
Monroe: Died at the age of 36 but showed his old age, what about the peerless elegance during his lifetime? can only be buried in embarrassment

author:Eagle Literature Museum

Marilyn Monroe's funeral was not a grand ceremony, but rather a tragic silence. On that day, many mourners poured in from all directions, looking at the coffin that had turned to dust with affectionate eyes. The people who came to mourn may have been in the same boat with her, or they may have been involved in emotional entanglements with her twists and turns, but there is no doubt that they are all grieving the fall of this radiant Hollywood superstar.

Among the many mourners, the most touching is undoubtedly her second ex-husband, Joe DiMaggio. In the last moments of Monroe's life, DiMaggio was always by her side, giving her endless love and care. Even after her death, he remained steadfast by her coffin and never left.

Monroe: Died at the age of 36 but showed his old age, what about the peerless elegance during his lifetime? can only be buried in embarrassment

At this moment, Di Maggio staggered forward, his eyes empty and his face full of mourning. He took Monroe's body with trembling hands, tears falling like beads of broken thread, and the pain was unbearable. The people around him were deeply touched by his true feelings and sincerity, and they were all heartbroken.

Looking back, DiMaggio was the third male character who was integral to Monroe's life and her second husband. In the beginning, the love between them was full of hope and romance, and they loved, understood, and accompanied each other deeply, as if they wanted to integrate into each other's lives.

However, as time passed, the differences in personality and perceptions between the two gradually became apparent, and DiMaggio was angry and embarrassed about Monroe's sexy side on screen, which became the trigger for the breakdown of their marriage.

Despite this, DiMaggio's deep affection for Monroe has never changed. He was fascinated by Monroe's sensuality, but he also respected the uniqueness and richness of her inner world. Even after her death, Di Maggio insisted on visiting her grave three times a week to lay flowers in her memory.

At this moment, in the face of Monroe's cold body, DiMaggio was heartbroken and tears rained down. The splendor of Monroe's life and the desolation after her death formed a strong contrast, which moved everyone present.

No one can understand the despair and helplessness of losing a loved one more deeply than Di Maggio. However, it was this unswerving affection that made Monroe's death leave an eternal mark in the hearts of the world.

Monroe: Died at the age of 36 but showed his old age, what about the peerless elegance during his lifetime? can only be buried in embarrassment

When Marilyn Monroe was found dead, she seemed to have a different look, which was shocking and heartbreaking! Her glittering cheeks in the past have long been mottled; The hair that used to be blonde is now shriveled and sparse, clinging to the scalp.

And her body is getting weaker and weaker, and her spirit is so depressed that it makes people feel distressed.

This scene forms a strong contrast with the charming and radiant image she showed before her death. The charm of the sexy goddess that once haunted the souls of countless people is now lying alone on the cold bed, allowing the police and detectives to carry out an in-depth investigation into the cause of her death.

According to the first witness to Monroe's death, he recalled: "I knocked on her door several times to try to understand her condition, but never got any response. It wasn't until I forced the door open that I was shocked to find that she had fallen into a deep coma......" The words of Mrs. Murray, the housekeeper who took care of Monroe's daily life, were filled with shock and grief.

Monroe: Died at the age of 36 but showed his old age, what about the peerless elegance during his lifetime? can only be buried in embarrassment

She really couldn't accept the cruel reality that Monroe, who was always full of energy and a bright smile, had left her forever.

The police rushed to the scene when they heard the news, and they were deeply shocked by the scene in front of them. The once radiant female star has now turned into a lifeless shell. Her body had not been dehaired for a long time, and there were still stains between her fingernails.

These details made everyone present sigh, and the splendor of life was in stark contrast to the desolation after death.

Regarding the cause of Monroe's death, it immediately sparked heated discussions among everyone. Some believe that she chose to kill herself, as there was an empty bottle of sleeping pills on her desk, which seemed to imply that she had overdosed.

Monroe: Died at the age of 36 but showed his old age, what about the peerless elegance during his lifetime? can only be buried in embarrassment

However, many people have questioned this: why did Monroe choose such an uncomfortable and unsightly way to die? This approach is clearly contrary to her arrogant character.

As the investigation continues, more and more shocking facts about Monroe's life have emerged: she has suffered from severe mental illness for a long time, and has close personal friendships with many political and business tycoons; And the married life she has is not the happy and happy we imagined. These seemingly trivial details provide important clues to reveal the true cause of her death, however, they still cannot give a definite answer.

In the end, the police announced that Monroe died by suicide, and the cause of death was an overdose of sleeping pills. However, this conclusion did not win everyone's agreement. Tsunetomi Noguchi, a pathologist involved in Monroe's autopsy, later publicly stated: "No sleeping pill components were detected in Monroe's stomach tissue." This astonishing remark once again sparked a heated public debate about the truth, so that the reason for Monroe's death still shrouds the legendary actress in a veil of mystery.

