
Don't do two things in life, and after reading it, it suddenly opened.

author:Wise Pencil S
Don't do two things in life, and after reading it, it suddenly opened.
Don't do two things in life, and after reading it, it suddenly opened.
Don't do two things in life, and after reading it, it suddenly opened.
Don't do two things in life, and after reading it, it suddenly opened.
Don't do two things in life, and after reading it, it suddenly opened.
Don't do two things in life, and after reading it, it suddenly opened.
Don't do two things in life, and after reading it, it suddenly opened.
Don't do two things in life, and after reading it, it suddenly opened.
Don't do two things in life, and after reading it, it suddenly opened.
Don't do two things in life, and after reading it, it suddenly opened.
Don't do two things in life, and after reading it, it suddenly opened.
Don't do two things in life, and after reading it, it suddenly opened.
Don't do two things in life, and after reading it, it suddenly opened.
Don't do two things in life, and after reading it, it suddenly opened.
Don't do two things in life, and after reading it, it suddenly opened.
Don't do two things in life, and after reading it, it suddenly opened.
Don't do two things in life, and after reading it, it suddenly opened.
Don't do two things in life, and after reading it, it suddenly opened.

In an ancient and quiet town, there lives an old man named Li Ming. He was old, but he was in good spirits, and his eyes sparkled with wisdom. The people in the town know that Li Ming is a wise man, and his words and deeds can always bring deep inspiration to people.

One day, a young traveler came to the town, his name was Wang Peng. Wang Peng is confused and confused about the future, hoping to find the direction of his life from Li Ming. He walked into Li Ming's hut and asked respectfully: "Elder Li, I often feel that life is long and overwhelmed, can you give me some advice?" ”

Li Ming smiled and nodded, and said slowly: "In life, there are two things that are best not to do. First, don't make pointless complaints. Complaining will only drain your energy and make you fall into negative emotions and can't extricate yourself. You should learn to accept reality, face difficulties positively, and look for solutions to problems. ”

Wang Peng nodded thoughtfully, he recalled that he used to complain about small things, which only ended up making things worse. He felt a little ashamed, but at the same time deeply agreed with Li Ming's words.

Li Ming continued: "Second, do not make unprincipled compromises. Every choice in life is crucial, and you should stick to your principles and bottom line, and not be swayed by the temptations and pressures of the outside world. Only in this way can you go further and more steadily on the road of life. ”

After hearing this, Wang Peng suddenly realized, he recalled that he had easily given up his principles because he was afraid of difficulties, and as a result, he missed many important opportunities. He felt very remorseful, and at the same time deeply admired Li Ming's words.

Before leaving the hut, Wang Peng bowed deeply to Li Ming and said gratefully, "Elder Li, your teachings made me pause. I will keep these two points in mind and try to follow my own path in life. ”

From that day on, Wang Peng began to actively face the difficulties and challenges in life, and no longer complained and avoided. He sticks to his principles and bottom line, and bravely pursues his dreams. After a period of hard work, he finally achieved his goal and became a respected and successful person.

And Li Ming still lives a peaceful and simple life in the town, and his wisdom and teachings are like a beacon that illuminates the way forward for countless people.