
The aunt spread foreign cultural beliefs on the subway and was taught a lesson by the guy! The words are impassioned

author:The monologue of Jing Puchun


"If you choose to believe in Jesus, you might as well believe in Nuwa and pinch the villain!"

All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources of information and is detailed at the end of the article

«——【Beginning of the Event·】——»

On May 13, 2024, in a subway car in Harbin, an elderly aunt gushes about her Christian culture to the passengers in the car.

She was full of praise and said that believing in Jesus would bring endless happiness and blessings. But many passengers around showed disdain for the enthusiastic aunt, and some shrugged their shoulders and said they didn't care.

Just as the aunt was speaking generously and gushing, a young man in a black shirt suddenly stood up and interrupted her preaching.

The aunt spread foreign cultural beliefs on the subway and was taught a lesson by the guy! The words are impassioned

"The thing you are talking about now belongs to cultural invasion, and it is subverting the 5,000-year history of our Chinese culture!" The boy firmly pointed out that the aunt's blatant preaching in a public place such as the subway is tantamount to infringing on traditional Chinese culture.

However, my aunt said to this, how many times have I heard you like this.

The aunt spread foreign cultural beliefs on the subway and was taught a lesson by the guy! The words are impassioned

The boy then said, you choose to believe in Jesus, you might as well believe in Nuwa pinching villains, our Chinese mythology is stronger than the West!

The aunt spread foreign cultural beliefs on the subway and was taught a lesson by the guy! The words are impassioned

Also, if an elementary school student were to hear what you were talking about theology, when the teacher was teaching about Chinese history, they would think that God created the world. So what will we Chinese children do in the future?

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding passengers applauded the young man and applauded the male college student's courage and insight.

The aunt spread foreign cultural beliefs on the subway and was taught a lesson by the guy! The words are impassioned

Subsequently, an elderly passenger also accused the aunt and said: "That kid is very right, you can believe it if you want, you can't say this thing in the carriage!" ”

Surprisingly, the old woman who had been generous and talkative before was speechless at the moment.

The aunt spread foreign cultural beliefs on the subway and was taught a lesson by the guy! The words are impassioned

«——【·Netizens Hotly Discussed·】——»

As soon as the video was exposed online, it caused an uproar. Many netizens applauded the boy's performance: This is what our contemporary young people should look like, and they are the hope and pillars of the motherland!

The aunt spread foreign cultural beliefs on the subway and was taught a lesson by the guy! The words are impassioned

Some netizens said that religious belief is indeed free, but the law stipulates that no religious behavior can be preached in any public place, and there is nothing to say.

The aunt spread foreign cultural beliefs on the subway and was taught a lesson by the guy! The words are impassioned

Some netizens said, which school students, let's all go and study, good students in modern China!

The aunt spread foreign cultural beliefs on the subway and was taught a lesson by the guy! The words are impassioned

Some netizens said that in the end, the uncle's summary was very good, what do you like to believe, don't affect others!

The aunt spread foreign cultural beliefs on the subway and was taught a lesson by the guy! The words are impassioned

Religious belief should not be spread in such an occasion, he can believe in it, but he cannot proclaim it in public.

The aunt spread foreign cultural beliefs on the subway and was taught a lesson by the guy! The words are impassioned

«——【·Resist Cultural Invasion·】——»

In fact, in addition to the myth of "Nuwa pinching the villain" mentioned by the boys, Chinese myths and legends also include Kuafu chasing the sun, Jingwei reclamation, Pangu opening the world and so on.

These profound myths not only depict the wisdom and courage of the Chinese nation, but also fully demonstrate the unique charm of Chinese culture, which has a long history and is broad and profound.

Through these myths and stories, it is not difficult for us to discover the characteristics of the Chinese nation since ancient times, which loves life and strives for self-improvement. It is these virtues that have given birth to a broad and profound Chinese culture, and have also made our Chinese sons and daughters extremely proud of the cultural treasures of their ancestors.

The aunt spread foreign cultural beliefs on the subway and was taught a lesson by the guy! The words are impassioned

Cultural self-confidence is an important foundation for resisting cultural invasion. We should fully understand the unique charm and profound connotation of Chinese culture, and establish cultural self-esteem and self-confidence.

Only by fully understanding and consciously inheriting the local culture can we have a sense of belonging and identity in the face of foreign culture, so as to resist the impact of heterogeneous culture.

The aunt spread foreign cultural beliefs on the subway and was taught a lesson by the guy! The words are impassioned

In the face of the influx of foreign cultures, we must maintain our cultural identity and adhere to our own cultural values and lifestyles.

While drawing on and learning from the outstanding cultural achievements of foreign countries, it is all the more necessary to screen out the beneficial and harmful, not blindly pursue them, and maintain an independent personality and national characteristics.

The aunt spread foreign cultural beliefs on the subway and was taught a lesson by the guy! The words are impassioned

It is necessary to strengthen the construction of educational positions for the excellent traditional Chinese culture, enhance the cultural awareness of the whole nation through various channels, and especially strengthen cultural education for young people.

At the same time, with the help of laws and regulations, strengthen the supervision of cultural products, and put an end to the production and dissemination of illegal and vulgar cultural products. It is necessary to severely punish those who infiltrate and wantonly attack Chinese culture.

The aunt spread foreign cultural beliefs on the subway and was taught a lesson by the guy! The words are impassioned

«——【Cultural self-confidence and self-improvement·】——»

The mainland has always respected people's freedom of religious belief. As a citizen, there is nothing wrong with believing in any religion, but you must also abide by the relevant laws and do not openly proclaim it in public. Big Mom is shouting about the teachings of Jesus on the subway, which is already against the law.

As a country with a large population, China has always been open and tolerant of foreign cultures. But this does not mean that we can be invaded and assimilated by foreign cultures.

This kind of public advocacy of foreign religion is tantamount to an offense and harm to the local culture.

The aunt spread foreign cultural beliefs on the subway and was taught a lesson by the guy! The words are impassioned

Every Chinese should remember that we are sons and daughters of the Chinese nation and be proud of our identity. While it is right to absorb the essence of foreign cultures, it is important not to abandon one's own cultural roots.

Only by maintaining self-confidence and love for Chinese culture can we better carry forward and create new cultural peaks. As the boy called for, cultural self-confidence and cultural self-improvement are the way to China's rise.

The aunt spread foreign cultural beliefs on the subway and was taught a lesson by the guy! The words are impassioned


After thousands of years of change and replacement, Chinese culture is still endless. The reason why this long-standing and profound culture can maintain its vitality forever is largely due to the indomitable national self-confidence in the bones of the Chinese people.

Only cultural self-confidence can make the unique charm of the national culture forever youthful; Only by cherishing and carrying forward this unique charm can the Chinese nation finally realize the dream of great rejuvenation.

Therefore, we contemporary Chinese should embrace cultural self-confidence and become the inheritors of promoting national culture!

The aunt spread foreign cultural beliefs on the subway and was taught a lesson by the guy! The words are impassioned


Yueniu News - "On May 13, the aunt advocated foreign beliefs on the subway, and the young man made a generous statement, which was reasonable, "China's thousands of years of history, focusing on cultural self-confidence and self-improvement", the car was full of thunderous applause, young man, well said! 》

The aunt spread foreign cultural beliefs on the subway and was taught a lesson by the guy! The words are impassioned

Tengxian Rong Media - "Aunt was "angry" by the young man's passion for promoting foreign faith and culture on the subway, "We in China pay attention to cultural self-confidence"

The aunt spread foreign cultural beliefs on the subway and was taught a lesson by the guy! The words are impassioned

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