
What would happen if Liu Bei unified the Three Kingdoms in his lifetime?

author:Kobayashi explained
What would happen if Liu Bei unified the Three Kingdoms in his lifetime?

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What would happen if Liu Bei unified the Three Kingdoms in his lifetime?

What would happen if Liu Bei unified the Three Kingdoms in his lifetime?

Suppose that Liu Bei was completely unified around 225 years, the Third Empire of the Han Dynasty was established, and then after more than a hundred years, the world was in turmoil, and at this time, a descendant of Liu Jiao, the king of Chu Yuan, came out and established the Fourth Empire of the Han Dynasty. . . Maybe when the world is in turmoil in the future, those Han clan relatives who are born at the bottom, operate all kinds of cheap industries, and have bad hobbies will definitely become the objects of investment by major local tyrant families [agree] [think] [yes]

What would happen if Liu Bei unified the Three Kingdoms in his lifetime?

Liu Yuguo was called "Song" because he was not a descendant of Emperor Gao (Liu Bang), his ancestor was Liu Bang's elder brother. So there is no inheritance of the Han Empire

What would happen if Liu Bei unified the Three Kingdoms in his lifetime?

Liu Chan was emperor for forty-two years, and in the early part of his reign, he trusted Zhuge Liang unconditionally and did not hinder him at all. This is Zhuge Liang's six out of Qi Mountain. Don't say hug your thighs, who wouldn't, Zhuge Liang is loyal and capable, I can fully trust him. I'm sorry, don't want God's perspective, before Wang Mang usurped the throne, no one doubted his loyalty. After Zhuge Liang's death, he was able to firmly grasp the balance, so that the court never had a powerful minister who grasped the military and political affairs. The demise of Shu has nothing to do with him at all, after Liu Bei lost Jingzhou, Liu Bei's group only had one Yizhou left, and Hanzhong was emptied by Cao Cao, and the essence of Yizhou was only one Chengdu, with a population of less than one million. What kind of concept is this, now a larger county in China has a population of one million. It is not easy for Liu Chan to support his family for 42 years with this little bit of family foundation, and you are too demanding of him. What's wrong with the joy? If he doesn't say that, he won't die well! In the end, he retorted that Liu Bei entrusted Gu Zhuge Liang and let him take it for himself, not because he was discouraged by Liu Chan, but because when Liu Bei died, his power was on the verge of extinction. He no longer has the confidence that Zhuge Liang can be loyal to Liu Chan. He doesn't have a God's perspective, he doesn't know that Zhuge Liang will do his best [agree]

What would happen if Liu Bei unified the Three Kingdoms in his lifetime?

It's all unified, what are you doing with it? What are you doing with a hundred dollars? Is Heishu for this poor traffic?

What would happen if Liu Bei unified the Three Kingdoms in his lifetime?

I just think that Liu Yuan himself is obviously a Huns, but in the name of Han, isn't it very similar to Holy Rome [tears laughing]

What would happen if Liu Bei unified the Three Kingdoms in his lifetime?

Cao Wei was a complete country at that time, with an emperor and a complete administrative organization, a large number of talents in the DPRK and China, a proper tax burden for the well-being of the people, and a complete armament system with strategic depth. Liu Bei can only be regarded as a big warlord, and nothing else

What would happen if Liu Bei unified the Three Kingdoms in his lifetime?

If Liu Bei ascends to the throne, there will be a military merit faction in advance, and it is more than enough to learn from the Sui and Tang dynasties and let Guan Zhang be a national pillar. Zhuge Liang doesn't have to worry about it, he has more time to rectify internal affairs, and maybe he will reform the system.

Not to mention anything else, at least there will not be a group of kings fighting for the throne, and there are no soldiers to borrow the soldiers of the Hu people, and they can't borrow the Hu people to borrow the Shi clan......

Not to mention the success rate, Wei, Shu and Wu all have the possibility of reform, and Jin doesn't even have a chance to break the mess

What would happen if Liu Bei unified the Three Kingdoms in his lifetime?

The history of the Later Three Kingdoms is quite interesting, even after the Rebellion of the Eight Kings. It's really interesting to look at the chaotic ministers and thieves governing the country, and the competition between all kinds of realist and refined egoistic conspirators is really good!

What would happen if Liu Bei unified the Three Kingdoms in his lifetime?

The surname of the Son of Heaven is Liu, which is Han, and the tiger in the inland sea is Luo.

Wait a minute. Ryulik dynasty in Novgorod......

It's a real hammer! han orthodoxy in russia !

Russia, which has the legitimacy of the two empires of the Han Dynasty and Rome, will surely be blessed by God, and will regain the de jure territory that has been lost for centuries and will reign on the earth for 10,000 years!