
British media exposed! In order to lobby the United States to ban TikTok, Meta and Google have spent millions

author:Catch fun in the sea

Recently, there was a news break that opened our eyes! Surely you've heard of Meta and Google, right? These two guys are actually engaged in political lobbying, just like politicians! The entire Internet has been swept away by this wave of operations.

British media exposed! In order to lobby the United States to ban TikTok, Meta and Google have spent millions

The story began with the Daily Mail, where they exposed a shocking news: Meta and Google were engaged in a behind-the-scenes "ban or sell it" lobbying operation with the aim of influencing the U.S. Congress and the White House to get a bill involving TikTok passed.

Wow, that's no small feat! Do you know? This incident has made us re-examine the political tricks of tech companies.

British media exposed! In order to lobby the United States to ban TikTok, Meta and Google have spent millions

Meta and Google are the big names of the Internet world, and they not only influence our online lives, but also want to control the political scene.

Their actions are obviously not for product upgrades or technological innovations, but to protect their own territory and suppress rival TikTok.

British media exposed! In order to lobby the United States to ban TikTok, Meta and Google have spent millions

It's a game of political hegemony for big business!

Politics and business are intertwined, where to go?

Politics and business are supposed to go their separate ways, but when they are intertwined, the results are often surprising.

The phenomenon of large corporations using political lobbying to influence policy is becoming more common in today's world, leading to a deep rethinking of the relationship between politics and business.

British media exposed! In order to lobby the United States to ban TikTok, Meta and Google have spent millions

First, let's dive into the essence of this operation. Businesses lobby the government mainly out of self-interest.

They may be trying to gain more profit margins, reduce the competitiveness of competitors, or obtain specific resources and support through policy development or modification.

To some extent, this behavior is a strategy adopted by enterprises in order to survive and thrive.

British media exposed! In order to lobby the United States to ban TikTok, Meta and Google have spent millions

However, when such a strategy affects the fairness and transparency of policymaking, it can cause widespread concern and dissatisfaction in society.

Second, politics is supposed to be the voice of the people, but in some cases, money and power seem to dictate the direction of political decisions.

In this context, people's trust in the political system has been seriously challenged.

British media exposed! In order to lobby the United States to ban TikTok, Meta and Google have spent millions

They begin to wonder whether the government is truly serving their interests and whether there is a motive behind policymaking.

This loss of trust can lead to alienation and non-participation in the political process, which weakens the effectiveness and stability of democratic institutions.

We must act against this combination of politics and business.

British media exposed! In order to lobby the United States to ban TikTok, Meta and Google have spent millions

First, the government needs to strictly regulate the political activities of companies to ensure that they are legally compliant, and take steps to prevent companies from using political influence for personal gain.

The policy-making process should be more transparent and fair, taking into account the interests of all parties, rather than being swayed by specific interest groups.

Second, ordinary people should also be actively involved in the political process, making their voices heard and monitoring the actions of governments and businesses.

This can be done by participating in civic organizations, signing petitions, participating in elections, etc.

British media exposed! In order to lobby the United States to ban TikTok, Meta and Google have spent millions

Only when people unite to uphold the fairness and transparency of the political system can they effectively counter the negative effects of the combination of politics and business.

Diversified development is in the ascendant

In the world of the internet, innovation and diversity are the driving force and the way to go.

The thriving sector is built on innovation and diversity.

British media exposed! In order to lobby the United States to ban TikTok, Meta and Google have spent millions

Only by making the market full of diversity and the playing field more level can we truly promote the development and innovation of technology. First, let's look at innovation.

In a diverse and competitive market environment, companies are constantly racing to introduce new products and technologies to meet changing consumer needs.

This kind of competition motivates enterprises to continuously carry out technology research and development and innovation, and promotes the progress of the entire industry.

British media exposed! In order to lobby the United States to ban TikTok, Meta and Google have spent millions

For example, the emergence of disruptive technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain is a product of the rapid rise in this competitive environment.

Secondly, diversity is not only reflected in products and services, but also in terms of the size, geography and cultural background of enterprises.

In an open and diverse market, businesses of all sizes and types have the opportunity to succeed, from small startups to multinational giants, each with a strong presence in their field to drive the industry forward.

British media exposed! In order to lobby the United States to ban TikTok, Meta and Google have spent millions

In addition to promoting technological development and innovation, a diverse market environment can also bring more choices and convenience to consumers.

Consumers can choose the most suitable products and services from a wide range of products and services according to their needs and preferences, thus improving consumer satisfaction and experience.


The political lobbying of Meta and Google has shown us the other side of the tech giants.

British media exposed! In order to lobby the United States to ban TikTok, Meta and Google have spent millions

They don't act to change the world, but to protect their own interests.

But we cannot sit idly by and must act to protect our interests and level the playing field.

Only in this way can we usher in a better Internet era!

British media exposed! In order to lobby the United States to ban TikTok, Meta and Google have spent millions

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