
After two months of coming out of menopausal syndrome, the recovery story of this sober female patient inspired me

author:Director of the Department of Gynecology Ha Hong

After three years of menopause, Ms. Sun went from diagnosis to cure, and it only took two months for Ms. Sun to completely get out of the haze of menopause. I am sharing this amazing experience with you in the hope that it will give my middle-aged female readers some encouragement and courage.

Ms. Sun was originally a very ordinary housewife, with a simple family relationship, a son and a daughter have worked, and she lives with her husband and in-laws, so there are occasional small conflicts.

But since she started 3 years ago, her body has been very wrong, first there are symptoms such as menstrual disorders, low menstrual flow, dark red menstrual blood, etc., and then gradually her mood is not good, and her peaceful life has changed.

After two months of coming out of menopausal syndrome, the recovery story of this sober female patient inspired me

Sometimes even if you sit in an air-conditioned room, your body will suddenly be hot, your appetite will be poor, you will often have palpitations and shortness of breath, and you can't sleep all night long.

Even he couldn't explain his series of abnormal behaviors, let alone get the forgiveness of his husband and mother-in-law, and even wanted to divorce at one point.

Ms. Sun tried to mention these things to her daughter, but her daughter didn't care too much, because on the outside, Ms. Sun was in good health, she thought that her mother was making trouble, and she also educated her mother in turn.

Later, Ms. Sun went to the hospital to do pituitary gonadotropin measurement, sex hormone measurement, and guided exfoliated cell examination without telling her family, but they were all out of normal values, and it was determined that it was menopause. Ms. Sun continued to consult her relatives and friends, and finally chose the way of traditional Chinese medicine treatment for recuperation, and came to Tianjin from Heilongjiang to find me.

After listening to Ms. Sun's experience, I admired her courage and asked her how she had such a clear idea of self-help when she was unwell and her family did not give enough attention.

Her words touched me, she said: Because I believe in myself, there is no disease that cannot be cured, and there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.

After two months of coming out of menopausal syndrome, the recovery story of this sober female patient inspired me

Next, I diagnosed her, and it was found that she had a flushed complexion, white lips, a pale tongue, and she usually had insomnia, excessive sweating, and menstrual quality. It is basically determined that the root cause of the disease is kidney yin deficiency, kidney yin deficiency, yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity, and mild blood stasis, which has caused many pathologies.

The root of Ms. Sun's illness is in the kidneys, the kidneys hide the five internal organs and six internal organs, and the kidney deficiency is the loss of the five internal organs and six internal organs. This is the most common pathogenesis of menopausal syndrome. Based on Ms. Sun's symptoms, I prescribed her the following prescription:

Rehmannia rehmannia, Rehmannia rehmannia, Polygonum multiflori, Zexiao, Poria cocos, Danpi, Ophiopogon vulgaris, Schisandra chinensis

Nourishing kidney yin is the root cause of this kind of disease, and this prescription is mainly to treat liver and kidney yin deficiency. Among them, raw and cooked land and wheat dong can nourish yin and nourish the kidneys, He Shou Wu for her menstrual blood deficiency, Ze Epsom Poria cocos both benefit water, Danpi can invigorate blood and dispel blood stasis, and Schisandra chinensis tonifies the kidney and is supplemented by soothing the nerves.

After a course of treatment, Ms. Sun's appetite increased, her shortness of breath and irritability decreased, and after 18 days, her mood gradually brightened, and her complexion returned to normal.

After experiencing this series of changes, Ms. Sun's family also began to actively consult me about menopause, and walked into her unspeakable secrets, and became more tolerant and understanding of her.

After two months of coming out of menopausal syndrome, the recovery story of this sober female patient inspired me

Menopause doesn't have to be anxious, and most menopauses only need to maintain good lifestyle and routine to get through it peacefully.

However, if your reaction is relatively large and brings inconvenience to your family and your own life, you can consult a professional doctor to determine whether it is a series of menopausal symptoms caused by kidney deficiency, if confirmed, we can actively regulate, such as choosing some Erjiu pills, menopausal peace, Da Buyin pills, Zuogui pills and other Chinese patent medicines, you can also adjust your nervous mood and relieve fatigue through professional massage and acupuncture.

Ms. Sun's experience made me think a lot, menopause is a hurdle that every woman has to go through, but some people choose to ignore the disease and let it develop, so that family relationships and health continue to deteriorate, but some people can face it positively and calmly face their aging and physical discomfort.

I hope that Ms. Sun's positive attitude towards a healthy life will infect everyone, and the positive attitude is the most valuable wealth that no amount of precious medicinal materials can match.

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