
The guy was given a "small mud pill" for saving people, and more than 20 years later, he found that this was a night pearl worth 200 million

author:Lin Pingnan

The Inner Mongolian man rescued a lama who was about to freeze to death, and the lama gave him a "mud pill" to repay his kindness.

More than 20 years later, I unexpectedly learned that this was the night pearl of the Empress Dowager Cixi, worth 200 million yuan.

How did the two meet, and what kind of story did they go on?

The guy was given a "small mud pill" for saving people, and more than 20 years later, he found that this was a night pearl worth 200 million

It all started in the winter of 1971.

That winter, it snowed in Inner Mongolia for several days, and the land of Chifeng was white and white, and there was no figure in sight.

People who have been tired for a year are all at home at this time, and the warm kang head and a few taels of wine are the best comfort for the villagers, but Wang Zhankui, the driver of the post and telecommunications office, does not have such enjoyment.

At this time, he was driving a large truck full of goods, driving on the national highway leading to Tongliao, the wind and snow were whirring, and large snowflakes smashed on the car glass.

Wang Zhankui had to slow down the car in order to be safe, and just half of the way, about three o'clock in the afternoon, he suddenly saw a person lying on the side of the road!

The man seemed to be one with the snow, and he could only vaguely see a human figure, Wang Zhankui sighed in his heart, thinking that this ice and snow, should something happen?

He hurriedly jumped out of the car and looked closer, only to see an old man dressed as a monk lying on the ground, who was already unconscious from the cold.

The guy was given a "small mud pill" for saving people, and more than 20 years later, he found that this was a night pearl worth 200 million

He hurriedly ran into the car and got a thick cotton coat, helped the old man clean the snow on his body, wrapped the old man in a cotton coat, and then grabbed a large handful of snow from the side of the road and rubbed it back and forth on the old man's stiff hands and feet.

Ten minutes later, the old man's body finally warmed up a little, and the person slowly came to his senses, Wang Zhankui saw this, hugged the old man into the car, and planned to take him to the surrounding villages to find a doctor to have a look.

After getting in the car, it didn't take long for the old man to wake up completely, and he slowly spoke: "Amitabha, thank you, young man" Wang Zhankui smiled slightly: "The Buddha said that saving people's lives is better than building a seventh-level floating slaughter."

Wang Zhankui took the old man to a hotel in the village and stayed there, and after a night's rest, the old man also completely recovered, it turned out that the old man had no children and no daughters, and was a lama practicing in a nearby mountain.

Because this place is vast and sparsely populated, few people come to the temple, so there is very little incense, and the monks of the same temple have gone down the mountain to find another place to return, leaving only the old lama to stick here.

However, the heavy snow closed the mountain, the temple was no longer in supply, and because of disrepair, a fire destroyed the old lama Nai's living home, so he had no choice but to go down the mountain to Alu Korqin to seek refuge in another temple.

The guy was given a "small mud pill" for saving people, and more than 20 years later, he found that this was a night pearl worth 200 million

The old lama packed up his things and set off, he deliberately picked a little snowy morning, which was only half a day's journey, but was delayed because of the inconvenience of his legs and feet.

In the afternoon, the weather changed abruptly, and the white-haired wind blew, and the old man finally fell on the side of the road because of hunger and cold, and could not get up again.

I thought that my fate should be extinguished, but I didn't expect to meet Wang Zhankui who was passing by, and the old lama was rescued.

That night, the old lama and Wang Zhankui talked a lot, and when he learned that the old lama was going to the temple in the opposite direction from himself, Wang Zhankui also said that he could give him a ride.

It had been a long time since he had received such care, and a few tears flowed from the old lama's cloudy eyes.

When parting, out of gratitude, the old lama took out a small box wrapped in yellow prayer cloth from the hanging bag he carried with him and handed it to Wang Zhankui.

"Young man, I don't have anything long, so I'll just give this to you as a souvenir"

Wang Zhankui wanted to refuse, but was stopped by the old lama: "Don't refuse, this is God's arrangement"

After the old lama left, Wang Zhankui curiously opened the prayer cloth wrapped around it, and inside was a delicate small box, and there were two red stones inlaid on the top of the box.

The guy was given a "small mud pill" for saving people, and more than 20 years later, he found that this was a night pearl worth 200 million

Wang Zhankui took it in his hand and looked at it for a while, then casually put it in his coat pocket and continued to hurry.

After delivering the goods to the location, Wang Zhankui went to the street to buy some New Year's goods and went home, which was his last trip this year, and the next thing was to welcome the arrival of the New Year with his family.

And the military coat with the small box was hung in Wang Zhankui's bedroom, and the old lama's gift to him also made him forget about it.

