
The woman who always says "three words" to you, she doesn't love you anymore

author:Marriage counselor Liu Jie

Text: Marriage counselor Liu Jie

In the matter of love, "talking" is particular.

Do you know? When girls talk to you, some of the words they often say are actually sending you a signal.

For example, if she always says "we" how is it, then she already regards you as a very important person in her heart and wants to be closer to you.

Or, if she often says "what do you think" or "what do you think", it means that she cares about your point of view and wants to know more about you.

But if she always says the words "always" and "never" and complains to you about this and that, then you have to pay attention to see if you are not good enough and need to improve.

Especially when she always says the word "it doesn't matter" to you, it often means that her feelings for you have changed, and she even doesn't love you anymore.

The woman who always says "three words" to you, she doesn't love you anymore

Many times, behind the "indifference" is actually indifference, disappointment and abandonment, or a deep helplessness.


"It doesn't matter" is emotional detachment

When a woman frequently responds "it doesn't matter" to what she says to you, what you think, how you feel, it probably means that she doesn't care about your affairs anymore.

Between men and women, emotional alienation often begins from subtleties, and the coldness of language is one of the very obvious signs.

She is no longer as passionately involved in your life as she used to be, and she has become indifferent to your joys and sorrows.

For example, when you excitedly share with her a great travel plan, she just says "it doesn't matter, you decide".

In most cases, it means that she has lost interest in going out with you.

This change in attitude is a warning sign that you are no longer important to her.


"It doesn't matter" is the disappearance of expectations

In a relationship, there is something to look forward to, so that you can go all the way.

When one party's expectations of the other diminished or even disappeared. Then this relationship has come to an end.

If a woman frequently says "it doesn't matter", in fact, her expectations of you no longer exist.

She no longer expects you to change anything for her, nor does she expect you to surprise her.

It's like, you once promised to cook a good dinner for her, but for various reasons, you put it off again and again.

Then, when she hears your promise again, she may only respond with a "it doesn't matter".

The subtext behind this is that she has lost trust in you and no longer expects anything from your promises.

The woman who always says "three words" to you, she doesn't love you anymore


"It doesn't matter" is the accumulation of disappointment

The three words "it doesn't matter" are sometimes the most helpless expressions after the disappointment accumulates to a certain extent.

In a relationship, there will inevitably be friction and quarrels between two people.

But if a woman always responds to your explanation or apology with "it doesn't matter" after an argument, then she is actually disappointed in you.

This disappointment may be your neglect of her, your incomprehension of her, or your inability to meet her emotional needs.

When the disappointment accumulates to a certain level, she will use "it doesn't matter" to cover up her true feelings and avoid being hurt more.


"It doesn't matter" is an excuse to escape

In fact, many times, "it doesn't matter" is also an excuse to escape.

When a woman is not interested in what you say, she uses these three words to avoid embarrassment.

For example, if she always answers "it doesn't matter" when you talk about a topic that interests you, then she is implying that she is not interested in the topic.

The woman who always says "three words" to you, she doesn't love you anymore

This attitude of avoidance may be to give you face, or it may be to protect yourself.

But in any case, it shows that she no longer pays as much attention to your topic as she used to.

When a woman, when communicating with you, frequently uses the words "it doesn't matter", you should be wary of whether her feelings for you have changed.

If her "indifference" is deeply rooted in the bone marrow, then instead of barely maintaining a relationship, it is better to be brave enough to let go and give each other a chance to find true happiness.