
The Russian army is about to return to China, Putin has made three plans in a row, and after returning from his visit to China, the Russian-Ukrainian war may have major changes

author:Tech Avril 6O6e

To say that Putin's re-election seems to have injected a strong new force into the Russian-Ukrainian war. After all, both sides have been fighting for more than a year, and they are more or less very tired.


The Russian army is about to return to China, Putin has made three plans in a row, and after returning from his visit to China, the Russian-Ukrainian war may have major changes

Now Putin has summoned one of the generals who are abroad to return home, intending to make a decisive decision on this protracted battle. And this decision may play a key turning point in this Russia-Ukraine war! Moreover, Putin, who has just taken office, has made several moves in a row to face the ever-changing international situation.

The Russian army is about to return to China, Putin has made three plans in a row, and after returning from his visit to China, the Russian-Ukrainian war may have major changes

First of all, after Putin's re-election, he hand-in-hand gave himself a major personnel transfer at the top level. Regarding the Russian-Ukrainian war, which has dragged on for more than a year, Putin even recruited Surovikin, who he was optimistic about, back.

The Russian army is about to return to China, Putin has made three plans in a row, and after returning from his visit to China, the Russian-Ukrainian war may have major changes

This is the famous Surovikin, and now the general who manages Africa is still silently waiting for Putin's call. I think he was known as the man who knew the best at fighting in all of Russia. Therefore, there are still many people who have great expectations for him.

The Russian army is about to return to China, Putin has made three plans in a row, and after returning from his visit to China, the Russian-Ukrainian war may have major changes

Although the fierce general is still holding out in Africa, there is no sign that he will indeed return to the position of the top command of Russia. But the news of Surovikin's imminent return spread like a god.

The Russian army is about to return to China, Putin has made three plans in a row, and after returning from his visit to China, the Russian-Ukrainian war may have major changes

In fact, Surovikin was not exiled to Africa for military training because of his command and strategic mistakes. In fact, he was on the wrong side of the team to end up in such a situation.

The Russian army is about to return to China, Putin has made three plans in a row, and after returning from his visit to China, the Russian-Ukrainian war may have major changes

Now that he has been reflecting on the outside world for a year, it seems that it will not be difficult for Putin to recruit this brave and skilled combat expert back in the new term.

The Russian army is about to return to China, Putin has made three plans in a row, and after returning from his visit to China, the Russian-Ukrainian war may have major changes

Secondly, after Putin's re-election, the first country to go abroad for diplomacy was China. This is crucial for Russia. As the saying goes, adversity sees the truth, and it may not be true to shout in ordinary times, only those who send charcoal in the snow when you are in trouble are real friends.

The Russian army is about to return to China, Putin has made three plans in a row, and after returning from his visit to China, the Russian-Ukrainian war may have major changes

Not to mention the rest, in the more than a year of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Russia was almost cornered by the United States and NATO.

The Russian army is about to return to China, Putin has made three plans in a row, and after returning from his visit to China, the Russian-Ukrainian war may have major changes

The United States does not allow China to trade with it, but China is under tremendous pressure to help this friend.

The Russian army is about to return to China, Putin has made three plans in a row, and after returning from his visit to China, the Russian-Ukrainian war may have major changes

Other countries are constantly giving military support to the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield, and they can't wait for this war to last as long as possible. At that time, only a few countries, including China, truly thought about the people of other countries and all living beings in the world.

The Russian army is about to return to China, Putin has made three plans in a row, and after returning from his visit to China, the Russian-Ukrainian war may have major changes

Third, Russia had a whim, using the law to make the president of Ukraine wanted. This idea really stunned Zelensky, and his dignified Ukrainian leader became a wanted criminal.

The Russian army is about to return to China, Putin has made three plans in a row, and after returning from his visit to China, the Russian-Ukrainian war may have major changes

Should I say it or not, Desky was stunned at that time, and even the United States did not expect Putin to come to this hand. Originally, the two countries that were tired could sit down and talk, but since the financier behind him did not speak, how could Sky, as a servant, dare to negotiate casually?

The Russian army is about to return to China, Putin has made three plans in a row, and after returning from his visit to China, the Russian-Ukrainian war may have major changes

You must know that when the two countries negotiated, Russia advocated a solution on the spot, simply and neatly. And the previous conditions can be renegotiated. However, this is not what Sky thinks, he demands that Russia at least withdraw all its troops before he is willing to negotiate peace.

The Russian army is about to return to China, Putin has made three plans in a row, and after returning from his visit to China, the Russian-Ukrainian war may have major changes

Then forget it, isn't it just a joke to talk about it after retiring from the army? If by that time, Ukraine repeats its mistakes under the control of the United States and NATO, how much will Russia, which has spent a lot of human and financial resources, lose more than it gains!

The Russian army is about to return to China, Putin has made three plans in a row, and after returning from his visit to China, the Russian-Ukrainian war may have major changes

Now that Ski is legally recognized as a criminal, this can clearly tell everyone: unless you flee to a pro-American country, otherwise, in this acre of Eastern Europe, if you dare to show your head, you may be arrested according to the law.

The Russian army is about to return to China, Putin has made three plans in a row, and after returning from his visit to China, the Russian-Ukrainian war may have major changes

Truth be told, this gives a lot of mercenary-like organizations a great opportunity. If any heroic hero, in line with the principle of "peace in the world", happens to "meet" Sky, then it is not impossible to act according to the Russian wanted warrant.

The Russian army is about to return to China, Putin has made three plans in a row, and after returning from his visit to China, the Russian-Ukrainian war may have major changes

Now Putin's several measures in the new term can be described as a series of clever moves, he not only played a key turning point in the Russian-Ukrainian war, but also gave Western countries a very powerful slap.

The Russian army is about to return to China, Putin has made three plans in a row, and after returning from his visit to China, the Russian-Ukrainian war may have major changes

In this regard, it is also hoped that this war will end as soon as possible, so as to leave a place for the people of Lebanon who have suffered so much from the war to survive.