
Wanmu Town inspected the construction of Gongfu Village

author:The story of Youcheng

On May 11, Ran Chengjun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Wanmu Town, Youyang County, led some party and government cadres and deputies to the National People's Congress to Tushi Town, Huatian Township, Tonggu Town and other places to inspect the local construction of common prosperity villages.

Wanmu Town inspected the construction of Gongfu Village

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the inspection team arrived at Diling Village, Tushi Town. 地灵村党支部‬书记热情接待,详细介绍了共富乡村建设的经验做法。 Ran Lingyun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Wanmu Town, said that the practice of Diling Village is worth learning from Wanmu Town, and Wanmu Town should adapt measures to local conditions and explore a rural construction model suitable for local conditions.

Wanmu Town inspected the construction of Gongfu Village

In the central village of Huatian Township. 中心村党支部‬书记向考察组介绍了“12345”工作法,冉承军认真听取,表示花田乡是共富乡村建设的典型,其经验值得万木镇学习借鉴。

The inspection team also went to Xinglong Village, Tonggu Town, to learn about the construction of local Gongfu villages.

Wanmu Town inspected the construction of Gongfu Village

Ran Chengjun said that Wanmu Town should find the right industrial development path suitable for the local situation and fully develop and utilize various local resources. By learning from the experience of other regions, we can broaden our horizons and open our minds, so that local resources can be effectively utilized. Actively develop the cultural tourism experience industry, tap water, climate, culture and other resources, cultivate and develop new industries and new formats such as agricultural experience, folk customs experience, health tourism, etc., realize the integration of resources and the formation of scenic spots, so as to realize the transformation from a single "selling products" to "selling culture" and "selling experience". At the same time, it is necessary to comprehensively inventory idle resources, combine the characteristics of resources, give full play to local advantages, calculate input and output, and find a development path and industrial model suitable for the local area, so as to stimulate the new vitality of rural revitalization and improve the living standards of farmers. In addition, the use of platform thinking, market-oriented forces and brand operation, "gather sand into a tower" to create a characteristic industrial cluster.

(Li Zelian)