
What is the greatest sorrow of the people at the bottom? There is no chance of turning over at the bottom, what is going on?

author:Colorful drawing board aKI


In today's society, the biggest challenge faced by the underprivileged is not material scarcity, but cognitive limitations. This limitation is not caused by individual choice, but is unconsciously shaped by external circumstances and algorithms. We seem to be trapped in an "invisible prison" carefully woven by data and algorithms, in which our thoughts and choices are invisibly manipulated.

What is the greatest sorrow of the people at the bottom? There is no chance of turning over at the bottom, what is going on?

In the flood of information in the era of self-media, most of the content is not actually helpful for personal growth. However, we are often addicted to these meaningless information, and in the long run, these contents gradually erode our cognitive abilities and limit our thinking to "cognitive cages".

In this so-called "cognitive war", the underlying thinking seems to have no chance of winning, and failure has become a default outcome. Even more worrying is the fact that many people feel content in this state because they don't realize that their cognition has been manipulated and they have lost the ability to think for themselves.

This state is vividly compared to "drug abuse", in the past, opium eroded people's physical and mental health, and now, self-media and algorithms have become the new "opium", they are provided to us for free, make us addicted, and also destroy our physical and mental health, but the bottom people are often unaware of it, unaware that this is a chronic self-destruction.

What is the greatest sorrow of the people at the bottom? There is no chance of turning over at the bottom, what is going on?

The asymmetry of information on the Internet, as well as the calculations of algorithms, further exacerbate this problem. The information we are exposed to every day is actually the result of careful sifting by algorithms, which limits our horizons and narrows our worldview.

In the future, the biggest gap between people will be reflected in the cognitive level. The sadness of the bottom group is that their cognition is manipulated by algorithms, blinded by false information, and thus falls into a difficult predicament.

In the past, the exploitation of the capitalists was obvious, they squeezed the labor power and surplus value of the workers, and this direct exploitation inspired a sense of resistance from below.

However, modern ways of operating capital are more hidden, and they lose the ability to think and rebel by providing free content that allows people to indulge in short-term pleasures. We buy cheap goods online, watch free videos, and don't know that we're stuck in a small space and can't get out.

What is the greatest sorrow of the people at the bottom? There is no chance of turning over at the bottom, what is going on?

This new type of exploitation, through the continuous production of free content, makes the cognitive level of the bottom group continue to decline, until they give up thinking and resisting, which is undoubtedly a great damage to the freedom and development potential of individuals. Therefore, in order to break this dilemma, the key is to improve the cognitive ability of individuals and cultivate the habit of independent thinking, so that they can find their own direction and achieve self-growth and social class leap in the era of information flooding.