
Parents must see丨Don't underestimate anorexia! Anorexia in children is very harmful!

author:Jiuhua Huayuan Pharmaceutical

Pediatric anorexia refers to the long-term loss or disappearance of appetite and reduced food intake as the main symptoms, which is one of the most headaches for parents. In severe cases, it can cause malnutrition and deficiency of multivitamins and trace elements, affecting the growth and development of children.

Parents must see丨Don't underestimate anorexia! Anorexia in children is very harmful!

What is anorexia

Anorexia, also known as dysphagia, is a common spleen and stomach disease in children, which is mainly characterized by loss of appetite for a long time, inability to seek, and even lack of desire to eat. Anorexia can occur in children of all ages, but is more common in children aged 1 to 6 years. The disease can occur in any season, especially in summer when it is humid, and the incidence rate in urban children is higher than that in rural areas.

Parents must see丨Don't underestimate anorexia! Anorexia in children is very harmful!

Understanding anorexia from the literature of traditional Chinese medicine

The "bad food" and "not thinking about food" contained in ancient texts are roughly the same as this disease. "Lingshu Pulse" cloud, "The spleen is through the mouth, and the spleen is harmonious, and the mouth can know the grains", pointing out that the spleen and stomach are not in harmony, and if they are derelict in accepting and transporting, they will produce anorexia. Yiyun "Pediatric Drug Certificate Straight Tips: Void Soup": "The spleen and stomach are not in harmony, and you can't eat milk." "Medical Sect Jinjian, Juvenile Heart Method Tips, Food Stagnation" cloud, "Children are fat, sweet, cold and cold, and cannot be transported, then the stomach and intestines are stagnant." The symptoms are warm and hot, sour stools, belching and bad food", pointing out that uncontrolled milk eating is the main cause of anorexia in children. "The Complete Works of Chishui Xuanzhu, Volume 13, Hurt Drinking and Hurting the Food" said, "I can't eat, because the spleen and stomach are weak or after illness, and the spleen and stomach qi have not recovered...... Therefore, they do not think about food", pointing out that the weakness of the spleen and stomach leads to low mobility, so they do not think about food.

Etiology and pathogenesis of anorexia

It is mainly caused by insufficient congenital endowment, improper feeding, uncontrolled diet, other diseases and injuries to the spleen, infection with insects, feeling external evils, emotional disorders and other causes, resulting in dysfunction of the spleen and stomach.

Parents must see丨Don't underestimate anorexia! Anorexia in children is very harmful!

Children's viscera is delicate, the shape and qi are not filled, the spleen is often insufficient, if the fetus is insufficient, the transportation is weak, so they do not want to suckle; If there is an imbalance in the acquired conditioning, the spleen and stomach will be weak, and it will be difficult to eat milk. Children "can not adjust the cold and warmth, milk food does not know self-control", parents feed improperly, overeat fat and sweet, indiscriminately use nourishing products, beyond the normal function of the child's spleen and stomach, resulting in damage to the spleen and stomach, loss of appetite, and aversion to eating. As the so-called "Su Wen Bi Theory" says, "Eating and drinking is self-doubling, and the stomach and intestines are hurting".

Children's lungs and spleen qi are often deficient, and the lung guard cannot stick to the outside, which can easily lead to external evil entering the spleen, spleen loss of health, or eating dirty and rotten things, infecting worms, parasitic inside, damaging the spleen and stomach, all of which can affect the function of receiving and transporting, thus producing anorexia or even eating foreign bodies. Children are pure yang body, the spirit is timid, the heart and liver are more than enough, if they are frightened, or what they ask for, or the environment changes, it can lead to liver loss and discharge, strip reach, liver wood by spleen and soil, stomach loss of suspension, diet can not be sent to the intestines, and then affect children's eating, and produce anorexia over time.

The disease site of anorexia in children is mainly in the spleen and stomach, but also involves the heart, liver, gallbladder, intestines and other viscera, and the pathogenesis is mainly the dysfunction of the spleen and stomach. Children with dysfunction of spleen and stomach movement are mostly fed improperly by their parents, or feel the evil of dampness and turbidity for a long time, dampness and spleen yang, and children often hate fatty products, vomiting, abdominal distention, lingering course of the disease, and long-term anorexia if the spleen luck does not recover. Children with weak spleen and stomach often have insufficient physical body or poor congenital endowment, weak spleen and qi movement, or eat fried and roasted things for a long time, resulting in loss of stomach yin and insufficient fluid, so that they do not want to eat milk.

Parents must see丨Don't underestimate anorexia! Anorexia in children is very harmful!

What are the dangers of anorexia in children?

If the child has anorexia, if it is delayed and not treated, or the treatment is improper, the course of the disease is prolonged, and the long-term illness is weak, which often leads to malnutrition, stunted growth and development, decreased resistance, repeated respiratory tract infections, anemia, and severe cases are often easy to turn into chancre syndrome, so I remind parents to pay attention to their children's anorexia!

Parents must see丨Don't underestimate anorexia! Anorexia in children is very harmful!