
He doesn't love his dog?

author:High fidelity

Since last week, I have been very tired from going to work, and it has continued until this week. I barely had time to catch my breath, and I didn't eat this afternoon.

Before May 10th, MZ gave me a summary of the propaganda day, and before May 15th, I reported a summary to the city, but on the afternoon of May 11th and May 13th, I trained at the University of Science and Technology, and took a day off on the 12th...... Today, the municipal GFHCZ training came to join in the fun, saying that I haven't had time to see what to report before the 20th! Tomorrow we will report the summary and statistics of the publicity day to the market, and this tomorrow is the deadline!

I didn't go home to walk my dog at noon on the 11th and 13th! After walking the dog at noon today, I washed its feet and found that it was miserable! The mud and sand, stones, and firewood stuck to the hairs between its toes—how uncomfortable! It rained for the first two days, and the roads in the community became more and more impassable. The yellow clay feet of the new cloth shoes I wore were as thick as a centimeter, and the feet of the puppy were the soles of its shoes. I washed the soles of his shoes, and the water was dirtier than the water that wiped the floor!

How many times have I told my husband - wash the dog's feet carefully and wash them with warm water. But how many times did he save his dog's feet like this, and he hadn't washed them properly! - Doesn't he love his dog? He must not love his dog, otherwise he wouldn't have fooled it so much!

After work in the evening, I went directly to the stuffed dumpling shop and asked for eight stuffed dumplings, four meat and four vegetarian. I ate four and told my husband to bring him four. I didn't eat at noon, so let's eat a little more in the evening, or I usually eat up to three.

When waiting at the bus stop, the sky in the east is cloudy, and the wind is strong in the afternoon, will it rain again? I really don't want it to rain. Sitting on the bus, I saw that the western sky was bright gold, and white clouds could be faintly visible inside. As soon as I got off the bus, the color of the sky changed again, becoming a symphony of blue, red, yellow and gray.

He doesn't love his dog?
He doesn't love his dog?
He doesn't love his dog?

I'm starting to dig a ditch on my side, too!

He doesn't love his dog?
He doesn't love his dog?
He doesn't love his dog?

Walking the dog at noon, I saw a flower magpie fly up the horizontal pipe from the ditch, and then to the kan'er, through the fence, and staggered in front of me and my dog, its long tail writhing around. Yes, magpies will go. Tired of walking, it flew across the fence from one side of the ditch to the other, and its movements were so light that it disappeared from my eyes before I could keep up with it......

He doesn't love his dog?

I'm getting more and more fond of my dog, who is getting older, more calm, more elegant and docile.

At noon, there was a mineral water bottle hanging on the wall of the building on the left, which was hung by a rope, and there seemed to be a bottle of sand at the bottom of the bottle, which was blown back and forth by the wind, hitting the wall and making a nice sound, and my dog and I stood for a long time and listened to it for a long time. "What is it for?" I think. It's like a calibration overhang. I went out of my way to look for it at night, but it was gone.

He doesn't love his dog?

A temporary passage was erected over the ditch

He doesn't love his dog?

The ginkgo tree in front of the building was bypassed again

He doesn't love his dog?

The little flower dog's nest is still there

I'm about to see the moon season flowers in my house.

He doesn't love his dog?

I'm going to pat them on the back of the day. These days they are swaying in the wind, and every time I pass by there, I feel like I'm looking at a bunch of beautiful girls through the fence.

He doesn't love his dog?
He doesn't love his dog?
He doesn't love his dog?
He doesn't love his dog?
He doesn't love his dog?

As night fell, the energy-saving lights in the community came on.

He doesn't love his dog?
