
How to solve unbearable menstrual cramps? Traditional Chinese medicine regulates menstruation and relieves pain, making you feel relaxed every month!

author:Health literacy

In our daily lives, there is a problem that plagues many women, and that is menstrual cramps. When menstruation comes, many women suffer from severe abdominal pain, dizziness, low mood and other discomforts. This pain not only affects their quality of life, but also makes them depressed, and even affects their work and study. Just like a lady named Xiaofang.

Xiaofang, 28 years old, is a white-collar worker. Whenever her period came, she was tormented. Abdominal cramps, headaches, nausea, fatigue and weakness made it impossible for her to concentrate on her work and even had to take time off work to rest at home. This pain not only affected her work efficiency, but also made her life full of challenges and uncertainties.

However, just when Xiaofang was feeling hopeless, she heard that TCM menstruation can effectively relieve menstrual cramps. So, she decided to give it a try, hoping to find a solution that would make it easier for her. Next, let's explore how TCM regulates menstruation and relieves menstrual cramps.

How to solve unbearable menstrual cramps? Traditional Chinese medicine regulates menstruation and relieves pain, making you feel relaxed every month!

Traditional Chinese medicine regulates the manager's pain method

Dysmenorrhea, known as "dysmenorrhea" or "irregular menstruation" in TCM theory. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that dysmenorrhea is caused by a variety of factors such as poor flow of qi and blood, blockage of meridians, and emotional discomfort. Therefore, the core idea of TCM menstrual regulation is to achieve the purpose of relieving menstrual cramps by regulating qi and blood, dredging meridians, and adjusting emotions.

Understanding and interpretation of dysmenorrhea in Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that dysmenorrhea is caused by obstruction of the meridians and poor flow of qi and blood. Under normal circumstances, women's menstruation should be smooth and unobstructed. However, due to the influence of factors such as the external environment, eating habits, and emotions, the qi and blood in women's bodies are often not smooth, resulting in meridian blockage, which can lead to dysmenorrhea.

The basic principles of Chinese medicine for menstrual regulation

The basic principle of TCM menstrual regulation is the treatment idea of "regulating qi and blood and dredging meridians, supplemented by regulating emotions, adjusting diet and work and rest". By regulating qi and blood and dredging the meridians, the qi and blood in the woman's body can run smoothly and the meridians are unblocked, so as to achieve the purpose of relieving dysmenorrhea.

Introduction to the specific methods of TCM menstrual regulation

Diet Therapy: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that diet is closely related to women's menstruation. Proper adjustment of dietary habits can play a role in regulating qi and blood and relieving menstrual cramps. For example, you can eat more warm foods, such as red dates, ginger, brown sugar, etc., which can promote blood circulation and relieve menstrual cramps.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Traditional Chinese medicine has unique advantages in regulating menstrual cramps. According to the specific symptoms and constitution of the patient, TCM physicians can formulate suitable Chinese herbal formulas, such as Siwu Tang and Xiaoyao Pill, to regulate qi and blood, dredge the meridians, and achieve the purpose of relieving menstrual cramps.

Acupuncture Conditioning: Acupuncture, as a unique treatment in traditional Chinese medicine, also has a good effect on relieving menstrual cramps. By stimulating specific acupuncture points, it can regulate the flow of qi and blood in the woman's body, dredge the meridians, and achieve the purpose of relieving dysmenorrhea.

Tuina Conditioning: Tuina is a traditional Chinese medicine treatment that regulates qi and blood, unblocks meridians, and relieves menstrual cramps by massaging specific parts of the body. Common massage techniques include dialing, pinching, kneading, pressing, etc., which can effectively relieve discomfort during menstruation.

There are various methods of TCM to regulate menstruation, but its core idea is always to regulate qi and blood and dredge the meridians, so as to achieve the purpose of relieving menstrual cramps. For women who suffer from menstrual cramps, choosing the right TCM menstrual regulation method can help them find an effective way to relieve menstrual cramps, so that they can spend their months with ease.

How to solve unbearable menstrual cramps? Traditional Chinese medicine regulates menstruation and relieves pain, making you feel relaxed every month!

Monthly relaxed lifestyle advice

Eat wisely

Diet is an important part of managing menstrual cramps. First of all, it is important to maintain a balanced diet with adequate intake of protein, vitamins and minerals, especially B vitamins and magnesium, which can help relieve menstrual cramps. Secondly, avoid spicy and irritating foods and greasy foods, such as chili peppers, ginger, fried foods, etc., to avoid aggravating the symptoms. At the same time, appropriately increasing the intake of fiber-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, can help regulate intestinal function and reduce menstrual cramps.

How to solve unbearable menstrual cramps? Traditional Chinese medicine regulates menstruation and relieves pain, making you feel relaxed every month!

Exercise moderately

Moderate exercise can improve blood circulation and relieve menstrual cramps. It is recommended to choose light aerobic exercise that suits you, such as walking, yoga, swimming, etc., 3-4 times a week, each lasting more than 30 minutes. At the same time, take care to avoid strenuous exercise and stay in the same position for long periods of time to avoid aggravating symptoms.

Mood regulation

Mood swings have a certain impact on dysmenorrhea, so emotional regulation is also an important part of regulating dysmenorrhea. Relaxation methods such as listening to music, reading, yoga or meditation are recommended to help relieve anxiety and tension and reduce the discomfort of menstrual cramps. At the same time, maintaining a good attitude towards life and an optimistic attitude has a positive effect on relieving menstrual cramps.

Have a regular schedule

A regular routine is essential for managing menstrual cramps. Getting enough sleep every day and avoiding staying up late and overworking can help regulate your body's body clock and reduce menstrual cramps. In addition, avoiding overexertion and cold during menstruation and keeping your body warm and comfortable can help reduce the onset of menstrual cramps.

By adjusting reasonable eating habits, moderate exercise, emotional regulation and regular work and rest, it can effectively alleviate the discomfort of dysmenorrhea, so that you can relax and enjoy a healthy life.

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