salary of 500 to an annual salary of million, how did she counterattack when she was divorced with a baby?

I really admire Qingqing, she is motivated and hardworking, and she can endure hardships.


Qingqing is a very hard-working and assertive girl.

From the first month's salary, she felt that this was not the life she wanted.

From secondary school to doctorate, with a monthly salary of 500 to an annual salary of million, how did she counterattack when she was divorced with a baby?

She must study hard and strive for a better life.

Qingqing knows in her heart that people at the bottom can only study if they want to get ahead, so she has been studying for the past 22 years since she was 16 years old.

Think about it differently, if Qingqing hadn't chosen to study and go to university by herself twenty years ago, she would now live an ordinary life like us ordinary people.

From secondary school to doctorate, with a monthly salary of 500 to an annual salary of million, how did she counterattack when she was divorced with a baby?

Now that she has obtained her doctorate, she has more choices for finding a job, more choices in life, and her life is getting better and better.

In life, I really have never met a woman who works so hard and has self-discipline.

From secondary school to doctorate, with a monthly salary of 500 to an annual salary of million, how did she counterattack when she was divorced with a baby?

The material comes from: Female Doctor Qingqing, infringement and deletion!