
Is cabbage the "hair" of tumors? Doctor: 2 types of elderly people should not eat cabbage, think twice when mouthing

author:Starfire Life

Xiaofang, an innocent and cute little girl, was recently diagnosed with thyroid cancer. One day, Xiaofang's neighbor aunt came to visit the house, and when she saw Xiaofang's mother looking worried, she asked about her situation with concern.

"How is Xiaofang doing? I heard she was sick? ”

Xiaofang's mother nodded, tears rolling in her eyes: "Yes, the doctor said she had thyroid cancer." ”

When the aunt heard this, she said, "Poor child, he has suffered such an illness at such a young age. ”

"yes, we're also helpless, I don't know how it happened." Xiaofang's mother wiped away her tears and looked depressed.

Is cabbage the "hair" of tumors? Doctor: 2 types of elderly people should not eat cabbage, think twice when mouthing

The aunt frowned: "I've heard that some children get cancer because of food problems, such as eating unclean things. ”

Xiaofang's mother couldn't help but have doubts when she thought of the cabbage that the family had often eaten recently.

So, she decided to go to a local hospital for professional advice. The doctor patiently explained: "Cabbage is not the 'hair of the tumor', but a healthy vegetable. However, for people with hypothyroidism and those who are taking anticoagulant medications, it is true that they need to be consumed in moderation. ”

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Xiaofang's mother was determined to correctly guide her family's eating habits and contribute to Xiaofang's recovery.

Through this experience, Xiaofang's family not only cleared up misconceptions about cabbage, but also learned more about healthy eating, paving a clear path for the family's health.

01Is Chinese cabbage a tumor?

Cabbage is a common vegetable that is both delicious and nutritious, but rumors about whether it is linked to tumors have confused many people. However, scientific studies have not provided direct evidence that cabbage can trigger or aggravate the development of tumors.

On the contrary, cabbage is rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber, etc., which are beneficial to human health. Vitamin C has an antioxidant effect that can help scavenge free radicals and protect cells from damage, while fiber helps promote digestive health and prevent diseases such as constipation and colon cancer.

Is cabbage the "hair" of tumors? Doctor: 2 types of elderly people should not eat cabbage, think twice when mouthing

02 I don't eat cabbage three times, and it is difficult to eat it in winter

Overnight cabbage:

Sometimes people put the uneaten cabbage in the refrigerator and reheat it the next day.

However, the nitrite content in overnight cabbage may rise dramatically, which is due to the bacterial action of cabbage during storage.

Excessive intake of nitrite may increase the risk of cancer, so it is advisable to avoid overnight cabbage to reduce health risks.

Frozen cabbage:

During the cold winter months, cabbage may freeze due to low temperatures.

Low temperatures can damage the cellular structure of cabbage, resulting in the loss of nutrients and a worse taste.

Is cabbage the "hair" of tumors? Doctor: 2 types of elderly people should not eat cabbage, think twice when mouthing

Frozen cabbage not only affects the taste but may also reduce the nutritional value in it, so it is recommended to avoid eating frozen cabbage.

Cabbage with black spots:

If there are black spots on the cabbage, it could be due to different reasons.

If the black spots grow on the cabbage leaves and the leaves themselves are not rotten, they are generally caused by the larvae of diamondback moths and can be washed and eaten.

However, if the black spots grow on the cabbage and there is yellowing or oozing around it, it may be that the cabbage has rotted and deteriorated, and it is not suitable for consumption.

Is cabbage the "hair" of tumors? Doctor: 2 types of elderly people should not eat cabbage, think twice when mouthing

03 Doctor: 2 types of elderly people should not eat cabbage, and they should think twice when they put their mouths down

Patients with hypothyroidism:

The glucosinolates contained in bok choy may interfere with thyroid function.

Excessive consumption of bok choy may affect the health of people with hypothyroidism.

Although it does not mean that people with hypothyroidism cannot eat cabbage at all, it needs to be controlled in moderation and combined with other iodine-rich foods to maintain the normal function of the thyroid gland.

Is cabbage the "hair" of tumors? Doctor: 2 types of elderly people should not eat cabbage, think twice when mouthing

Older people who are taking anticoagulant medications:

Cabbage is rich in vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting.

For people who are on anticoagulant therapy, excessive intake of vitamin K may affect the effectiveness of the drug and increase the risk of blood clots.

Therefore, elderly people who are taking anticoagulant drugs need to limit their intake of cabbage so as not to affect the efficacy of the drugs.