
The stepmother had a private meeting with someone at night, and the woman quietly followed, and the woman: You should soak the pig cage

author:Arvin Film & TV Clip XVLM

The stepmother had a private meeting with someone at night, and the woman quietly followed: You should dip in the pig cage

In the ancient East, there is a mountain range called Maoshan Mountain, which stands majestically and is shrouded in mist, and it is rumored that countless mysterious spells and spirits are hidden in the mountain. There is a small village called Qingyang at the foot of Maoshan Mountain, where the villagers work at sunrise and rest at sunset, living a simple and quiet life. However, in this quiet village, there is a secret that no one knows.

There is a woman named Xiaomei in Qingyang Village, she is beautiful and has a tough personality. Xiaomei's mother died of illness at an early age, and her father married a stepmother in order to take care of her. The stepmother's surname is Li, and she is a middle-aged woman who still has charm, she is polite to Xiaomei on the surface, but secretly she often sneers at her, which makes Xiaomei's life uncomfortable.

One night, when Xiaomei got up at night, she accidentally found that her stepmother Li's room was brightly lit, and there was a faint whisper of a man. Suspicious, she crept close to the window and peeked through the crack. I saw that Li was talking intimately with a strange man, and the two behaved ambiguously, obviously a private meeting. Xiaomei's heart sank, she knew that she had inadvertently broken her stepmother's ugly thing.

Xiaomei decides to investigate the matter secretly, and she discovers that her stepmother, Lee, and the man have a private meeting every night, and the relationship between the two seems to be getting closer. Xiaomei has mixed feelings, she is both sad about what happened to her father and worried about the reputation of the village. She is determined to find out the truth and expose her stepmother's ugly deeds.

Late one night, Xiaomei quietly followed her stepmother Li again, only to see her walk through the alleys in the village and come to a ruined temple outside the village. The man had been waiting for him, and the two hugged each other as soon as they met. Xiaomei hid in the shadows, angry in her heart. She decided to capture the adulterer and adulteress, leaving them with nowhere to hide.

At this moment, a strange laughter suddenly came from inside the ruined temple. Xiaomei was shocked, only to see a strange man in a black robe walking out of the temple, his face was hideous, and his eyes were glowing red. The strange man came to Li and the man, and said gloomily, "Do you think that no one knows about the private meeting? In fact, I have long been aware of what you are doing. If you want to save your life, you have to do what I tell you to do. ”

The stepmother had a private meeting with someone at night, and the woman quietly followed, and the woman: You should soak the pig cage

When Li and the man heard this, they immediately turned pale with fright. They nodded their heads in succession, indicating that they were willing to obey the strange man's orders. The strange man smirked, turned and disappeared into the night. Xiaomei hid in the shadows, shocked in her heart. She realizes that the strange man must be a demonic creature, and that her stepmother, Lee, and the man are being manipulated by him.

Mei is determined to find out the origin of this strange man and uncover his true colors. She began to inquire around for news, asking the old people in the village about the legend of the Maoshan spirit. After some hard work, she finally learned that the strange man was a demon fox in Maoshan Mountain, who had been cultivating for many years, and was good at confusing people's minds and taking pleasure in manipulating others.

Xiaomei has a plan in her heart, and she decides to use her wisdom to subdue this demon fox and rescue her stepmother Li and the man who are controlled by her. She began to secretly practice Maoshan spells, preparing to compete with the demon fox.

As the days passed, Mei's spells became more and more sophisticated. Finally, one night, she came to the broken temple, ready to start a life-and-death battle with the demon fox. She took a deep breath and stepped into the ruined temple. I saw that the demon fox was sitting on the throne in the center of the temple, and the Li family and the man knelt at his feet, trembling.

Xiaomei shouted: "Demon fox! How dare you cause trouble in the world here, today I will do the right thing for heaven and eradicate you evil things! When the demon fox heard this, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. He stood up and sneered: "Little girl, dare to challenge me? Do you think you can subdue me with a few spells? ”

Xiaomei was not afraid, she waved the magic sword in her hand and attacked the demon fox. The two launched a fierce fight, and the spells were radiant, and the broken temple was in shambles. After a fierce battle, Xiaomei finally relied on her perseverance and wisdom to subdue the demon fox.

The demon fox collapsed to the ground, and let out an unwilling roar from his mouth. Xiaomei looked at him coldly and said, "You evil thing, you have been a scourge to the world for a long time, today I will seal you up and never suffer in the future!" With that, she began to chant the spell, preparing to seal the demon fox.

The stepmother had a private meeting with someone at night, and the woman quietly followed, and the woman: You should soak the pig cage

At this moment, Li and the man suddenly knelt in front of Xiaomei, kowtowed again and again, "Thank you girl for saving your life!" We were deceived by the demon fox to do such ugly things. Now that I have come to my senses, I feel guilty. We are willing to accept the punishment of the village to wash away our sins. ”

Xiaomei looked at the repentant appearance of the two, and couldn't help but be a little moved in her heart. She sighed and said, "Since you know that you can change your mistakes, there is still room for redemption. But after all, your actions are insulting to the village and must be punished. As for what to do with you, it is up to the villagers to decide together. ”

The villagers unanimously decided that Li and the man must publicly repent in front of the ancestral hall and accept the punishment of immersing in a pig cage as a warning. Immersing in a pig cage is the harshest punishment in the village, symbolizing the throwing of a guilty person into the water and letting the fish and shrimp eat their flesh to wash away their sins.

