
Watching "Red Rose" to learn detectives, netizens: I have a secret in my eyes, guess who I am?

author:wH Technology.


The red rose is in full bloom again

The Internet heated up for a while, and with the reunion of Chen Xiao and Yang Zishan, a couple on the screen, they will lead the audience to immerse themselves in a story of suspense and love. The stage is a complex picture: Chen Xiao's character has white hair on his head, which seems to indicate a soul that has experienced vicissitudes, while his eyes reveal a desire for the future and a cherishing of a happy life. The silhouette of this character is blurred, as if it is the warm sun in winter, giving people a sense of warmth and distance.

Watching "Red Rose" to learn detectives, netizens: I have a secret in my eyes, guess who I am?

But this is only the surface of the story, and the deeper secrets are hidden like bees in the stamens of flowers, which will only be revealed when the time is right. Netizens are interested in this setting and have speculated about the next turning point, and the comment area is lively, and everyone seems to have turned into detectives.

The mystery of concealment


The heroine played by Yang Zishan in the play also contains rich personality characteristics, and the choice she faces is both cruel and realistic - whether to pursue the truth of the facts, or to protect the happy life in front of her. The audience seems to be able to read the inner struggle and pain in her eyes, and this feeling is pushed to a climax by the development of the plot.

Watching "Red Rose" to learn detectives, netizens: I have a secret in my eyes, guess who I am?

Every seemingly ordinary fragment of daily life is actually a hidden mystery, and every conversation may be the key to unlocking the truth. The complexity of the character has become the focus of discussion on the Internet, with one person quipping: "Every look in the heroine's eyes is like saying: 'I have a secret, but you can't guess!'" The interaction in the comment section turned into a game of clue-finding.

Light and shadow


The audience seems to be fascinated by the dual character characters in the play. Du Xian and Bai Yicheng, these two names are mentioned repeatedly, and they represent the inner struggle and division of the protagonist. As the plot progresses, viewers begin to wonder if the person they know really exists. This uncertainty adds to the suspense of the story and gives the audience endless room for imagination. Netizens launched flexible brainstorming in the comment area, and some joked: "If Du Xian and Bai Yicheng are the same person, then I have read this year's detective novel in vain." ”

The secret weight

Watching "Red Rose" to learn detectives, netizens: I have a secret in my eyes, guess who I am?

Another aspect of the plot focuses on the secrets behind the protagonists. Chen Xiao's character seems to be trying to protect something, and this concealment adds a lot to the story. This depiction of secrecy sparked a lot of discussion among netizens, who tried to guess what made the protagonist so hard to remain silent. The comment section was full of speculations and jokes, and some people ridiculed: "Did the protagonist hide his true hair color?" ”

Pursue the light

Watching "Red Rose" to learn detectives, netizens: I have a secret in my eyes, guess who I am?

The whole story revolves around the protagonists' journey in pursuit of light in the dark. As the story deepens, the audience feels more and more the contradictions and uneasiness in the hearts of the protagonists. This contrast not only adds to the tension of the plot, but also makes people wonder if in real life we are constantly looking for our own path between darkness and light.

Watching "Red Rose" to learn detectives, netizens: I have a secret in my eyes, guess who I am?

Netizens shared their personal experiences in the comment area, and someone wrote: "Looking at them in the play, I remembered my confusion at the crossroads, maybe everyone's life is a bit of a 'hidden thing'." ”

The noise of the network

Watching "Red Rose" to learn detectives, netizens: I have a secret in my eyes, guess who I am?

As these discussions spread, the web has become almost a huge source of noise. Everyone has their own opinions and judgments, which makes the whole topic even more complicated. However, these complex sounds also bring different layers of interpretation to the story, allowing the audience to enjoy thinking while laughing. The comment area has become a place for everyone to exchange opinions, and netizens jokingly wrote: "This plot is more complicated than my social life, at least I can mute people I don't want to watch." ”

Watching "Red Rose" to learn detectives, netizens: I have a secret in my eyes, guess who I am?

This series of plot development and character interaction is not only the plot arrangement of a TV series, but also like exploring a deeper topic: how should we choose and balance between the cruelty of reality and the beauty of ideals? Everyone may have their own answer, and there may never be a standard answer to this question.

Watching "Red Rose" to learn detectives, netizens: I have a secret in my eyes, guess who I am?

Netizens in the comment area expressed various opinions, some discussed seriously, and some responded with humor. A netizen wrote: "Finding the answer in the play is like finding an exit in a maze, I am already fascinated by the south, the south, the north, and the west." This kind of discussion and interaction makes the whole topic not only have depth of thinking, but also lose the fun of entertainment.

Watching "Red Rose" to learn detectives, netizens: I have a secret in my eyes, guess who I am?