
Overnight, the house, the children were no longer needed, and everything that was solid was gone

author:Thousands of mountains are volumes, and mountains and rivers answer

A house is no longer a rigid need, a child is no longer a rigid need, a car is no longer a rigid need, and even life is no longer a rigid need. Everything that seems solid, like a fragile bubble, has vanished in this era of rapid change.

Why is this happening? The reason for this is that young people are under tremendous pressure. In a competitive society, young people often fail to find a place in big cities. Lacking a stable income and corresponding employment opportunities, they find themselves trapped in a cage with no hope.

Overnight, the house, the children were no longer needed, and everything that was solid was gone

Let's start by looking at the reasons why a house is no longer a rigid need. For young people, housing prices in big cities have become prohibitively high. Buying a house requires decades or even decades of loans, saddling them with a heavy burden. And, despite all the great efforts, they still find that buying a home is just a distant dream. In such a situation, young people are beginning to re-examine their values, and they are gradually realizing that owning a house of their own is not the only pursuit in life.

Overnight, the house, the children were no longer needed, and everything that was solid was gone

A similar situation arises with children. In the past, it was considered a matter of course for a family to have one child. However, in today's society, it is becoming increasingly difficult to raise a child. Whether it's financial pressures or competition for educational resources, young people are beginning to wonder if they should have children. They fear the uncertainty of the future and the increased burden, so they choose to postpone or forgo having children.

Overnight, the house, the children were no longer needed, and everything that was solid was gone

More worryingly, young people's values for life itself are also beginning to change. In the reality of fierce competition, they are running day and night under the pressure of work and life, and their spirits are gradually exhausted. They begin to reflect on whether this endless competition that modern society has given them is really worth it. People's values are changing, and they are placing more emphasis on their inner feelings and personal well-being, rather than just working hard to meet society's expectations.

Overnight, the house, the children were no longer needed, and everything that was solid was gone

Of course, the plight faced by young people is not entirely their own problem. Accelerated urbanization has led to an uneven distribution of resources, and large cities are indeed facing pressure on employment and housing. The government and relevant authorities should take steps to alleviate this situation and provide more stable income and employment opportunities for young people. Only in this way can young people rediscover hope and convince them that the house, the children and even life itself are still worth pursuing and persevering for.

Overnight, the house, the children were no longer needed, and everything that was solid was gone

Although a house is no longer a rigid need, children are no longer a rigid need, and even life is no longer a rigid need, we must not be discouraged by this. Adversity tempers people, and only by constantly struggling and pursuing in difficult situations can we find the true meaning of life. Let's face the challenges with optimism and work hard for our dreams.