
Facts have proved that now Wu Jing has embarked on another broad road as an actor

author:Lotte Curiosity

At the exciting Golden Rooster Awards ceremony in the past, Wu Jing was wearing a dark suit, under the focus of the flash, he was holding his mobile phone passionately, concentrating on taking commemorative photos for his idol Andy Lau, his face was full of endless joy and joy, and he seemed to have forgotten his noble status as a superstar in the film industry, like a crazy little fan who is keen to chase stars.

However, at this moment, the atmosphere of the scene instantly boiled! Sharp-eyed netizens were surprised to find that what Wu Jing was holding in his hand turned out to be the latest Apple mobile phone! This subtle detail is like a heavy hammer, hammering heavily on the image of a "patriotic tough guy" that he has carefully cultivated for a long time.

Facts have proved that now Wu Jing has embarked on another broad road as an actor

Doubts came like an avalanche, and netizens accused Wu Jing of hypocrisy and artificiality, ostensibly promoting the spirit of patriotism, but in private he avoided domestic mobile phone brands, which ran counter to his self-proclaimed image of a patriot.

Some netizens even pointed out unceremoniously: "ZTE mobile phones are just his tools, and it is Apple that really accompanies him in his life!" This kind of remark is like a sharp sword, which deeply pierces the hearts of the majority of netizens, and their anger and disappointment have reached their peak.

In the face of such a fierce wave of doubts, Wu Jing naturally had mixed feelings in his heart. He can't deny that he once had the sincere patriotic feelings, because this emotion comes from his background in a martial arts family and the experience of his military career.

In the face of the public opinion criticism that hit like a storm, Wu Jing was inevitably uneasy in his heart, and his mood was complicated and unspeakable. He can't argue with the fact that he was once truly patriotic, because he was born into a martial arts family, and was deeply influenced by his father from an early age, cultivating the tenacity and loyalty of a soldier.

Looking back, when Wu Jing was six years old, he was sent by his parents to the famous Shichahai Sports School to receive rigorous martial arts training. There, he sweated day after day and honed his perseverance.

When he was a teenager, his love and dedication to martial arts gradually revealed.

Facts have proved that now Wu Jing has embarked on another broad road as an actor

Many years later, in order to portray Leng Feng, the resolute and patriotic military character in "Wolf Warrior", Wu Jing joined the army without hesitation and spent an incomparably precious military career there.

This unique experience gave him a deeper understanding and appreciation of his love for the motherland.

He deeply understood that military personnel are the pillars of the country and a powerful force for maintaining peace and defending the homeland. As the inheritor of a martial arts family, he has the responsibility to shoulder the historical responsibility of promoting the spirit of patriotism.

Therefore, he silently decided to do his best to create the shocking movie masterpiece "Wolf Warrior".

Facts have proved that now Wu Jing has embarked on another broad road as an actor

Since its release, "Wolf Warrior" has been like an incomparably accurate arrow that has deeply hit the hearts of audiences across the country. The audience was moved to tears by Leng Feng's tenacious and unyielding heroic image, and at the same time, they were deeply moved by Wu Jing's deep affection for the motherland.

At that moment, Wu Jing seemed to be incarnated as the patron saint of the country and became the most outstanding communicator of the spirit of patriotism.

Just as "Wolf Warrior" caused a sensation across the country, with a bumper harvest of word-of-mouth and box office, Wu Jing's name also spread all over the world, and he was known as the honorary title of "patriotic actor". This is undoubtedly the greatest appreciation and recognition for him, and it has also won him wide reputation and attention.

With the brilliant achievements of the previous work, Wu Jing has skillfully integrated elements of patriotic feelings in a series of subsequent film works. From the majestic "The Climber", to the inspiring "King Kong River", to the touching "Changjin Lake", the characters he has created again and again are all patriotic warriors and heroic soldiers.

Facts have proved that now Wu Jing has embarked on another broad road as an actor

This is reminiscent of what he once said in an interview: "I have the tenacity and loyalty of a soldier in my blood. Obviously, this is not empty talk, but the most sincere expression of his heart.

It is precisely because of this firm belief in patriotism that Wu Jing has made outstanding achievements in his acting career.

However, this obsession has also caused aesthetic fatigue among some audiences. Wu Jing, who was once all the rage, suddenly encountered a bottleneck in his artistic career. Some viewers mercilessly accused him of being "old-fashioned" and "lacking in innovation", and the theme of the film was too monotonous and boring.

Some people even point the finger directly at his acting skills, believing that the so-called "patriotic feelings" are just an excuse for him to cover up his lack of performance and cover up the flaws in his acting skills.

Facts have proved that now Wu Jing has embarked on another broad road as an actor

In the face of these questioning voices, Wu Jing's heart was naturally full of helplessness and indignation. As an actor, his goal is always to win the audience's affection through excellent work and superb acting skills. However, now, even the most basic acting skills have been questioned, which he never expected.

In order to demonstrate his extraordinary acting skills and respond to the audience's doubts about his performance as "more traditional and less innovative", Wu Jing did not hesitate to choose to boldly challenge himself and devote himself to the filming of the high-profile Hollywood blockbuster "Megalodon 2".

However, this decision is like igniting a fire, making Wu Jing instantly the focus of heated public opinion! After the movie was released, the Internet was filled with all kinds of ridicule and ridicule, all of which pointed to Wu Jing's acting skills.

And Wu Jing, who has attracted much attention, was also revealed to have the identity of a permanent resident of Hong Kong!

Facts have proved that now Wu Jing has embarked on another broad road as an actor

The incident spread like a storm on the Internet, and shockingly, it contrasted sharply with Wu Jing's long-held image of a "patriotic tough guy", which sparked widespread discussion. Many voices of doubt have arisen one after another, and many people simply call him a "liar" and angrily denounce him for "wearing the cloak of patriotism but recklessly and frantically accumulating money."

What's even more striking is that some netizens even turned up a photo of Wu Jing being photographed cheating many years ago, when he also chose to escape and avoided talking about it. This undoubtedly further deepened the distrust of the majority of netizens, believing that he was nothing more than a liar who was good at "playing guerrilla warfare", and behaved in a dissolute manner in private.

In the face of such a fierce wave of doubts, Wu Jing was unable to make a strong response for a while. was originally just a trivial "iPhonegate" incident, but it was like opening Pandora's box and making many scandals about him and his family public.

The details of marriage and family life were revealed, which made Wu Jing's aura of "tough guy" and "disciplined style" collapse in an instant, forming a strong contrast with it. The anger of netizens can be imagined, and they have said that they have suffered an unprecedented spiritual betrayal.

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