
The proprietress in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" and the sister-in-law in "Young Marshal" are all dreams of married men

author:Ye Ning Wantang said entertainment

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Text: Yening Wantang said entertainment

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The proprietress in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" and the sister-in-law in "Young Marshal" are all dreams of married men


Do you remember those unique characters that flashed on the screen in your childhood? They are either tenacious and brave, or charming and gentle, all of which are impressive.

Today, let's revisit the wonderful role of Zhang Yaxin, a powerful actor, and appreciate her unique charm on the screen.

The proprietress in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" and the sister-in-law in "Young Marshal" are all dreams of married men

The indomitable heroine in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga".

Travel back in time to that war-torn era.

Jixian Juli, a peaceful and peaceful tavern, was caught up in the whirlpool of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

The proprietress played by Zhang Yaxin was originally just an ordinary businessman, but under the ravages of the Japanese army, she showed the tenacity and unyielding of women.

The proprietress in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" and the sister-in-law in "Young Marshal" are all dreams of married men

When Kameda, a Japanese officer, was intimidated by her charming appearance and tried to possess her, the proprietress confronted him without showing weakness.

Her firm eyes and neither humble nor arrogant demeanor all reveal a heroic and tenacious temperament.

Even in the face of the threat of gunpoint, she has no fear and sees death as home.

The proprietress in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" and the sister-in-law in "Young Marshal" are all dreams of married men

In that era when men were inferior to women, it was really admirable that a weak woman could have such courage and responsibility.

What is even more commendable is that when the young son of the family was captured by the Japanese army, the proprietress did not say a word, wittily hid the child on herself, and skillfully diverted the enemy's attention, winning precious time for the rescue operation.

At that moment, she was not only a strong woman, but also a brave and fearless warrior, guarding her home with her wisdom and courage.

The proprietress in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" and the sister-in-law in "Young Marshal" are all dreams of married men

Under Zhang Yaxin's superb interpretation, the audience seemed to be in an era of war and saw the fearlessness of a woman in a difficult environment.

She does not lose to men at all, and uses her actions to interpret the spiritual realm of "seeing death as home".

This role has undoubtedly become a symbol of female power in that era, leaving an indelible mark on countless audiences.

The proprietress in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" and the sister-in-law in "Young Marshal" are all dreams of married men

The virtuous and gentle in "Young Bao Qingtian".

Leaving the war-torn era, we came to the ancient world of rivers and lakes.

In "Young Bao Qingtian", Zhang Yaxin plays Ling Chuchu's stepmother.

She is gentle, virtuous, considerate, and warms the girl who has lost her biological mother with maternal love, and interprets the image of a competent stepmother as a teacher.

The proprietress in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" and the sister-in-law in "Young Marshal" are all dreams of married men

In that case, Ling Chuchu returned to the village and wanted to reunite with his biological mother, but was treated coldly by the latter.

Just when she was sad and lonely, Zhang Yaxin's stepmother gave her endless love and support, and became a safe haven in Chuchu's heart.

In just a few shots, Zhang Yaxin used a delicate and nuanced performance to portray a virtuous and gentle female image, which deeply impressed the audience.

The proprietress in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" and the sister-in-law in "Young Marshal" are all dreams of married men

In real life, the role of stepmother is often controversial and questioned.

But Zhang Yaxin used her acting skills to show everyone a different possibility - stepmothers can also love their children like biological mothers, resolve estrangements with tolerance and understanding, and warm each other's hearts with love.

She cared for Chu Chu with a motherly heart, understanding her thoughts and respecting her feelings.

The proprietress in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" and the sister-in-law in "Young Marshal" are all dreams of married men

In her, we see the wisdom, patience and generosity of a good stepmother, and the power of true maternal love.

This kind of power transcends the boundaries of blood and warms the heart of every person who longs for love.

The infatuated girl in "Flying Dragon Special Police".

In addition to the above two roles, Zhang Yaxin also has an excellent performance in "Flying Dragon Special Police".

The proprietress in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" and the sister-in-law in "Young Marshal" are all dreams of married men

In the play, she plays Sammo Hung's brother-in-law's sister-in-law, an infatuated but carefree young woman.

She has unrequited feelings for her brother-in-law, but she never shows it too much, but as a sister, she silently guards this fruitless love.

She is young and beautiful, but she is infatuated with her brother-in-law.

The proprietress in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" and the sister-in-law in "Young Marshal" are all dreams of married men

She is willing to give her heart and do everything to take care of her brother-in-law's daily life, just to be close to him and close to him.

Occasionally, she would show some admiration for her brother-in-law, but her brother-in-law only regarded her as a sister and never had a heart for her.

Faced with the final marriage between her brother-in-law and others, although she was heartbroken, she finally chose to let go.

The proprietress in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" and the sister-in-law in "Young Marshal" are all dreams of married men

In her own way, she interprets the highest state of love - knowing how to fulfill and bless.

This kind of spirit is really precious at her age, and it also shows her emotional maturity and detachment.

In this character, we see the various faces of a girl's love: innocent, fiery, and persistent, but also sensible, generous, and knows how to let go.

The proprietress in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" and the sister-in-law in "Young Marshal" are all dreams of married men

Zhang Yaxin's superb acting skills portray this emotional change very well, making the audience seem to see their own shadow and see the most sincere and pure side of love.

Colorful life, wonderful presentation

In addition to the above three masterpieces, Zhang Yaxin also has outstanding performances in film and television dramas such as "Fatal Encounter", "War Eyes" and "Behind the Glitz".

She has gone from a mature lady to a sexy girl, from costume dramas to modern dramas, all of which cannot be easily controlled.

This kind of diverse performance shows Zhang Yaxin's comprehensiveness and plasticity as an actor.

The proprietress in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" and the sister-in-law in "Young Marshal" are all dreams of married men

She does not want to be fixed into a certain type of role, but has the courage to challenge and constantly try new breakthroughs.

It is this spirit of courage to innovate and break through that makes her continue to grow and progress on the road of acting.

Different from the beauty of immature youth, Zhang Yaxin's beauty is more of a mature and elegant charm.

The proprietress in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" and the sister-in-law in "Young Marshal" are all dreams of married men

With wisdom and hard work, she constantly sculpts her inner charm and builds herself into an excellent actor.

Whether it is tenacity, kindness, tenderness or freedom, she interprets it in her own unique way, leaving a vivid and vivid female image for the audience.

Grow and transform, shine in life

Zhang Yaxin is not from a famous family, and the road to being an actor has been bumpy and miserable.

The proprietress in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" and the sister-in-law in "Young Marshal" are all dreams of married men

But she never gave up her dream, but with her own hard work and persistence, she came to where she is today step by step.

From obscurity to popularity, she has won the recognition and love of the audience with her strength.

This kind of growth and transformation is the most shining stroke in Zhang Yaxin's acting career.

The proprietress in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" and the sister-in-law in "Young Marshal" are all dreams of married men

She tells us that success is never an accident, but the result of accumulation over time.

As long as you have dreams and perseverance, you will be able to shine in your own sky.


As the years passed, Zhang Yaxin used her talent and hard work to leave a string of unforgettable classic roles on the screen.

The proprietress in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" and the sister-in-law in "Young Marshal" are all dreams of married men

She has different images and distinct personalities, and interprets the multifaceted charm of women in a unique way.

In the future, she will surely shine more brightly on a broader stage and achieve her own legendary life.

Let us send our most sincere wishes to her and look forward to more wonderful performances from her.