Li and the man knelt down in front of the ancestral hall, and they faced the villagers, tears streaming down their faces, and their voices trembling as they confessed their mistakes. The villagers looked at them with both anger and sympathy. After all, they were all from the village and used to be neighbors who lived in harmony. However, their actions have touched the bottom line of the village and must be duly punished.

At this moment, Xiaomei stood up. She looked at Li Shi and the man, and said in a deep voice: "Although you have made mistakes, since you have sincerely repented, I am willing to give you a chance to mend your ways." However, punishment is necessary, in order to preserve the rules and reputation of the village. ”

The villagers listened to Xiaomei's words and nodded in agreement. So Lee and the man were taken to the pond at the edge of the village, ready to be punished by dipping in a pig cage. They were tied to a pig cage, which was slowly sunk into the water. The villagers gathered around the pond and watched the scene in silence.

The stepmother had a private meeting with someone at night, and the woman quietly followed, and the woman: You should soak the pig cage

At this moment, a sudden gust of wind blew, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder. The villagers scattered in terror, leaving only Xiaomei and Li and the man in the pig cage. Xiaomei stared closely at the pig cage in the pond, only to see the pig cage shaking violently in the water, as if something was struggling.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck the pig cage. I saw a puff of black smoke coming out of the pig cage, and the figure of the demon fox emerged from it. He glared at Xiaomei and roared angrily: "You little girl, you dare to harm my good deeds!" I'm going to make you pay! ”

Xiaomei was not afraid, she waved the magic sword in her hand and started a fierce battle with the demon fox. The figures of the two staggered in the air, and the spells shone brightly. After a fierce battle, Xiaomei finally relied on her perseverance and wisdom to subdue the demon fox again.

This time, Xiaomei decided not to give the demon fox any more chances. She chanted a spell and sealed the demon fox in an ancient magic weapon. The magic weapon emitted bursts of golden light, completely suppressing the demon fox's demonic energy.

Seeing this, the villagers cheered. They looked at Mei gratefully and praised her as the hero of the village. Li and the man were also grateful, and they said that they would definitely change their ways and become new people in the future.

With the demon fox completely sealed, Qingyang Village regained its tranquility. The villagers came to thank Xiaomei and praised her for removing a big harm from the village. Xiaomei modestly said that she just did what she was supposed to do, and it was everyone's responsibility to protect the village.

The stepmother had a private meeting with someone at night, and the woman quietly followed, and the woman: You should soak the pig cage

After experiencing this lesson, Li and the man also sincerely repented and began to try to make up for their mistakes. They no longer meet privately, but return to their families and do their best to take care of them. The villagers saw their changes and gradually accepted them.

However, just as the village gradually returned to calm, one night, Xiaomei suddenly had a strange dream. She dreamed that she was standing on the top of Maoshan Mountain, surrounded by clouds and mist, and vaguely saw a woman dressed in white walking towards her. The woman had a delicate face and an elegant temperament, and she said to Xiaomei: "Although the demon fox has been sealed, its demonic energy is not exhausted, and it still needs to be vigilant. There are other spirits in Maoshan, they are good or evil, and they need to be dealt with carefully. ”

Mei wakes up from her dream, and she realizes that this may be a warning. So, she decided to go to Maoshan again to find out the identity of the woman in white and learn about the other spirits in Maoshan.

She took the magic weapon and set out on the road to Maoshan alone. After a long journey, she finally came to the top of Maoshan Mountain. There, she saw the woman in white again. The woman told her that she was the patron saint of Maoshan and that her name was Qingyao Fairy. There are indeed many spirits in Maoshan Mountain, some of them have cultivated into immortals, and some are still demons. Fairy Qingyao hopes that Xiaomei can continue to cultivate, improve her mana, become the guardian of Maoshan Mountain, and protect the villagers from demons.

After hearing this, Xiaomei's heart was excited. She told Fairy Qingyao that she was willing to become the guardian of Maoshan and protect the peace of the village. Fairy Qingyao smiled and nodded, and taught Xiaomei some advanced spells and cultivation experience.

Under the guidance of Fairy Qingyao, Xiaomei's mana is becoming more and more sophisticated. Not only did she learn how to distinguish between good and bad spirits, but she also learned how to communicate with them. She often communicates with the spirits in Maoshan to learn about their lives and cultivation, and to make sure that they do not harm the human world.

At the same time, Xiaomei has not forgotten her duties. She often returned to Qingyang Village to teach the villagers how to guard against evil spirits and protect themselves. She also organized the young people in the village to practice Maoshan spells together, so that they could become a new force in the village.

The stepmother had a private meeting with someone at night, and the woman quietly followed, and the woman: You should soak the pig cage

With Xiaomei's efforts, Qingyang Village has become stronger and stronger, and the lives of the villagers have become more and more peaceful. And the spirits in Maoshan also knew about Xiaomei's existence, they respected her, feared her, and no longer dared to easily harm the world.

In this way, Xiaomei became a bridge between Qingyang Village and Maoshan Mountain, and she used her wisdom and courage to guard the peace and harmony of this land. Her story has also been told by the villagers and has become a legend in the hearts of generations after generations.