
Outrageous! After the high-speed forced parking of the private car, the whole network was angry, the police inspector intervened, and the police panicked


"Police and bandit chasing" on a high-speed highway The Hubei people's police stopping a car on the highway has aroused public anger, and police supervision should be strict

Recently, a video of a police officer driving a "car chase interception" on the highway went viral on the Internet, causing heated discussions. The video shows a vehicle with a "Public Security" logo trailing a private car on the highway and the latter failing to give way in time. Subsequently, the "police car" turned on its siren, followed the private car for some distance and then intercepted it, and two men in plainclothes got out of the car, questioned why the private car did not give way to the road, and demanded to show their driving documents.

Outrageous! After the high-speed forced parking of the private car, the whole network was angry, the police inspector intervened, and the police panicked
Outrageous! After the high-speed forced parking of the private car, the whole network was angry, the police inspector intervened, and the police panicked

For a time, this seemingly "trivial matter" triggered a big discussion among the people about police law enforcement. Some netizens pointed out that law enforcement officers chased cars without uniforms, chased cars without honking their horns, and the motive may be of a "retaliation" nature, and there are potential safety hazards. After the reporter asked the local police for confirmation, he learned that the two "plainclothes men" were actually local public security policemen in Jingzhou.

Outrageous! After the high-speed forced parking of the private car, the whole network was angry, the police inspector intervened, and the police panicked

The incident escalated, and the police inspector corps of the Hubei Provincial Public Security Department accepted the complaint and set up a special investigation. This "small matter", which was not a big matter, but due to doubts about the identity of the parties and their behaviors, eventually evolved into a major case of police supervision, which is thought-provoking.

There were obvious omissions in the enforcement process

Analyzing the video of this incident, we can see that the cause was that the vehicle did not give way in time, which eventually led to the contradiction and dispute of "car chase interception". However, throughout the process, there have been several obvious omissions in the law enforcement behavior of the civilian police:

First, police vehicles failed to comply with basic traffic rules in the course of their duties. At first, the horn was not sounded or the warning lights were turned on, and no other vehicle knew that it was a vehicle on duty. Failure to turn on the siren when chasing a private car may result in a serious car accident. It stands to reason that if you are on an emergency mission, you can use the emergency lane or honk your horn to give way.

Outrageous! After the high-speed forced parking of the private car, the whole network was angry, the police inspector intervened, and the police panicked

Second, law enforcement officers did not wear uniforms and drove police cars in civilian clothes, which did not comply with the regulations. It stands to reason that law enforcement officers should wear uniforms or work clothes on official occasions to facilitate others to identify and maintain public credibility. And the two were in casual clothes at first, giving the bad impression of private revenge.

Outrageous! After the high-speed forced parking of the private car, the whole network was angry, the police inspector intervened, and the police panicked

Third, there are potential safety hazards in the way of stopping cars. The video shows that the police car approached the private car directly from behind, intercepted it, and asked it to stop. This practice can easily lead to secondary accidents such as rear-end collision and scraping, which is extremely unprofessional. The norm should be to overtake from the other lane and signal to yield from ahead to reduce risk.

Outrageous! After the high-speed forced parking of the private car, the whole network was angry, the police inspector intervened, and the police panicked

Fourth, there is no sufficient reason for interrogating private car owners. The two got out of the car without showing their documents, and only interrogated each other and asked for a driver's license on the grounds of "not giving way", but did not explain the reason. In general, unless there is a violation or accident, there is no right to check another person's document in this way.

Outrageous! After the high-speed forced parking of the private car, the whole network was angry, the police inspector intervened, and the police panicked

It can be said that the law enforcement methods of these two police officers have disrupted the standardized law enforcement process, violated the principle of fair and civilized law enforcement, and may also bring certain potential safety hazards, and there are indeed serious omissions.

Outrageous! After the high-speed forced parking of the private car, the whole network was angry, the police inspector intervened, and the police panicked

So why is there such a blatant enforcement violation? From the root cause, first, some people do not have a good understanding of laws and regulations, and it is inevitable to "cope" and cross the line when enforcing the law; Second, there is a lack of effective supervision and restraint, which has enabled some people to take advantage of the opportunity and regard them as fraudsters.