
Knowing how to apologize has already defeated 99% of parents! The child will never forget this sorry voice for the rest of his life

author:The little sister is free to tell stories

... Mom really went to apologize, and she has already won 99% of the adults [tears] Educating children is also a practice, brushing a netizen who threw away the cards collected by the child in anger, and then realized that he was wrong and immediately made amends, and went to say sorry to his daughter!

Knowing how to apologize has already defeated 99% of parents! The child will never forget this sorry voice for the rest of his life

I flipped through the comment area for a long time, some people said that they would give a jujube, and some people said that the damage was irreparable, but these are actually all things we look back at from the perspective of adults to look back at our past, but when I was a child, I didn't care about the toys that were thrown away, nor did I not have a promise that was not fulfilled, but a "I'm sorry" that I could never hear, I don't blame my parents for being angry and misunderstanding myself, but I just found that I had been wronged, but because I couldn't pull my face down because of the adult, I said sorry to myself [tears]


Knowing how to apologize has already defeated 99% of parents! The child will never forget this sorry voice for the rest of his life

The moment my mom said she was sorry, she didn't care if the card was the kind she wanted, and I saw her smile, and I really laughed from the bottom of my heart. To be honest, how much does it cost, but it can buy back the happiness of a child for days [tears]

Knowing how to apologize has already defeated 99% of parents! The child will never forget this sorry voice for the rest of his life

The child's eyes were still a little scared and incredulous, and it was only after confirming that the mother's apology had regained light [tears]

Knowing how to apologize has already defeated 99% of parents! The child will never forget this sorry voice for the rest of his life
Knowing how to apologize has already defeated 99% of parents! The child will never forget this sorry voice for the rest of his life

"I'm not afraid that she won't love me, I'm afraid she won't love herself" This mother won too much [tears]

The moment the child received the card, she did not open these cards she liked very much for the first time, but hugged her mother for the first time, and said sorry at the moment, and suddenly felt the love of both parties for each other, the card is rare but one day can be collected again, and the timely apology can break the obstacles of both sides, and there may be new contradictions in the future, but this moment is really unforgettable, a sense of happiness!

Knowing how to apologize has already defeated 99% of parents! The child will never forget this sorry voice for the rest of his life

Many adults feel that they are embarrassed by their elders and juniors [covering their faces] The older generation is like this, knowing that they love themselves, but they can't express it, so we began to express our love for our children, because we know how much we crave this way and feeling of being loved when we were children! My mother's way of apologizing: The meal is ready and eaten!

Maybe this is also the way most parents express their apologies, cooking your favorite dishes with a wooden face, trying to change the topic to activate the atmosphere, the child does not appreciate it because he does not understand, and there is only grievance in his heart, which leads to the second anger of the parents: "I gave you face, didn't I?" So the child began to fight, and the purpose of their confrontation was nothing more than to let you hear his thoughts, but in the eyes of adults, it became a rebellious period. In fact, children only need their parents to say sorry to forgive and let go of everything.

Knowing how to apologize has already defeated 99% of parents! The child will never forget this sorry voice for the rest of his life

Because we are redeeming ourselves when we were young, and we don't let our children experience the grievances we have suffered, and we will invest time and a small amount of money in the things we like when we are young, why do we not allow our children when we are older? When I was young, I also collected glass marbles and cards in instant noodles!

This is a mother who deserves to be respected. I will not force my child to admit his mistakes because he is a mother. This also teaches the child to be introspective. In fact, many times it is the children who teach parents how to love, and I don't know if you have noticed: children love their mothers more.

Knowing how to apologize has already defeated 99% of parents! The child will never forget this sorry voice for the rest of his life

Only children can tolerate the bad temper of their parents, and the only one who is scolded and says they love me [poor] Children love their mothers so much, and they love him more than their mothers [tears] Don't beat and scold children [tears] Because then the children will not stop loving you, but will stop loving themselves!

Knowing how to apologize has already defeated 99% of parents! The child will never forget this sorry voice for the rest of his life

Wilde said: Children love their parents at first, and when they are older they judge their parents; And then there are times when they forgive their parents.

Children will also make mistakes when they grow up, but she can face her mistakes like her mother in the future, and honestly apologize to make up for her mistakes, instead of being awkward like some people, who are sad and annoying, parents are the best teachers for children!

This act will make her feel extremely healing when she thinks about it after many years!