After the winter, the coat was put into a big box by his wife, and in the following winter, Wang Zhankui rarely wore the military coat, because he changed his career to become an accountant, and the small box was completely forgotten in time.

For twenty years, it was not until Wang Zhankui retired that the small box was discovered.

In 1995, Wang Zhankui lived a leisure retirement, and on this day he wanted to look at the photos of his youth on a whim, and the thick album was packed by his wife at the bottom of the box.

Wang Zhankui dragged them out from under the bed with great effort, bounced away the dust of time, and opened the camphor wood box that had been sealed for twenty years again, and Wang Zhankui saw the military coat at a glance.

The guy was given a "small mud pill" for saving people, and more than 20 years later, he found that this was a night pearl worth 200 million

"Yo he, this is what I didn't leave in winter when I was young, a real close-fitting padded jacket, and I relied on it to keep warm when I ran long distances."

Wang Zhankui seemed to have found a young memory, and he took the military coat and touched it over and over again.

Suddenly, he found a hard thing in his pocket, and when he took it out, it turned out to be the small box!

Thinking back to the snowy night twenty years ago, Wang Zhankuimo held the box: "I don't know if the old man is still alive?" He muttered.

The box was not locked, Wang Zhankui opened it with a hard break, this was the first time he opened the box, but he didn't expect that the contents made him disappointed.

The box was full of wax, Wang Zhankui was curious, asked why the wax was sealed in the box, thinking that he used his fingers to buckle on it.

Soon a large piece of the wax was deducted, and a small round bead was revealed inside, Wang Zhankui was very happy, and hurriedly picked up the small bead to watch.

I saw that the beads were round and shiny, revealing mixed yellow, Wang Zhankui took a flashlight and looked at it with light, but found that the small beads were not transparent.

The guy was given a "small mud pill" for saving people, and more than 20 years later, he found that this was a night pearl worth 200 million

"Is this a mud pill?" Wang Zhankui thought to himself, but then thought about it, "If only the mud pill would not be contained in such a beautiful box and sealed with wax"

Because the mud pill was too small, Wang Zhankui put it in the goldfish bowl in the living room.

At night, after watching TV, Wang Zhankui turned off the lights and was about to go back to his room to sleep, when a bright green light suddenly emanated from the fish tank.

He walked in and took a look, and it was actually from the small mud pill that he threw in during the day.

He hurriedly fished it out with his hands and observed it carefully, and sure enough, in the dark environment, the mud pill emitted a beautiful fluorescence.

Wang Zhankui thought to himself what kind of material this was, and suddenly he thought of the "Night Pearl" and was very happy.

Early the next morning, Wang Zhankui asked someone to ask a friend to help inquire, the material of the small mud ball, not long after a friend sent a letter, an expert in Beijing is very interested in this stone, and will come to visit in two days.

Two days later, the expert came, he brought a lot of information, it turned out that he thought it was a pearl of the night, he had only seen it in books, and he heard that there was one in the mausoleum of the Empress Dowager Cixi.

The guy was given a "small mud pill" for saving people, and more than 20 years later, he found that this was a night pearl worth 200 million

In order to determine whether this mud pill is a pearl of the night, the expert said that he would take it to a special institution for identification.

Wang Zhankui readily agreed, so he came to Beijing.

After half a month of waiting, the results came out, this mud pill is not the Night Pearl, it turns out that the material of the Night Pearl is a rare gemstone.

In ancient times, it was called "Suizhu" and "Hanging Pearl", and it is a number of luminescent materials in the earth's earth after tens of millions of years, from the initial volcanic magma eruption, to the later geological movement, gathered in the ore.

And Wang Zhankui's bead shows "diamond", what is diamond, in fact, it is a diamond.

The result was unexpected, but the value of the bead was extraordinary, as experts also detected that the stone was likely to be a meteorite!

The news quickly spread in the circle, and a foreign tycoon offered 200 million yuan for the acquisition, but Wang Zhankui refused.

There are also many collectors in China who are willing to pay high prices, and without exception they are all rejected.

In the end, Wang Zhankui decided to donate the small mud pills to the National Buddhist Society, in Wang Zhankui's view, the beads originally came from Buddhism, and now they should be returned to their original owners.

The guy was given a "small mud pill" for saving people, and more than 20 years later, he found that this was a night pearl worth 200 million

Wang Zhankui is a righteous person, he is not impressed by money, he only sticks to his heart, just like when he rescued the lama on a snowy night twenty years ago, he actually didn't think about reciprocating at all.

Wang Zhankui's selfless donation also allows future generations to see this "rare treasure", which is even more rare.