
Who killed Guo Jing? Look at who Yang Dingtian's master is, even Zhang Sanfeng doesn't dare to provoke that person

author:Erdong literature and history

People will eventually die, but for a hero, if his ending is not the end of his life, it will inevitably make people uneasy, so when Jin Yong mentioned Guo Jing's ending in "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", readers still can't help but feel a pain in their hearts.

"On the day of the destruction of Xiangyang City, Guo Daxia and his wife were martyred at the same time as Guo Gongpo, and the whereabouts of the dragon slayer knife are unknown. Patriarch Guo was in Xichuan at the time, and he wanted to save his parents and relatives, but it was too late. ”

However, when I read this text for the first time, in addition to heartache, there was another emotion, that is, doubt, not why Guo Xiang was not in Xiangyang, but doubtful that with Guo Jing's martial arts level, if it was just a thousand troops, he would not have been killed, and there may be hidden secrets behind this matter.

1. The hero who defeated thousands of troops

It seems that in the eyes of most people, it is a matter of course that Guo Jing can't hold Xiangyang, after all, no matter how high his martial arts are, he is only a mortal fetus.

Who killed Guo Jing? Look at who Yang Dingtian's master is, even Zhang Sanfeng doesn't dare to provoke that person

(Stills of Guo Jing and his wife)

Of course, Jin Yong's story itself is combined with the real historical background, so it is destined for the Mongols to conquer Xiangyang, it can be said that Guo Jing was doomed to die from the moment he decided to defend Xiangyang, but don't forget, in Jin Yong's fictional martial arts world, the top masters also have the strength to fight against a hundred or even a thousand.

For example, in "The Sword of the Yue Girl", the shepherd girl Ah Qing staged a scene in the palace of the king of Yue, and when she went to Fan Li to ask for an explanation, there was such a description in the book.

There was a shouting sound outside the palace gate, followed by a choking, choking, choking, the sound of a blade falling to the ground. The sound rang out from outside the palace gate, like an extremely long snake, swimming quickly, and the sound of a soldier falling to the ground sounded on the corridor. A thousand armorers and a thousand swordsmen couldn't stop Ah Qing. ”

Who killed Guo Jing? Look at who Yang Dingtian's master is, even Zhang Sanfeng doesn't dare to provoke that person

(A Qing stills)

Ah Qing defeated two thousand Yue Jia with one move of Yue Nu swordsmanship, and what Ah Qing could do, how could Guo Jing not do it?

In addition to the exquisite swordsmanship, the secret of Aqing's victory over the enemy is also a sensitive body technique, Guo Jing's swordsmanship is certainly not as strong as Aqing, but he also has other top killing moves such as the eighteen palms of the dragon, the left and right fights, and the Kongming fist.

As for the body method, it has long been mentioned in the book, and he can even leave an afterimage in place, such as this description: "Guo Jing's eighteen palms of dragon descent are too powerful, and he mixed the formation of the Tiangang Beidou Formation of the Quanzhen Sect with the palm method, fighting to the interval, the body is interspersed with each other, and one person seems to be incarnated into seven people; And because he injured Yin Kexi as soon as he came up, this time he took the lead, and the three hostile people first sought self-protection and did not dare to let go of the attack, so although they were three against one, they only fought a draw. ”

Therefore, it is not impossible for him to defeat thousands of troops and horses, under this premise, Guo Jing still died in battle, which shows that the other party may have a strong man like the Golden Wheel Dharma King to help, but who will that person be?

Second, the helpers recruited by Mongolia

Mongolia has always had the habit of recruiting mercenaries, and Xiao Xiangzi, Nemo Xing, Yin Kexi, and King Jinlun were all typical mercenaries.

In the later "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", there were also many mercenaries in the Ruyang Palace's forces that represented the Great Yuan Dynasty and the Central Plains, such as Fang Dongbai, the former beggar gang elder "Eight-armed Divine Sword", and the two elders of Xuan Ming, as well as Fan Yao's pretended Kutoutuo and the strong men of the King Kong Gate in the Western Regions.

Therefore, in the post-Condor era, there will definitely be very powerful mercenaries in the Mongolian iron cavalry led by Kublai Khan, who will that person be?

