
Fang Hongjin: His private life is chaotic, CCTV host was imprisoned, and now he relies on live broadcast to earn a living

author:Sweet Academy
Fang Hongjin: His private life is chaotic, CCTV host was imprisoned, and now he relies on live broadcast to earn a living

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In that long night, when most people had fallen asleep, there was a thin, tired middle-aged man, who sat quietly in front of the computer, clicked the mouse, and opened his live broadcast room.

This man is the former CCTV celebrity - Fang Hongjin.

"Good evening, dear friends! I am Fang Hongjin, whom you are familiar with. He tried his best to squeeze out a smile at the seemingly ethereal audience in front of the screen, but his voice revealed a tiredness that could not be concealed.

Yes, the former Fang Hongjin was the radiant host who stood on the CCTV stage, he hosted many heavyweight programs, and he was in the limelight. However, now he can only rely on opening a live broadcast room on the Internet, barely surviving, and relying on the generosity of the audience to maintain his life, which is really embarrassing.

Fang Hongjin: His private life is chaotic, CCTV host was imprisoned, and now he relies on live broadcast to earn a living

As time went by, viewers began to give gifts one after another in the live broadcast room, although the amount was not much, but for Fang Hongjin, it was a rare comfort.

After the live broadcast ended, Fang Hongjin let out a long sigh, his face full of exhaustion. He looked around, and this small space, which was only a dozen square meters, became his entire world now. There are some daily necessities piled up in the corner, apparently they haven't been sorted in a long time.

Fang Hongjin stared at the amount of reward on his phone, his eyes dim. He never imagined that his life would slide into such a miserable situation. Recalling the glorious days on CCTV, his heart was full of endless regret and pain, and tears kept rolling in his eyes.

In fact, before he became so depressed today, Fang Hongjin was the undisputed gold medal host of CCTV, and he hosted many well-known large-scale programs, and his elegance was peerless.

Fang Hongjin: His private life is chaotic, CCTV host was imprisoned, and now he relies on live broadcast to earn a living

Looking back on that glorious time, Fang Hongjin still remembers it vividly. At that time, he was handsome and chic, wearing a well-fitting suit, with a resolute face and eyes like torches, and every time he appeared in the spotlight, he exuded a unique confidence and charm.

As viewers, it's hard for us to associate him with today's struggling little streamer.

In 1992, Fang Hongjin, who was only 33 years old, was hired by CCTV to serve as the host of the famous large-scale news magazine program "Oriental Time and Space". This stage has cultivated leaders in the hosting industry such as Bai Yansong and Jing Yidan.

Fang Hongjin has not diminished in the slightest in such an elite environment, his hosting style is unique and talented, which has resonated with countless listeners, and is known as one of the most popular hosts of the TV station! Whenever he spoke that pure and fluent Mandarin and hosted the program with affectionate and infectious words, all the audience present were fascinated by him and deeply impressed by his extraordinary charm. He is sharp in his words and clear in thinking, and no matter what kind of difficulties and challenges he faces, he can always deal with them calmly and with ease.

Fang Hongjin: His private life is chaotic, CCTV host was imprisoned, and now he relies on live broadcast to earn a living

His mastery of the scene, as well as his successful interviews with guests, were undoubtedly amazing! After that, he was transferred to host the "Focus Interview" column, and the originally inconspicuous program rose rapidly under his careful planning and hosting, and the ratings skyrocketed. Audiences across the country praised the brilliant news presenter for his ability to control the audience, his witty questioning of guests, and his ability to adapt to complex issues.

During that time, Fang Hongjin could be said to have a thriving career, a great reputation, and both fame and fortune. As an audience, it is hard for us to imagine that such a beautiful host will fall into a low point in his life in the future. However, the road of fate is always twists and turns, and no one can be smooth sailing.

In fact, to explore the ups and downs and brilliance of Fang Hongjin's life, we must start with his growth process. From childhood to adulthood, he has always been the pride of his parents and teachers, and has always been an excellent student in his class. Whenever after school, when other peers are playing in the playground, Fang Hongjin is never willing to waste precious time. He always carried a heavy school bag, hurried home, and immediately threw himself into the study room.

His parents don't need to worry too much, they just wait quietly for his good news. As expected, every time the final exam results were announced, Fang Hongjin was always at the top and won the envy and admiration of the whole class. This good habit lasted until the moment he stepped into the halls of the university. In 1979, with his excellent results in the college entrance examination, Fang Hongjin finally got his wish and stepped into the physics department of Sun Yat-sen University, which he dreamed of.

Fang Hongjin: His private life is chaotic, CCTV host was imprisoned, and now he relies on live broadcast to earn a living

After entering the university, Fang Hongjin became more diligent and hardworking, and his pursuit of studies almost reached the level of obsession.

