
was rumored by her mother to take away 100 million property, and made a strong return after 10 years, this time she decided to "retaliate with a tooth for a tooth"

author:Banana University Hall

Zhang Shaohan has been full of passion for music since she was a child, and with the unwavering support and continuous kindness of her family, she set off early to participate in various singing competitions. At that time, highly competitive competitions often led to lucrative prizes, so Zhang's family also purchased a lot of practical electrical equipment because of her competition prize money.

When she was 17 years old, under the careful planning of her mother, Zhang Shaohan returned to Taiwan again and opened a new chapter in her career. Her mother is not only a solid pillar in her life, but also her right-hand man in her career, taking full responsibility for all her performance income.

was rumored by her mother to take away 100 million property, and made a strong return after 10 years, this time she decided to "retaliate with a tooth for a tooth"

Zhang Shaohan knows the power of family affection, and she does not hesitate to remit all her income directly to her mother's account and let her keep it safe.

In that year, Zhang Shaohan quickly emerged in the Taiwanese music scene with his outstanding singing talent and innate smart temperament. When she first set foot in the entertainment industry, she served as the heroine of the TV series "Never Give Up".

Although his heart was full of apprehension and fear, Zhang Shaohan performed every scene vividly with a dedicated and dedicated work attitude, and soon became famous in the play.

After starring in several well-received TV series, Zhang Shaohan played the heroine in the popular "Dolphin Bay Lovers", and officially started his music path with the ending song "Lost Beauty" of the show.

At this moment, her career is at its peak and fruitful.

However, just when his career was in full swing, a ruthless letter to his family was suddenly exposed, causing an uproar. What is shocking is that this letter is actually from Zhang Shaohan's closest mother! The letter was full of words, severely criticizing Zhang Shaohan: "Please cherish life, guide your younger brothers and sisters on the right path, and never take them to indulge in drugs and alcohol."

was rumored by her mother to take away 100 million property, and made a strong return after 10 years, this time she decided to "retaliate with a tooth for a tooth"

This letter to the family undoubtedly brought a heavy blow to Zhang Shaohan's career.

Although Zhang Shaohan has repeatedly defended and clarified, in the eyes of the majority of netizens, her image has suffered irreparable damage, and the once lively and lovely "princess little sister" image is gone.

All kinds of media moved even more when they heard the news, and quickly exposed the recent photos of Zhang Shaohan who looked haggard due to his illness, occupying the headline position of major news pages.

This tragic family farce was actually directed by his biological mother, which had a very serious impact on Zhang Shaohan's acting career. She had to be hidden by the company under the pressure of public opinion, and she was away from the bright stage for ten years.

was rumored by her mother to take away 100 million property, and made a strong return after 10 years, this time she decided to "retaliate with a tooth for a tooth"

Until 2018, Zhang Shaohan returned to the stage of the popular variety show "Singer" with his outstanding strength, and once again attracted widespread attention from the whole society. With a touching song "Ah Diao", she once again created the image of the "free flying bird" with her infectious voice, and finally successfully achieved the "Phoenix Nirvana" in her career.

That ruthless letter to the family revealed a family tragedy that made people sigh. It turned out that in Zhang Shaohan's mother's heart, her daughter was no longer a relative connected by blood, but gradually reduced to a money-making machine.

When the machine could no longer create wealth for her, she ruthlessly squeezed the last vestiges of its surplus value and then discarded it mercilessly.

In 2008, Zhang Shaohan and his father were both diagnosed with heart disease and were forced to interrupt their work and return to Canada for treatment. It was supposed to be a critical moment for mother and daughter to work together to overcome difficulties, but all the mother had in her heart was endless desire for money.

was rumored by her mother to take away 100 million property, and made a strong return after 10 years, this time she decided to "retaliate with a tooth for a tooth"

She knew that if her daughter stopped working due to illness, she would not be able to continue to obtain financial benefits, so she did not hesitate to take the opportunity to hype Zhang Shaohan's illness.

She exaggerated the facts and wantonly exaggerated Zhang Shaohan's illness in front of the media, in an attempt to obtain greater benefits. At the same time, delays in treatment costs prevented Zhang Shaohan from returning to work as scheduled, prompting her mother to foresee a possible financial crisis in the future.

Once this diva of Chinese music is no longer in the limelight, she will miss such a high-quality and rare opportunity to "collect money".

So, her mother decisively transferred all the savings that Zhang Shaohan had earned through years of hard work to her own name, and the amount was as high as an astonishing 100 million yuan! When Zhang Shaohan realized that the balance of her bank account had disappeared in an instant, and even the first treatment fee required the generosity of a friend, she deeply realized her mother's insidiousness and treachery.

was rumored by her mother to take away 100 million property, and made a strong return after 10 years, this time she decided to "retaliate with a tooth for a tooth"

It turned out that her mother had long lost the most basic family care for her and regarded her as a tool to make money. In order to be able to squeeze money out of her daughter continuously, the mother is even willing to pay the tragic price of destroying her daughter's career and seek the last huge fortune from the media.

