
May 20th, Xiaoman, is another "auspicious day", no matter how busy you are, don't forget to do 4 "auspicious things" and follow the tradition

author:There are three lazy sheep and three less

Dear friends, seeing that May 20th is coming, this day is the small full solar term handed down by our ancestors. On this day, the wheat in the field began to bulge, although it was not yet fully ripe, but it was also a good omen. This day is an "auspicious day", as the old saying goes, no matter how busy you are, don't forget to do these 4 "auspicious things" to get a good fortune. Blessed people, leave a sentence in the comment area: "One shun and one hundred shun, the Bodhisattva blesses", for themselves, for their children, and for the whole family to receive blessings.

May 20th, Xiaoman, is another "auspicious day", no matter how busy you are, don't forget to do 4 "auspicious things" and follow the tradition

First things first: eat wheat and rice to welcome a good harvest

On this day, we have a habit in our old life, that is, to eat wheat and miao rice. Wheat rice is a rarity, and young and old people love to eat it. In the early years, everyone would go to the field to pinch some tender wheat seedlings and cook them with rice. Now wheat seedlings are not easy to get, but we can also use wheat sprouts instead, and the meaning is the same, the picture is a good omen for a good harvest.

The second thing: Sacrifice to the silkworm god and pray for a good harvest of silkworm cocoons

In the small full season, the cocoons also begin to plump. In order to harvest the cocoons, the older generation will worship the silkworm god on this day. This custom is especially prevalent in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, although we are not so particular about the northeast, but there are similar prayer ceremonies. When you get up in the morning, put on some offerings, burn some incense, and pray for a full warehouse of silk in the coming year, and a prosperous life.

May 20th, Xiaoman, is another "auspicious day", no matter how busy you are, don't forget to do 4 "auspicious things" and follow the tradition

The third thing: fetch water and dry your back, and be healthy

On this day, it is indispensable to fetch water and dry your back. As the saying goes: "Xiaoman is dissatisfied, and the wheat field is flooded." "There is a lot of rain in the small full solar term, and the air is humid, so at this time, the sun on the back can dispel the moisture in the body and prevent disease and health care. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, the body is easy to accumulate dampness, and basking in the sun is particularly good for the body. Find a warm afternoon, take a small bench, and rest in the yard for a while, it is very comfortable.

The fourth thing: fly a kite to get rid of illness and strengthen your body

On this day, kite flying is also very particular. Kite flying is not only entertainment for children, but also an ancient way to pray for blessings. When flying a kite, people will write prayers on the kite, and with the help of the wind, they will take away the bad things and usher in a good health in the new year. Flying kites on this day can not only relax your mind, but also move your muscles and bones, and the old people may wish to try it, don't be afraid of being tired, and moving is good for your body.

May 20th, Xiaoman, is another "auspicious day", no matter how busy you are, don't forget to do 4 "auspicious things" and follow the tradition

As one of the 24 solar terms, Xiaoman carries a lot of traditional customs and cultural connotations. Through these simple and meaningful "auspicious events", we can not only feel the changes in solar terms, but also pass on the wisdom of our ancestors. Our Northeast people pay attention to reality, these customs are both interesting and beneficial, big guys may wish to try it, picture an auspicious picture, pray for a good omen.

These old traditions not only have a rich cultural heritage, but also make our lives more enjoyable. I hope that in your busy life, don't forget these "Xiaoman" customs and enjoy the good times brought by the solar terms.