
It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

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Table tennis: Wang Manyu failed to participate in the Olympic singles!

The latest Olympic list announced by the Chinese Table Tennis Association is like a bomb detonated in the fan circle. Wang Manyu failed to enter the women's singles arena! This news hit the hearts of countless fans like a hammer, arousing shocks and doubts one after another.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

After this news came out, a huge storm of public opinion was immediately set off in the fan circle. On social media, various discussions about Wang Manyu instantly swept the Internet, making this topic the focus of heated discussions. Everyone expressed their views and opinions on the circle of friends and Weibo, some were shocked, some were puzzled, some were angry, and some were heartbroken. After all, Wang Manyu's status in the table tennis world is undoubted, and her strength and achievements are enough to make her a dark horse in the Olympic arena.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

The news not only caused an uproar in China, but also set off a lot of repercussions in the international table tennis community. The outside world has questioned the selection criteria and mechanism of the Chinese Table Tennis Association, believing that this decision is obviously not in line with the real situation of athletes' strength and performance. For a while, all kinds of speculations and speculations about Wang Manyu's failure to be selected were endless, which shrouded the entire table tennis world in a layer of mysterious fog.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

As fans, we can't help but ask, what happened to Wang Manyu? Is it bad luck? Or is there a problem with the selection mechanism? Or is it something else? What is the truth of this event? These are undoubtedly questions that people are curious about and eager to get answers.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

In this turmoil in the table tennis world, fans have said that they will not stop there, will continue to pay attention to the latest developments in this matter, and raise more questions and interrogations about the decision of the Chinese Table Tennis Association. They hope to see Wang Manyu stand on the field again and win glory for the country, and also hope to see a more fair and transparent selection mechanism established, so that every outstanding athlete has a stage to show himself.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

In general, this turmoil is not only a challenge for Wang Manyu, but also a baptism for the entire table tennis world. I hope that after this turmoil, we can see a more fair and transparent selection mechanism established, so that every outstanding athlete has the opportunity to realize their dreams and win glory for the country.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

Fans angrily scolded Liu Guoliang: The selection mechanism is unfair!

The fans' frustration stemmed from a shocking defeat. Wang Manyu lost to India's Batra at the Saudi Arabia Table Tennis Grand Slam, resulting in the loss of 3,000 points and finally missing the Olympic singles qualification. What's really going on behind this game?

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

Data Revealed: The Controversy Between Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha

The list released by the Table Tennis Association shows that Chen Meng will play in the women's singles, which has raised many questions. Although Chen Meng has not won as many world titles as Wang Manyu, she is not without defeat. What made her so powerful to beat Wang Manyu?

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

Counter voice: Wang Manyu's supporters are not reconciled

Wang Manyu surpassed Chen Meng in points after the World Cup in Macau, which was a hopeful sign that she might be about to enter the Olympic stage. Fans are looking forward to seeing their beloved idol shine again on the world stage.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

However, fate is so unpredictable. At this moment, an unexpected defeat completely turned everything upside down. In that match, Wang Manyu may have encountered some unexpected difficulties, and the result was that she lost the match, losing 3,000 points. This defeat was like a ruthless cold arrow that pierced her path forward and tore apart the fans' expectations.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

Naturally, the fans will not sit idly by and watch all this happen. They took action one after another, turned their anger and dissatisfaction into the power of action, and sent a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, directly pointing out the unfairness of the selection mechanism formulated by Liu Guoliang. In their opinion, Wang Manyu is already leading in the standings and should qualify for the Olympics. However, this defeat made everything confusing.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

This is not only an injustice to Wang Manyu personally, but also a question of the fairness of the entire sports world. Fans believe that the selection mechanism should be more objective and fair, and should not only look at a short defeat, but should comprehensively consider the strength and performance of the players. They hope that through their voices, more people can draw attention to this issue and urge relevant departments to reform and improve.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

This turmoil is not only a test for Wang Manyu, but also a baptism for the entire sports world. The actions of the fans are not only to defend their beloved athletes, but also to pursue higher fairness and justice in the sports world. Their voices will not go unnoticed, because they represent the voices of countless people who love sports.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

Table Tennis Situation: Why is this?

This incident can be described as a huge storm in the table tennis world, which quickly attracted widespread attention and heated discussions among table tennis fans around the world. Wang Manyu's unexpected defeat undoubtedly brought a huge shock to people, and also aroused people's exploration and speculation about the reasons behind it.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

Under the churning of the table tennis world, speculation and discussion from all sides have come one after another. Some believe it was just bad luck for Wang, who lost her from the Olympic Women's Singles event. However, there are also those who disagree that there may be a deeper problem behind this, namely the unfairness and irrationality of the selection mechanism.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

On the surface, Wang's defeat seemed like just an accident. However, a closer look reveals that there may be more complications behind it. Whether the selection mechanism is fair and transparent, and whether the strength and potential of the athletes are truly taken into account, are the focus of attention. It was pointed out that there may be some shortcomings in the current selection mechanism that need to be reformed and improved. In particular, it is worth thinking deeply about whether winning or losing a game should be the only criterion that determines the future fate of athletes.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

In addition, some people believe that Wang Manyu's defeat may be related to other factors, such as backward training, psychological quality, and so on. In the fierce competition, every move can affect the final result. Therefore, we cannot simply attribute this event to a single cause, but need to consider various possibilities in order to find a more comprehensive explanation.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

In general, there are many unknown factors hidden behind Wang Manyu's defeat, which are worthy of our in-depth thinking and discussion. Whether it's luck or the selection system, we hope to find a solution that will give every outstanding athlete the opportunity to show their talent and bring glory to the country.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu


This turmoil in the table tennis world is like an unexpected storm, which has brought shocks to the majority of fans again and again. It makes us wonder how many untold stories lie behind the dark corners of the world of sports.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

First of all, let's focus on the unfortunate Wang Manyu. Her crushing defeat at the Saudi Table Tennis Grand Slam was like a bombshell, casting a shadow over her Olympic dream. After losing the competition, the 3,000 points deducted undoubtedly became an insurmountable bump in her Olympic road. Imagine being a top player and having all your glory and glory come to naught in an instant, and the frustration is bound to be painful.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

But the impact of this turmoil is not limited to Wang Manyu personally, but also highlights the problems of the selection mechanism in the sports world. Fans have questioned whether the assessment standards set by Liu Guoliang are fair and reasonable. Is it a lack of strength? Or is it a systemic problem? Perhaps, there are deeper considerations in this, which make people have to think about the interweaving of interests behind the sports industry.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

As one fan put it: "I hope that the selection mechanism will be more fair in the future, and that the athletes' dreams will not be ruined because of an unexpected loss." This sentence can't help but make people think deeply. What we want to see is not only the victory or defeat of a game, but also the inheritance of sportsmanship and the realization of sports fairness.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

Therefore, I hope that the future selection mechanism can be more transparent and fair, so that every outstanding athlete has a stage to show themselves. Let the sun shine in the sports world, and let every dream have the possibility of coming true. May we be able to usher in a better world of sports after this turmoil.

It's a big deal! The fans jointly wrote a letter to the State General Administration of Sports, suing Liu Guoliang and avenging Wang Manyu

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