
Thousands of people witnessed the excellent performance of "her......

author:Wen County today

On May 13, Henan Ping'an Seed Industry Co., Ltd. held an on-site observation meeting of the national review of wheat Henan 916. More than 1,000 people, including large planters, seed dealers, and heads of agricultural cooperatives from Anhui, Jiangsu, Shaanxi and other provinces as well as Henan Province, witnessed the excellent performance of the new wheat variety of Yunong 916.

Thousands of people witnessed the excellent performance of "her......

The participants walked into the field to carefully observe the plant type, wheat ear, grain filling degree of the national wheat Yunong 916, and exchanged and discussed the growth, characteristics, disease resistance, and yield of the variety. Combined with the local climatic characteristics, the technicians explained the characteristics of high-quality wheat varieties, maturity date, yield, quality, stress resistance, etc., as well as the promotion of new technologies.

Thousands of people witnessed the excellent performance of "her......

The national wheat Yunong 916, which is in the flowering period, has beautiful plants, full of greenery, and gratifying growth. According to reports, Henan Ping'an Seed Industry Co., Ltd. and Henan Agricultural University school-enterprise joint cultivation results, as a new variety of wheat in the national review, with high yield, excellent quality, strong stress resistance and other characteristics, its leaf color is dark green, compact plant type, good lodging resistance, large spike shape, grain semi-, good fullness.

At the event site, many observers either squatted down to observe the growth of wheat, or took a pen to record the growth traits of wheat at this time in a notebook, or took photos of the national wheat Yunong 916 with their mobile phones. After witnessing the excellent performance of the new wheat variety of Yunong 916, everyone expressed that they would actively promote this new variety in the local area.

Thousands of people witnessed the excellent performance of "her......

This observation meeting provided an opportunity for technical exchanges and learning for the majority of growers and dealers, and at the same time effectively improved the understanding of seed dealers and new agricultural operators on the new variety of wheat Yunong 916 in the national review, and laid a solid foundation for the promotion of this wheat variety.

It is understood that the cumulative promotion area of "Ping An series" wheat varieties has reached 290 million mu, increased grain production by 11 billion kilograms, and created economic benefits of 16.9 billion yuan.

Wen County Rong Media Center reporter Shi Jianjian, Huang Fuxing, Zhou Hang reported