There was a time when he spent an entire week in the library in preparation for the final exams of a crucial course, completely ignoring the calls of his roommates and refusing to return to his cozy dormitory nest to rest for a while. When the examination period came to an end, Fang Hongjin finally staggered home the next morning like a broken puppet dragging his tired body, and fell into a deep sleep, sleeping for 24 hours.

However, Fang's hard work paid off in the end, as he graduated from the Department of Physics at Sun Yat-sen University with outstanding academic achievements. His outstanding performance as an undergraduate allowed him to be admitted to Nankai University as a graduate student, specializing in sociology.

During his studies at Nankai University, Fang Hongjin still adhered to the past learning attitude, forgot to sleep and eat, and worked tirelessly. Finally, in 1986, he successfully obtained a master's degree in sociology and has since become a true scholar.

Fang Hongjin: His private life is chaotic, CCTV host was imprisoned, and now he relies on live broadcast to earn a living

Such a knowledgeable master's degree could have served as a faculty member in a higher education institution with a deep academic foundation and lived a comfortable and comfortable life. However, Fang Hongjin has a unique idea about his life plan.

In 1986, Fang Hongjin chose to join Shenzhen University without hesitation, thus officially stepping into the palace of education. With his superb professional knowledge and lively and interesting teaching methods, Fang Hongjin has quickly become a clear stream of Shenzhen University and is warmly welcomed by teachers and students.

Whenever a new semester starts, Fang Hongjin is always invited by the school to give a speech as a teacher representative. His insightful and ingenious views always leave an indelible impression on the audience.

Over time, Fang Hongjin's reputation gradually spread among colleges and universities across the country, and he became a role model for many students.

Fang Hongjin: His private life is chaotic, CCTV host was imprisoned, and now he relies on live broadcast to earn a living

It was such a young and far-sighted master who attracted the attention and favor of the leadership of CCTV at that time. After many efforts by the top management of the TV station, Fang Hongjin finally decided to join CCTV, thus starting his brilliant hosting career.

It can be said that on the broad stage of CCTV Central Station, Fang Hongjin's hosting career has been given unprecedented space to play. He has hosted many well-known columns such as "Economy and Society", "Oriental Time and Space", "Focus Interview", etc., winning the love of countless audiences and becoming one of the most high-profile hosts at that time.

However, at this moment, just as his career achievements were booming, Fang Hongjin suffered an unprecedented blow - he had been eager to be able to transfer to the regular establishment of the Central Station and get the salary and benefits he deserved, but the leaders in the station kept postponing it for various reasons and prevaricating in every way. Fang Hongjin felt extremely angry and wronged!

Just when Fang Hongjin was in deep pain in his heart, Dragon TV reached out to him in time. This active and energetic satellite TV organization, with a discerning eye, praised Fang Hongjin's outstanding talents, and took the initiative to send him a sincere invitation, hoping that he could join it.

Fang Hongjin: His private life is chaotic, CCTV host was imprisoned, and now he relies on live broadcast to earn a living

After careful consideration, Fang Hongjin finally chose to join Dragon TV, ending his more than ten years hosting career at CCTV. The moment he left CCTV, his heart was undoubtedly heavy, but at the same time, he also had a firm belief that he would recreate his own world with his own strength.

After joining Dragon TV, Fang Hongjin did not continue to engage in hosting work, but because of his outstanding performance, he was valued by the leader and promoted all the way to the chief planner, whose power and status are comparable to that of the director.

With such great power, Fang Hongjin began to carefully plan his "wealth plan".

In 2003, Fang Hongjin was ecstatic in the face of the warm invitation of two well-known enterprises, Brain Platinum and Hualong Noodle Industry. Both companies wanted to work with the TV media executive, who was in a key role, to capture the advertising opportunities.

Fang Hongjin: His private life is chaotic, CCTV host was imprisoned, and now he relies on live broadcast to earn a living

Seeing this scene, Fang Hongjin secretly rejoiced in his heart. He began to cleverly tie up the two companies, trying to make huge profits from them through various means. In the end, he successfully grabbed a huge amount of 1.18 million yuan and 8 million yuan respectively from the two companies.

At first, the two companies were thrilled with the opportunity to work with the station, but soon found that there was no real return. They were furious and reported Fang Hongjin's obvious fraud to the discipline inspection and supervision department with his real name.

The evidence is conclusive, and Fang Hongjin can no longer evade responsibility. After an in-depth investigation, the truth about his various crimes of embezzlement and bribery was finally revealed. The discipline authorities took immediate action to bring him to justice and sentenced him to fixed-term imprisonment.

In this way, the once unrivaled top host instantly fell into the lowest point of his life. He personally ruined his brilliant career in Dragon TV, and also lost all his honors in the CCTV hosting industry.

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