
Big S sued Wang Xiaofei for the 17th time, Zhang Lan: Good people have to go crazy, netizens: Mrs. Decree is short of money again

author:Peach blossom eyes

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Peach Blossom Eyes

Peach Blossom Eyes


Life is like a play, and marriage is the most exciting and gripping chapter of this play.

However, not all marriages have happy endings.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei for the 17th time, Zhang Lan: Good people have to go crazy, netizens: Mrs. Decree is short of money again

Wang Xiaofei and Da S: A former loving couple

Wang Xiaofei and Da S, in the past years, used to be an enviable couple.

Wang Xiaofei is a young and promising entrepreneur, and his catering enterprises are all over the world, and his business is thriving.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei for the 17th time, Zhang Lan: Good people have to go crazy, netizens: Mrs. Decree is short of money again

Big S is a well-known artist in the entertainment industry and is quite popular.

The two met by chance and quickly fell in love.

They frequently showed affection during the love period, blinding countless people.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei for the 17th time, Zhang Lan: Good people have to go crazy, netizens: Mrs. Decree is short of money again

Whether it's a private date or a public occasion, the two are always inseparable and very sweet.

Everyone believes that they are a match made in heaven and will walk hand in hand for a lifetime.

However, the heavens did not grant the wish.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei for the 17th time, Zhang Lan: Good people have to go crazy, netizens: Mrs. Decree is short of money again

The two eventually came to the point of breaking up.

Divorce turmoil: The woman frequently asks for it, but the man has no choice but to deal with it

After the divorce, I thought that the two would be separated from each other from now on and had nothing to do with each other.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei for the 17th time, Zhang Lan: Good people have to go crazy, netizens: Mrs. Decree is short of money again

But unexpectedly, Big S frequently sued Wang Xiaofei in court, asking for living expenses, etc.

It is reported that in the past few years of divorce, Big S has filed lawsuits more than a dozen times.

Among them, the issue of living expenses is the main contradiction.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei for the 17th time, Zhang Lan: Good people have to go crazy, netizens: Mrs. Decree is short of money again

Wang Xiaofei said that she has done her best to take care of her children and give them the best life.

But Big S was not satisfied, and always felt that the man didn't give enough.

So, again and again, resort to the law.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei for the 17th time, Zhang Lan: Good people have to go crazy, netizens: Mrs. Decree is short of money again

In the face of frequent "harassment" by his ex-wife, although Wang Xiaofei was helpless, she could only deal with it.

Every time the court is held, he will show up on time and argue with reason.

The intensity of the scene made the onlookers nervous.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei for the 17th time, Zhang Lan: Good people have to go crazy, netizens: Mrs. Decree is short of money again

The seventeenth complaint: Big S is poor and wants to profit from her ex-husband?

Not long ago, Big S took Wang Xiaofei to court again, and this is the seventeenth time.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately attracted widespread attention.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei for the 17th time, Zhang Lan: Good people have to go crazy, netizens: Mrs. Decree is short of money again

According to people familiar with the matter, this time Big S filed a lawsuit again, probably because his new store is facing losses and living expenses are stretched.

In desperation, she set her sights on her "ex-husband" Wang Xiaofei again.

In the opinion of this insider, Da S wants to make Wang Xiaofei pay more alimony through legal channels to relieve his financial pressure.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei for the 17th time, Zhang Lan: Good people have to go crazy, netizens: Mrs. Decree is short of money again

But this is somewhat unethical.

Wang Xiaofei: Facing the lawsuit calmly, the sweetness of the new relationship warms up

In the face of Big S's seventeenth lawsuit, Wang Xiaofei seemed very calm.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei for the 17th time, Zhang Lan: Good people have to go crazy, netizens: Mrs. Decree is short of money again

In his opinion, this kind of thing is already "commonplace", and there is nothing to make a fuss about.

Not only that, but the relationship between Wang Xiaofei and her new girlfriend is also warming up steadily.

Some attentive netizens found that the two have been frequently meeting in public places such as parks recently, sweet and affectionate, and envious of others.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei for the 17th time, Zhang Lan: Good people have to go crazy, netizens: Mrs. Decree is short of money again

Among them, the most impressive thing is that once Wang Xiaofei deliberately took his girlfriend to her restaurant for dinner.

Looking at the delicious food and the shyly smiling faces of her lover, Wang Xiaofei showed a satisfied smile.

In his words, "She gave me a taste of what it feels like to be in true love." "

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei for the 17th time, Zhang Lan: Good people have to go crazy, netizens: Mrs. Decree is short of money again

The ex-wife was jealous, but Wang Xiaofei was calm

In the face of Wang Xiaofei's new relationship, many netizens believe that Da S's operation is actually out of jealousy.

They pointed out that Big S has always been unwilling to let go of the past, and has always targeted Wang Xiaofei everywhere, just because he doesn't want to see him get a new life and new happiness.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei for the 17th time, Zhang Lan: Good people have to go crazy, netizens: Mrs. Decree is short of money again

This time, he sued him one after another, and it is likely that this is also the reason.

But what is admirable is that in the face of all kinds of rumors, Wang Xiaofei has always been calm.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei for the 17th time, Zhang Lan: Good people have to go crazy, netizens: Mrs. Decree is short of money again

He focused on his career and feelings, and neither paid attention to the outside world's arguments, nor did he bother to argue.

In his words: "I just want to work hard and live well, and the rest is not something I can control." "

This free and easy attitude to life has won the appreciation of many people.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei for the 17th time, Zhang Lan: Good people have to go crazy, netizens: Mrs. Decree is short of money again

Everyone said that Wang Xiaofei should be like this, go her own way in style, and don't need to care about the unimportant merits.


In this story, we see how a vow that is stronger than Jin Jian is crushed by reality; saw a woman, how to use all kinds of unbelievable actions, it is ridiculous; I also saw how a man moves forward calmly in the complicated right and wrong.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei for the 17th time, Zhang Lan: Good people have to go crazy, netizens: Mrs. Decree is short of money again

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