While pretending to be in difficulty, she proposed to Zhang Shaohan, who was undergoing treatment, that she must pay a high maintenance fee of up to 300,000 yuan per month; On the other hand, she shamelessly asked her daughter for a luxury villa as compensation, otherwise she would continue to slander Zhang Shaohan as an "unfilial daughter".

The family, which was once full of warmth and harmony, was ruthlessly torn apart by the temptation of money. The mother's perfidy is undoubtedly a double-edged sword, which not only deeply pierced her daughter's heart, but also cruelly pushed her into the endless abyss of life.

Since then, Zhang Shaohan can no longer trust the word "family affection" unreservedly, because in her mother's eyes, these two words have become insignificant.

was rumored by her mother to take away 100 million property, and made a strong return after 10 years, this time she decided to "retaliate with a tooth for a tooth"

When the betrayal of her family and the temptation of money pushed her into the abyss of life, Zhang Shaohan thought that at least one of her best friends, Fan Weiqi, could fight side by side with her and support each other.

However, this is not the case.

Once, Fan Weiqi was Zhang Shaohan's closest close friend, and the friendship between the two was as "loving each other as a family" as depicted in the lyrics. They talk about everything, they have a deep affection for each other, and even those secrets, big and small, are shared.

However, when Zhang Shaohan fell into a career trough due to family problems, Fan Weiqi chose to stand by and turn a blind eye to her friend's plight.

was rumored by her mother to take away 100 million property, and made a strong return after 10 years, this time she decided to "retaliate with a tooth for a tooth"

What's even more infuriating is that she took advantage of the situation and took over part of Zhang Shaohan's endorsement work, and never showed the slightest guilt. For a friend, this behavior is simply humiliating.

Faced with the abandonment of relatives and friends, Zhang Shaohan suffered a heavy blow in his heart, and the former "intimate sisters" relationship was gone.

After returning to the stage, the two met unexpectedly in many variety shows, but there was almost no communication on stage. And off the stage, the two sides began to attack and accuse each other back and forth.

As the daughter of the late actress Li Yuanyuan, Zhang Shaohan was once favored by everyone, but Fan Weiqi has spoken in front of the media many times, trying to publicly correct her so-called good reputation. In response, Zhang Shaohan also unceremoniously compared Fan Weiqi to "a white vicious dog who only shouts hollowly to beg attention".

was rumored by her mother to take away 100 million property, and made a strong return after 10 years, this time she decided to "retaliate with a tooth for a tooth"

The conflict between these two former friends reached its peak in the hit variety show "The Masked Singer Guess Guess". Fan Weiqi chose the image of "Dabai" to appear, and claimed that "I hope the children can see their mother's wonderful performance on stage".

However, the more Fan Weiqi tried her best to get rid of her relationship with Zhang Shaohan, the more Zhang Shaohan would fight back directly and ruthlessly. The same is true in the competition in the music field, whenever Zhang Shaohan's new song tops the hot search list, there will be some "unexpected" negative news about Fan Weiqi, trying to grab the public's attention.

Their former "confidant and friend" relationship has now completely broken down, and the road of friendship has come to an end and is struggling. Fan Weiqi constantly spread the "chicken soup for the soul" in an attempt to justify herself, while Zhang Shaohan fought back with a resolute and tough attitude, without mercy.

The beautiful vision of "loving each other and being a family" has finally become an unattainable thing in the past.

was rumored by her mother to take away 100 million property, and made a strong return after 10 years, this time she decided to "retaliate with a tooth for a tooth"

After a lot of hardships, betrayal and betrayal by relatives and friends, Zhang Shaohan should have been full of despair in the world and deeply vigilant against human nature. However, she chose to face all the hardships with great courage and tenacity, and fought back with her solid strength.

In the midst of family injuries, she never bowed to fate; In the betrayal of friendship, she never gave up on herself and fell into ruin. On the contrary, she embarked on the journey of her career again with firmer determination and fighting spirit as strong as a beast.

Zhang Shaohan confidently participated in popular variety shows such as "The Masked Singer Guess Guess" and "Tucao Conference", and bravely faced all doubts.

In front of the camera, she sometimes interprets her inner ups and downs with a deep and introverted expression, and sometimes straightens her waist and strides to show her unyielding soul. Especially on the stage of "Tucao Conference", Zhang Shaohan said bluntly: "I will never forgive those who hurt me, because harm is harm, not the person who hurt me makes me stronger, but my own tenacity and perseverance that let me get out of the predicament again and again."

was rumored by her mother to take away 100 million property, and made a strong return after 10 years, this time she decided to "retaliate with a tooth for a tooth"

This heart-wrenching remark undoubtedly deeply touched the hearts of countless audiences. In this day and age, we are taught to be tolerant and humble, to know how to forgive and forgive the mistakes of others. The truth, however, is that forgiving too easily can only lead to more serious harm.

