
The heavier the cold and wetness, the bigger the fire, don't just pour out the fire, beware of "adding fuel to the fire"!

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Wang Yaofeng

Some fans often ask why they are always on fire, but as soon as they eat laxative gunpowder, they are prone to diarrhea, and they feel more and more serious when they use it, what is going on?

The heavier the cold and wetness, the bigger the fire, don't just pour out the fire, beware of "adding fuel to the fire"!

In my opinion, it's mostly because the cold and dampness in your body are too heavy, and the use of laxative powder by such people is tantamount to "adding fuel to the fire"! When the yang qi is insufficient, the body is in a state of imbalance of yin and yang, and too much yin qi will exclude a small amount of yang qi, and the yang qi will go up, so when you go to it, there will be a situation of fire, such as mouth ulcers, sore throat, swollen and sore gums, boils on the mouth and face, etc

The heavier the cold and wetness, the bigger the fire, don't just pour out the fire, beware of "adding fuel to the fire"!

But at this time, the lower body is occupied by cold and damp yin evil, so it will show a group of cold signs, such as cold pain in the waist and knees, unfavorable joint flexion and extension, calf muscle soreness, frequent urination and urgency, easy diarrhea, etc., this situation is also called "hot and cold" in traditional Chinese medicine, the tongue is characterized by red tongue tip, white and greasy tongue root, for example, the tongue of the following patient is repeated fire caused by cold and dampness, so the conditioning can not use laxative gunpowder, should be based on warm yang to disperse cold and dampness, and at the same time lead the fire to return to the yuan, such as Guifu Dihuang soup, gardenia dry ginger soup, Ling Guishu sweet soup and so on

The heavier the cold and wetness, the bigger the fire, don't just pour out the fire, beware of "adding fuel to the fire"!

Then there is another situation, for example, the following patient, the tongue sticks out to see, although the tongue coating is yellow, but only the middle and the root of the tongue are slightly yellow, and the rest of the place is still thick and white, and the tongue is not red, then we think more about the cold and dampness in the body for too long, and then begin to heat up, so at this time it will also show some fire, but at this time, the essence of the problem is still cold and damp, so this kind of powder can not be used laxative, but also to warm the sun to disperse cold and dampness. By the way, you can clear the heat

The heavier the cold and wetness, the bigger the fire, don't just pour out the fire, beware of "adding fuel to the fire"!

In short, people who are cold and damp in the body, don't just put out the fire, beware of the more the fire becomes more serious, if you are not sure, just find a professional doctor to distinguish the syndrome, then today's sharing is here, we will see you next time.