
A paragraph to yourself, a sentence from the heart! (Very heartwarming)

author:Nanzhi chatted heart-to-heart

Text by Kusushiba

A paragraph to yourself, a sentence from the heart! (Very heartwarming)


Although I am stupid, I still want to believe in myself, because I know that even if people in this world do not believe in me, I will always be my loyal audience.

Although I am busy, my daily life is very fulfilling, and although I can only eat and wear, I believe that hard work is meaningful.

will not waste every time, nor will I let my heart have so many regrets.

When you make progress little by little, this is the best reward.

There is a saying that people who are better than you work harder, so why do you have to give up?

Don't make excuses for yourself, don't indulge yourself, and take it when it's time to take it.

Eventually, we will understand that everything we do is for ourselves and for our families.

There is laughter in the days, there is sweetness in life, and everything is so happy.

Tell yourself, don't be afraid, maybe you're clumsy, but as you walk, you'll grow stronger, and you'll shine.

A paragraph to yourself, a sentence from the heart! (Very heartwarming)


When it comes to children, do we care most about their academic performance?

What colors do children prefer? What fruit does the child like? What do children like to do the most? What do children like to do the most? What kind of personality is a child? What kind of physique is the child?

If you ask yourself, I really know very little.

I have been telling my children before, if you study well, then when you grow up, you have the right to choose, you can live the life you want, you can suffer a lot less, and take a lot of detours.

However, I found that children are like their own children, and they can't choose what they like.

What parents like is what they like, and what parents hate is what they hate.

Actually, no, I want my children to be brave, sunny, enthusiastic, caring, responsible, and positive.

Of course, these are all things that children have, and not deliberately emphasize what it has become?

Learning is a lifelong thing, and everyone's strengths are different, so don't be reluctant, it's better to tap the child's strengths, grow up with him, and achieve him.

This is what a mother should do the most, you and I encourage each other.

A paragraph to yourself, a sentence from the heart! (Very heartwarming)


Tell yourself that if something you can't find an answer to for a while, just put it at that.

There is a saying that if things are slow, they will be round, and if people are slow, they will be safe.

It's not about deliberately pleasing a certain person, nor is it deliberately maintaining a relationship, but really understanding that what you're facing is not a certain person, but the whole society.

Don't run away from relationships, it's useless for you to run away, because in the end you have to face it.

People are social animals, and they can't do without anyone at all, so it's better to adapt, so why don't you learn how to get along?

This is a kind of wisdom, and this is a lifelong practice.

Learn to speak at the age of three, and learn to be a man all your life.

We are always tinkering, just for the sake of a clear conscience in our hearts.

Yes, sometimes some losses must be eaten, sometimes some roads must be walked, no matter what, tell yourself that everything is the best arrangement!

A paragraph to yourself, a sentence from the heart! (Very heartwarming)


If you want to know yourself, why not take a look at what your partner looks like? So why not take a look at what your own children are like?

There is a saying, "Those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black."

Often this is the most real us.

Teacher Void Ji said that when we change ourselves, the people around us will also be affected, and we will change unconsciously.

So, know yourself, know yourself, find yourself, and everything will come as promised!

Read more good books, adjust your state more, adjust your mentality more, and life will be smooth unconsciously.

It may take a lifetime to get to know yourself, but that's okay, please give yourself a little time and don't be so yourself.

Fat people are not eaten in one bite, freezing three feet is not a day's cold, may we all be able to find the most true self, and may we all be able to wait for the most innocent self.

In a word, it is a long road for people to grow, and if there is one, it will be changed, and if there is none, it will be encouraged.

A paragraph to yourself, a sentence from the heart! (Very heartwarming)


It is true that everything is just because I am too anxious, just like Professor Zeng Shiqiang said, as soon as the concept changes, the habit changes, and as soon as the habit changes, the mood changes.

If a person can manage his emotions well, then he is undoubtedly a winner in life.

In case of trouble, they will not be led by others, but have their own opinions and ideas.

When you are in a hurry to express yourself, it is better to slow down first, slow down, and wait for others to say it, then what you say is right.

The so-called think twice before acting, people have far-sighted thoughts, and there will be no near-term worries.

Tell yourself that life is a long road and a slow process, so why not go with the flow?

Follow the laws of nature, find the most authentic self, and also find the most open-minded and transparent self.

May you and I plant flowers in our hearts, and may you and I be sunny and have a smooth journey.

A paragraph to yourself, a sentence from the heart! (Very heartwarming)


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