Zhang Shaohan's sincere and affectionate words are not groundless, but the valuable life experience she has accumulated after ten years of hard work. Instead of gaining sympathy by deliberately indulging negative emotions and predicaments in search of attention, she climbed the heights of her life again with her courageous and resilient personality.

As she sings in the song: "Diao, those hypocritical people have ever-changing smiles on their faces, are you ready to go down the mountain?" Be sure to bring the unique Dolma knife. After experiencing the baptism of wind and rain, Zhang Shaohan, who was reborn from the ashes, finally has his own "Zhuoma knife".

After returning to the stage, Zhang Shaohan seemed to have gained new vitality with a song "Invisible Wings" full of personal growth. This song is inspired by her love for music in her youth and the years of unremitting efforts to achieve her dreams, and it contains her tenacious attitude to life in the face of adversity.

was rumored by her mother to take away 100 million property, and made a strong return after 10 years, this time she decided to "retaliate with a tooth for a tooth"

"This song gives me endless strength, like a pair of invisible wings silently supporting me behind me, enabling me to pick myself up from the brink of despair again and again." Zhang Shaohan said with emotion. The brave image of pursuing freedom and pursuing ideals depicted in the lyrics is a true portrayal of her inner world.

"Invisible Wings" is not only a deep blessing to Zhang Shaohan to herself, but also the strongest guarantee for her to stick to her dreams in the dark and break out of the cocoon into a butterfly. It was these invisible wings that led her to break free from the betrayal of her family and the betrayal of her friendship and rekindle her musical dreams; It is also this force that has allowed her to maintain hope and stick to her original intention during the low period of her career for ten years.

This song may be just a tiny fragment of Zhang Shaohan's many excellent works, but the meaning and value it carries far exceed that of any other song. The lyrics skillfully connect her innocent dreams of girlhood with the hardships of life after entering middle age, telling her life like a flowing cloud.

"The lost beauty soars into the sky under invisible wings", "The poor often carry a grand faith in freedom", "In every corner, I have imprinted the traces of tears", "The torture of cold eyes and eyebrows makes you engrave the mark of supreme nobility"...... Each vivid line of poetry seems to tell us how a girl who is keen to chase her dreams bravely spreads her wings in the wind.

was rumored by her mother to take away 100 million property, and made a strong return after 10 years, this time she decided to "retaliate with a tooth for a tooth"

For Zhang Shaohan, "Invisible Wings" is not only an important milestone in her music career, but also a mirror, presenting her life trajectory and inner world at a glance, real and touching.

With the support of these invisible wings, she will surely move forward bravely on the road of artistic exploration and continue to climb new heights.

At the critical moment of his career, Zhang Shaohan resolutely chose an unyielding and uncompromising philosophy of life. This is not only due to her natural tenacity, but also from the valuable experience she has accumulated in difficult situations.

"Your kindness must have a sharp light, and repaying grievances with virtue will only bring endless calamity." This sentence profoundly illustrates her core values.

was rumored by her mother to take away 100 million property, and made a strong return after 10 years, this time she decided to "retaliate with a tooth for a tooth"

In the traditional concept of Chinese, "tolerance", "humility" and "forgiveness" seem to have become a social norm and have been repeatedly emphasized. However, in real life, how can those "friends" who turn a blind eye when you are in trouble understand the pain you endure? In fact, in this society, weakness and concession only bring more harm.

As Mr. Guo Degang said: "Those who always advise you to be tolerant of a large number of people, you must keep your distance, so that when they encounter misfortune in the future, it will affect you." Zhang Shaohan understands this through personal experience. At the "Tucao Conference", she unabashedly expressed her determination: "I will never easily forgive those who have hurt me." "

This sentence was like a thunderclap, which shook the heartstrings of everyone present, and Zhang Shaohan's high-headed and majestic posture showed her firm belief to the fullest. She wrote the chapter of her life with courage and perseverance, and even when she was betrayed and betrayed by her relatives and friends during the low period, she never bowed to fate. Instead, she chose to fight back with her diligence and talent.

Zhang Shaohan deeply understands that only the firmness of the original intention and the true protection without regrets can lead to the broad road to success. Therefore, she embarked on the sincere journey of resolutely abandoning hypocrisy and bravely meeting the challenges of reality without wavering!

was rumored by her mother to take away 100 million property, and made a strong return after 10 years, this time she decided to "retaliate with a tooth for a tooth"

This not only shows her incomparably hard character, but also a profound testimony to her never-say-die determination and persistent pursuit of her music dream.

After the vicissitudes of life, she is about to spread her wings to fly freely. The girl who had dreams in the past has now broken out of her cocoon and become a radiant singer who has been trained in life. On the stage, she poured out her twists and turns of fate with that powerful voice; In life, she moved forward bravely with an indestructible backbone and faced many difficulties and obstacles.

This is the real Zhang Shaohan - ambitious, facing life, and indomitable.