The answer may be very simple, it is the former leader of the Ming Sect and the master of Yang Dingtian.

Who killed Guo Jing? Look at who Yang Dingtian's master is, even Zhang Sanfeng doesn't dare to provoke that person

(Xie Xun stills)

In the serial version, when Xie Xun recalled the past, he mentioned the relationship between Yang Dingtian (Yang Potian) and Cheng Kun: "Xie Xun nodded and said: '...... Mrs. Yang is the younger sister of the sect leader, that is, my uncle. Sect Leader Yang, Cheng Kun, and Mrs. Yang are brothers and sisters in the same school, Sect Leader Yang is my master uncle, who instructed me a lot of martial arts back then, and he treated me very well as an old man. ’”

So who is their master? Some people may say that judging from the martial arts mixed yuan thunderbolt palm used by Cheng Kun and the yin finger in the old version, it seems that it has nothing to do with Mingjiao.

In fact, most people forget that most of the people in the Ming Sect are taught with art, just like Yang Dingtian In addition to the great shift of Qiankun, there is also a big Nine Heavenly Hand, and Zhang Wuji, who later became the leader of the sect, also has Jiuyang Divine Skills, Tai Chi, which are not martial arts that do not belong to the Ming Sect?

And if their master is the former sect leader, it makes sense.

But some people will question, didn't Mingjiao always oppose the Mongols?

Who killed Guo Jing? Look at who Yang Dingtian's master is, even Zhang Sanfeng doesn't dare to provoke that person

(Yang Dingtian stills)

In fact, Yang Xiao once said: "The suffering of the people in the world is deep, and people's minds have changed, which is a good opportunity to drive away the Tartars and return my rivers and mountains." In the past, when the Yang Sect Master was alive, he thought of revival day and night, but this sect has always acted in an extreme way, and it has been entangled with the Central Plains martial arts factions for a hundred years, and it is difficult to work together to resist the enemy. Fortunately, Sect Zhang is in charge of religious affairs, and the grudges with various factions are gradually resolved, so we just work together to fight against Hulu. ”

It was under the leadership of Yang Dingtian and Zhang Wuji that they became an anti-Yuan force, and they were originally in collusion with the Mongols.

This point can also be proved by the statement of the three Persian envoys in the serial version, after all, they mentioned that the Middle Earth Mingjiao is now against the Great Yuan, which is against the will of the Persian Mingjiao.

At the same time, Jin Yong also mentioned a past that was not written down in the serial version: "The bearded Liuyun envoy struck the two black cards against each other, and there was a bang, the voice was not gold or jade, it was very strange, and said: 'This is the Holy Fire Order of the Ming Sect of Middle Earth, the former leader surnamed Shi is not good, and he was lost, and now I will retrieve it. When he came to see the Holy Flame Order, he saw the Sect Master, but Xie Xun still didn't listen to the order? ’”

You see, how did Mingjiao come into conflict with the beggars? If it was because the stone sect leader assisted the Mongols in killing Guo Jing, Yeluqi, who was Guo Jing's son-in-law, wanted to avenge Guo Jing, and then clashed with the Ming Sect and snatched the Holy Fire Order, wouldn't it make sense?

3. Restraint Guo Jing's trick

As for how the Shi Sect Master killed Guo Jing, it was actually not as difficult as you thought.

As mentioned above, Guo Jing can fight against thousands of troops, but the premise is that there is no master to obstruct him, once there is an opponent of the level of the Golden Wheel Dharma King, he will have no time to take care of those Mongolian soldiers, and then it is not surprising that he will be overwhelmed by thousands of troops.

Who killed Guo Jing? Look at who Yang Dingtian's master is, even Zhang Sanfeng doesn't dare to provoke that person

(Stills from the Mongolian camp)

And the Shi Sect Master naturally has a great move, and that move can catch Guo Jing off guard, after all, how did he know that there are people in the world who can reproduce his martial arts, and he will make mistakes in his busyness, which is also reasonable.

And Zhang Sanfeng was still a stunned young man back then, how could he dare to oppose Mingjiao, he could only hide in the mountains and practice until he was seventy years old before he dared to go out of the mountains to start a sect.

In this way, all the causes and consequences make sense.