
The People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024", and every sentence said that the hearts of the Chinese people were on the road

The People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024", and every sentence said that the hearts of the Chinese people were on the road

Little Joe entertains it

2024-05-14 22:15Published in Guangxi film and television creators

No wonder it is said that after the broadcast of "Singer 2024", other music comprehensives have been overshadowed, look at the battle report of this show, all the data can be described as slaughtering, and the first issue has become popular all over the Internet...

The People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024", and every sentence said that the hearts of the Chinese people were on the road

The premiere of "Singer 2024" can have such a record, and the heroic contribution of guarding the country alone is indispensable, and the big guys are having a lot of fun.

But the show should not only be the fifty-year-old Na Ying, who fought foreigners, but also the live broadcast stage without repair.

The People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024", and every sentence said that the hearts of the Chinese people were on the road

Because such a live broadcast competition form is not catering to the audience, but creating it, so that people have a refreshing feeling of changing the Chinese music scene.

What is the explosion of the Chinese music scene, I think it is just as the People's Daily said.

The People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024", and every sentence said that the hearts of the Chinese people were on the road

People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024": Remove the "modification" and simplify the "packaging", at the moment when the filter is flying, how can such a real competition not be refreshing?

The People's Daily really said that the hearts of the Chinese people are difficult, yes, sincerity is always the first nirvana.

It is not only the Chinese music scene that should uncover the "fig leaf".

The People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024", and every sentence said that the hearts of the Chinese people were on the road

I don't know when it began, everything in the domestic entertainment epidemic was fake, singing had to pad the sound, repair the sound, and even acquiesce to the fake singing for the sake of profit, and the acting required filters, stand-ins, fake eating... Everything has to be packaged before it goes on the screen.

This time, the live broadcast competition of "Singer 2024" is really a good creation, and the Chinese music scene has become the first field to be opened.

Netizens said that because of the prevalence of lip-synching for a long time, the audience couldn't accept the real vocal, and they were used to listening to the vocals after beautification, and thought that live should be so flawless. Just like a beautiful woman should have 0 pores on her skin...

The People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024", and every sentence said that the hearts of the Chinese people were on the road

This time "Singer" is really different! In the past, everyone questioned the sound repair, why did they question it, because they usually sang so perfectly, but when they arrived at the live of the battle of the singers, they pulled their hips.

This time, if it weren't for the first and second place foreign singers to stabilize their live output, and the word-of-mouth reversal, everyone would not be so crazy and start judging the Chinese music scene.

Therefore, the way of live competition is not only a form, but also a trend.

The People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024", and every sentence said that the hearts of the Chinese people were on the road

How good is this form of live broadcast, it can tear off the fig leaf of many people, and avoid the atmosphere of post-tone repair, excessive editing, and even some lip-syncing.

It's a good thing for the participating singers and the Chinese music scene.

For the participating singers, it is the courage to face themselves, and it is also a good opportunity to learn from each other.

Singers go to PK competitions with the attitude of appreciating each other and learning from each other, rather than participating in a variety show simply for the sake of hot searches and popularity. This is what the music scene looks like with fresh and positive energy!

The People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024", and every sentence said that the hearts of the Chinese people were on the road

As far as the Chinese music scene is concerned, it is both a knock and a spur, and this dimensionality reduction blow on the strength of foreign singers has sounded the alarm for the Chinese music scene.

If there is no pressure, there will be no motivation, and there should be more gods to stir up the troubled waters in the country.

In the past, traffic singers relied on their faces to eat, and powerful singers were unknown, this kind of unfairness and unfavorable to the prosperity of art should have been terminated long ago.

Looking at the current Chinese music scene, there are very few young generations who can play, but they are still popular by relying on traffic.

The People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024", and every sentence said that the hearts of the Chinese people were on the road

Netizens said that they can still play the gang in the 90s, the new generation is too disconnected, and it is also related to the rise of Internet celebrity songs, and musicians do not need to rely on record companies to dig from a professional point of view.

This deformity should have stopped a long time ago.

Music should pursue truth, goodness and beauty, and singers should practice basic skills diligently, and cannot indulge in the fig leaf of sound repair, lack cultural self-confidence, and be led by the wind of virtual pretenses.

The People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024", and every sentence said that the hearts of the Chinese people were on the road

Therefore, everyone scolds the Chinese music scene to see that it can stand up.

Not only singers, but also actors, if you can't do it, you must work hard and practice more, dare to listen to the truth and make changes to improve your business ability, and you must do what you say, and be consistent with your words and deeds.

So, please keep up the good work of "Singer 2024".

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]

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  • The People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024", and every sentence said that the hearts of the Chinese people were on the road
  • The People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024", and every sentence said that the hearts of the Chinese people were on the road
  • The People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024", and every sentence said that the hearts of the Chinese people were on the road
  • The People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024", and every sentence said that the hearts of the Chinese people were on the road
  • The People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024", and every sentence said that the hearts of the Chinese people were on the road
  • The People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024", and every sentence said that the hearts of the Chinese people were on the road
  • The People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024", and every sentence said that the hearts of the Chinese people were on the road
  • The People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024", and every sentence said that the hearts of the Chinese people were on the road
  • The People's Daily commented on "Singer 2024", and every sentence said that the hearts of the Chinese people were on the road

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