
Xia Hanbing investigated and guided the united front work

author:Shanxi Pictorial Shuozhou

On May 14, Xia Hanbing, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and head of the United Front Work Department, went to Mayingzhuang Township and Guangwu Town to investigate and guide the united front work, accompanied by the United Front Work Department of the county party committee and relevant responsible comrades of the township.

Xia Hanbing investigated and guided the united front work

Xia Hanbing and his entourage successively investigated Dongshadui Village, Huabeiyan Temple, Ruiyun Temple, Yize Dairy Cow Professional Cooperative and other places to gain an in-depth understanding of the history and current situation of Dongshadui Village, the creation of national unity and progress, the management of religious activity sites and the development of local enterprises.

Xia Hanbing investigated and guided the united front work
Xia Hanbing investigated and guided the united front work
Xia Hanbing investigated and guided the united front work
Xia Hanbing investigated and guided the united front work

Xia Hanbing emphasized that it is necessary to firmly stick to the center of the circle, unite people's hearts, and firmly shoulder the responsibility of the united front. Deeply grasp the new situation and new tasks of united front work in the new era, accurately strengthen ideological and political guidance, integrate united front work into grassroots party building and social governance, insist on telling united front stories, excavating cultural heritage, doing a good job of combining articles, and drawing concentric circles of cohesion and cohesion. It is necessary to strengthen the service center, boost confidence, and demonstrate the united front work. Give full play to the important magic weapon of the united front, focus on the implementation of the "two health" integrated reform and upgrading actions of the private economy, build a bridge for benefiting enterprises to relieve difficulties, and help enterprises solve difficulties and problems with heart and soul. Encourage people outside the party and new social strata to join the main front of economic development, and contribute to the high-quality economic development of our county. It is necessary to firmly assume perseverance, keep pace with the times, and build a solid foundation for the united front. At the same time, it is necessary to deepen the creation of national unity and progress, continue to carry out publicity and education on the awareness of the community of the Chinese nation, and promote the comprehensive improvement of the quality and efficiency of the creation work. To conscientiously implement the party's religious policy, it is necessary to strengthen safety management, fully understand the importance and complexity of the safety work at religious sites, strengthen daily supervision and inspection and investigation of potential safety hazards, and strictly prevent the occurrence of all kinds of incidents that are not conducive to social harmony and security and stability.

Source: San'in Shimbun

Editor: Ma Shijie


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