
Follow-up to molesting a woman under the pretense of buying a drink: The police responded, her true face was exposed, and the female boss spoke out

author:Yu Ke



Edited by Yu Ke

On the evening of May 13, a small shop on the edge of the city was preparing to close its day.

The owner is a young woman who looks sexy and beautiful in stylish leopard print pajamas.

Such a dress not only attracted the attention of passers-by, but also attracted an uninvited guest - a seemingly ordinary man.

The man suddenly appeared at the door when the store was about to close, claiming to buy a drink.

Follow-up to molesting a woman under the pretense of buying a drink: The police responded, her true face was exposed, and the female boss spoke out

Although the woman was a little surprised, she still opened the door of the shop, intending to complete this last business.

She never expected that this seemingly ordinary customer would be a villain with bad intentions.

When the man entered the store, he did not choose a drink like a regular customer, but quickly turned off the lights in the store.

The sudden darkness alarmed the woman, who tried to turn on the light, but was stopped by the man.

Immediately afterwards, the man began to commit indecent acts against the woman.

Follow-up to molesting a woman under the pretense of buying a drink: The police responded, her true face was exposed, and the female boss spoke out

The woman struggled to resist in the darkness, screaming for help, trying to get the attention of those around her.

The shop is located in a remote area, and there are no pedestrians around.

In desperation, the woman struggled, her cries for help echoing in the silent night.

Fortunately, the woman's cry for help attracted the attention of nearby residents.

They rushed to check on the situation and found the store in chaos.

Follow-up to molesting a woman under the pretense of buying a drink: The police responded, her true face was exposed, and the female boss spoke out

After learning that the woman had been molested, they immediately called the police and assisted the woman in chasing the thugs.

The police quickly arrived at the scene after receiving the report and launched an investigation.

After investigating and questioning witnesses, the police quickly identified the suspect. After being pursued by the police, the man was eventually caught.

During the police investigation, the man involved confessed to his inappropriate behavior while intoxicated.

Follow-up to molesting a woman under the pretense of buying a drink: The police responded, her true face was exposed, and the female boss spoke out

He explained that he was drunk and lost his mind at the time, which led to such a ridiculous act.

Such an explanation does not hide the fact that he molested others.

According to the relevant laws and regulations, molesting another person is an illegal act and will be severely punished by law.

Article 44 of the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law": Whoever molests another person or intentionally exposes his body in a public place, and the circumstances are heinous, shall be detained for not less than 5 days but not more than 10 days;

or detained for not less than 10 days but not more than 15 days. Article 237 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China: Whoever uses violence, coercion or other methods to compel indecent assault on others or insult women shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or short-term detention.

Netizens' opinions

Don't use drunkenness as an excuse!

Follow-up to molesting a woman under the pretense of buying a drink: The police responded, her true face was exposed, and the female boss spoke out

A premeditated case?

Follow-up to molesting a woman under the pretense of buying a drink: The police responded, her true face was exposed, and the female boss spoke out

Strict inspection

Follow-up to molesting a woman under the pretense of buying a drink: The police responded, her true face was exposed, and the female boss spoke out

The results are already in

Follow-up to molesting a woman under the pretense of buying a drink: The police responded, her true face was exposed, and the female boss spoke out

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