Monroe's origins and childhood life were not as glamorous as her later life. She was born in an ordinary family, and lacked the love and care of her parents since she was a child. This upbringing made her more and more intense in her pursuit of emotional identity as an adult, and she longed to seek recognition and respect from men.

Monroe: Died at the age of 36 but showed his old age, what about the peerless elegance during his lifetime? can only be buried in embarrassment

However, fate seemed to play tricks on her. It was this extreme desire for love that finally pushed her to the pinnacle of her life and made her glorious legend in Hollywood.

It all started the moment Monroe became a budding model. With her natural charm and tireless efforts, she quickly made a name for herself in the industry. And her unique sex appeal has made her stand out: long wavy blond hair, bright red scarlet lip gloss, striking beauty moles, and her delicate and graceful figure, every part exudes irresistible appeal.

It was with these unique talents that Monroe successfully stepped into Hollywood, which is known as the "City of Dreams", and began her brilliant acting career. Every film she has participated in has shown her unrivaled sex appeal. The audience fell in love with her and regarded her as a goddess-like existence.

However, while the world is watching the star-studded Monroe on stage, the movie superstar is actually silently enduring unimaginable pressure and pain. According to her own account, in her early years, she was desperately hungry for the love of her parents, but unfortunately, this desire was never satisfied, which made her increasingly need for emotional recognition in adulthood, constantly seeking recognition and respect from men, and even exchanging her sex appeal at the expense of her own sexual charm.

Monroe: Died at the age of 36 but showed his old age, what about the peerless elegance during his lifetime? can only be buried in embarrassment

Sadly, however, the vast majority of men see her as a seductive plaything, with no insight into her innermost thoughts and emotions. Although Monroe achieved unprecedented achievements in her acting career and became the most dazzling female star at the time, she suffered repeated setbacks in her love life, which undoubtedly brought heavy trauma to her soul.

On the screen, she shows herself in a sexy and charming manner, like a dream fairy in reality; Outside the camera, she has become a lonely woman who is emotionally distressed and has no support. Monroe knows that the sexiness of her appearance is only the appearance, and the true beauty comes from the kindness and purity of her heart. However, she could not break free from the shackles of this external image, but became more and more addicted to it.

The glory of life, but behind it is endless pressure; Under the halo, there are bitter tears hidden. In this way, Monroe walked step by step towards that heartbreaking end under the bright starlight. With her short life course, she profoundly revealed such a cruel truth: the sexy charm of the appearance is not the passport to eternal happiness, and only by returning to the true nature and regaining the purity of the heart can we find the road to happiness.

In Monroe's ups and downs in her emotional career, there was one relationship that undoubtedly attracted widespread attention around the world, and that was her relationship with then-US President John J. F. Kennedy. The relationship began purely by chance, with a gala dinner hosted by Hollywood celebrities. At that time, Monroe was at the peak of her life, and she appeared in a sexy dress, which instantly captured Kennedy's attention.

Monroe: Died at the age of 36 but showed his old age, what about the peerless elegance during his lifetime? can only be buried in embarrassment

Thus, a cross-class love story was unveiled.

Since that anecdote that attracted the attention of the world was widely disseminated, the scandal between the two of them swept the world like a violent storm, shocking and aggressive! Some people can't help but wonder whether Frances Marie Monroe's brilliant achievements in Hollywood are not related to those of John Moncee. How inextricably linked was the secret relationship between F. Kennedy? After all, he was the president who controlled the destiny of the United States, with power second only to God.

Although both of them have never publicly acknowledged their relationship, numerous clues are silently revealing their previous encounters. According to a close friend of Monroe, Monroe was obsessed with Kennedy at that time, and the whole person seemed to fall into a trance, ignoring everything around her. She craves the admiration and affection of this man at the pinnacle of power, and is willing to pay any price for it.

Sadly, however, Kennedy seems to have only treated the relationship as a short-lived game. Soon after, he threw Monroe out of the shadows and started a new relationship with another woman. When Monroe finally understands that the relationship is irretrievable, the blow she suffers is undoubtedly devastating.

Monroe: Died at the age of 36 but showed his old age, what about the peerless elegance during his lifetime? can only be buried in embarrassment

Since then, Monroe's physical and mental health has deteriorated. She began to indulge in alcohol and relied on sleeping pills for a long time to anesthetize herself. There are even rumors that she tried to commit suicide when she was at the height of her emotional downturn. All this pain stems from her deep attachment to Kennedy.

This relationship left Monroe with indelible scars. She was already insecure, and Kennedy's indifference took a heavy toll on her psyche, causing her trust in men and her sense of self-worth to collapse completely. Since then, Monroe's life has gradually deviated from the right track, sliding into an abyss full of chaos and self-indulgence.

Although the romance between Monroe and Kennedy ended in tragedy, it caused such a deep trauma to Monroe's heart, which confirmed the legendary actress's extreme desire for love and her deep fragility from another angle. She values male recognition too much, and when that recognition shatters, her whole world collapses. Perhaps, this is the culprit that led her to that tragic end.