
Online transmission: Let small traders and hawkers be able to set up stalls freely to supplement their families

author:Lady Luck is round

In the vast land of China, there is such exciting news that the state is planning a series of profound reforms based on the results of an in-depth and extensive survey of the people, aiming to better serve the people and meet their growing needs for a better life. This is not only a policy adjustment, but also a profound reflection and action on people's livelihood and social fairness and justice.

First of all, the reform of the urban management law enforcement department is undoubtedly a brave attempt. For a long time, the relationship between chengguan and petty traders and hawkers has always been delicate and complex. One side is to maintain the cleanliness and order of the city, and the other side is to make a living. The state's plan to abolish the urban management law enforcement department and allow small traders and hawkers to set up their stalls freely is not only a respect for the right of small traders and hawkers to live, but also a major change in the concept of urban management. When the streets and alleys of the city are full of vitality and vitality again, when the faces of those hard-working workers are full of happy smiles, how can we not be moved by such changes?

Online transmission: Let small traders and hawkers be able to set up stalls freely to supplement their families

The discussion and decision-making on traffic police fines reflects the country's deep concern for the interests of the people. The fine was originally set up to maintain traffic order and protect people's lives. However, in practice, there are times when excessive enforcement and improper fines occur. Now, the state has decided to abolish the fines imposed on many drivers, but will crack down on traffic violations. This is not only the trust and respect of the drivers, but also the firm maintenance of traffic laws. We believe that under the guidance of such a policy, drivers will more consciously abide by traffic rules and jointly create a safe and orderly traffic environment.

The state has also not sat idly by on the issue of excessive medical care. Medical care is a major matter related to the lives and health of the people. However, in order to pursue economic benefits, some doctors and hospitals over-treat and over-examine from time to time. This not only increases the financial burden on patients, but is more likely to cause damage to their physical health. This time, the state will take corresponding measures to seriously deal with doctors and hospitals that are over-medicalized. This is not only the rectification and standardization of the medical industry, but also the protection and maintenance of the rights and interests of the majority of patients.

Online transmission: Let small traders and hawkers be able to set up stalls freely to supplement their families

The policy of encouraging people to return to their hometowns to start businesses is full of deep affection for their hometowns and relatives. Many people leave their hometowns for various reasons to work outside the home. However, deep down, they always longed to be able to return to their hometowns, reunite with their families, and create a better life together. Today, the country provides such opportunities and platforms for them to return to their hometowns, give full play to their talents and wisdom, and contribute to the development of their hometowns. Such a policy not only promotes the flow and gathering of talents, but also enhances the cohesion and centripetal force of the hometown.

The old-age security system and the phenomenon of indiscriminate school fees are also hot issues of concern to the people. The state will further regulate and guide these two policies. For the old-age security system, the state will increase investment and improve relevant policies and measures to ensure that the elderly can enjoy due welfare and medical security. The state will strengthen supervision and control over the phenomenon of indiscriminate school fees, severely crack down on all kinds of violations, and ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of students are not infringed upon. Such a policy not only makes the people feel the care and warmth of the country, but also makes them full of confidence and expectation for the future.

Online transmission: Let small traders and hawkers be able to set up stalls freely to supplement their families

In addition, the state will also open strict accountability procedures for the loss of state-owned assets caused by the monopoly of state-owned enterprises. Monopoly not only destroys the fairness of market competition, but also leads to the waste and loss of resources. The state will introduce foreign-funded oil enterprises to participate in market competition, break the monopoly pattern, and promote the healthy development of the market. Such a policy is not only conducive to the reform and development of state-owned enterprises, but also to the prosperity and progress of the entire country's economy.

In this era full of hopes and dreams, we have witnessed one great change and achievement after another. From the reform of the urban management law enforcement department to the abolition of traffic police fines, from the rectification of excessive medical treatment to the encouragement of people who go out to return to their hometowns to start businesses, from the improvement of the old-age security system to the governance of the phenomenon of indiscriminate school fees, from the breaking of the monopoly of state-owned enterprises to the introduction of foreign-funded enterprises, every policy embodies the deep affection and firm belief of the state for the people.

We have reason to believe that in the near future, this ancient land will shine even more brightly. We will see a more prosperous, more harmonious and better society. However, in this process, we also need to keep a clear head and a firm faith. We need to continue to work hard and contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the changes and development of policies at all times, actively participate in them, and jointly promote the progress and development of society.

Online transmission: Let small traders and hawkers be able to set up stalls freely to supplement their families

Are you ready for this era of change and opportunity? Have you felt the care and warmth of the country? Are you fully prepared for a good life ahead? Let's work together to achieve a better future!