
Doctor: These 6 diseases sound scary, but in fact, there is basically no need to treat, so don't spend money on it

author:Dr. Na of Chinese Medicine

In the fast-paced world of modern life, health has undoubtedly become a top concern for everyone. When faced with some scary-sounding disease names, many people tend to fall into panic and even spend a lot of money and time on treatment. In fact, some diseases, as disturbing as their names sound, do not actually require overtreatment and can even be said to be "self-limited", meaning that they resolve on their own over time.

Doctor: These 6 diseases sound scary, but in fact, there is basically no need to treat, so don't spend money on it

Cervical erosion

The term "cervical erosion" is widely used among women and has a different meaning than if the cervix has undergone severe damage or ulceration. Modern medicine has made it clear that cervical erosion is not a pathology, but a physiological manifestation of the natural valgus of the cervical columnar epithelium. During puberty, fertility, and pregnancy in women, the columnar epithelium in the cervical canal grows outward and covers the cervical opening due to the action of estrogen, creating a so-called "erosive" appearance. This transformation is often accompanied by no signs and does not require special medical intervention. Treatment of cervical erosion is indicated only if it is accompanied by infection or inflammation. When hearing the word "cervical erosion", female friends do not need to be too nervous, let alone blindly undergo surgical treatment.

Breast hyperplasia

In women, benign enlargement of the breast is common, presenting as a nodular lump, often with pain and discomfort. Although the name of breast hyperplasia is scary, it is not a problem for women's health. The cause of breast hyperplasia is closely related to hormonal fluctuations in women, especially during menstruation, pregnancy and lactation, when hormonal changes are more likely to contribute to this condition. Light breast hyperplasia, no special treatment, need to maintain good living habits, peace of mind, beware of overwork and emotional waves. For more severe breast hyperplasia, the doctor will give corresponding treatment recommendations according to the specific situation.

Bone sting

Bone hyperplasia, also known as bone spurs, originates from the wear and tear of articular cartilage, and the edges of the bones appear hard and raised. Hearing the name of "bone spur", many people often think of sharp bones penetrating deep into the joint muscles, and the pain is unbearable. In fact, most bone spurs do not cause symptoms and do not require specific treatment. Bone spurs compress the nerves and blood vessels, and surgical intervention is important. When you find out that you have bone spurs, don't panic too much, and don't undergo surgery lightly. The discomfort caused by bone spurs can be reduced by lifestyle changes, increased exercise, weight control, etc.

Doctor: These 6 diseases sound scary, but in fact, there is basically no need to treat, so don't spend money on it

Chronic superficial gastritis

Chronic superficial gastritis, as a common stomach disease, is often revealed in physical examinations, affecting many people. Chronic superficial gastritis is not the same as a severe gastric disease, it is usually just a mild inflammatory manifestation of the gastric mucosa. Most people with chronic superficial gastritis have no obvious symptoms and do not require specific treatment. When gastritis symptoms are significant or Helicobacter pylori infection is present, drug treatment is required. When we find out that we have chronic superficial gastritis, we don't have to worry too much, we just need to maintain a good diet and lifestyle.

Premature heart beats

Premature cardiac beats are common arrhythmias that occur as abnormally premature beats in the normal rhythm of the heartbeat. Many people associate the word "premature beats" with severe heart disease, but in fact premature beats are not the same as heart disease. Most premature beats are benign and do not pose a threat to physical health. Medical or surgical treatment is necessary only if premature contractions are severe or accompanied by other arrhythmias. When we find ourselves having premature beats, we don't need to be overly nervous, and we can alleviate the symptoms by adjusting our lifestyle and avoiding overexertion and mood swings.

Doctor: These 6 diseases sound scary, but in fact, there is basically no need to treat, so don't spend money on it

Thyroid nodules

Thyroid nodules are localized masses that appear within thyroid tissue and are the most common type of thyroid disease. Many people associate the word "nodule" with a tumor or cancer, but in reality, a thyroid nodule is not synonymous with a malignant tumor. Most thyroid nodules are benign, do not cause any symptoms, and do not require special treatment. Further investigation and treatment are only required if the nodule is large or accompanied by other symptoms. There is no need to panic too much when we find out that we have thyroid nodules, and we can monitor the changes in the nodules through regular check-ups and observations.

Doctor: These 6 diseases sound scary, but in fact, there is basically no need to treat, so don't spend money on it

In the face of these diseases, we should maintain a rational and calm mind, and avoid blind panic and overtreatment. At the same time, we should also focus on preventive health care to reduce the risk of disease by maintaining good lifestyle habits and mindsets. As a final reminder, while these diseases do not require specific treatment in most cases, that doesn't mean we can ignore them. When you feel unwell, you should still seek medical attention in time to get professional diagnosis and treatment advice.

I'm Dr. Na, welcome everyone to like and follow, and say your views in the comment area, let's chat