
On the day of 520, Lai Qingde will talk about cross-strait issues, and the Kuomintang will act ahead of schedule, and reunification is the only option

author:See the world in the vernacular

On the day of 520, Lai Qingde will talk about cross-strait issues, so what may Lai Qingde say? The Kuomintang made a move in advance, and Hong Xiuzhu taught Lai Qingde a lesson, reunification is the only option, so what did Hong Xiuzhu say?

May 20 is the so-called "inauguration ceremony" of Lai Ching-te, the new leader of the Taiwan region, and it is less than a week away. Lai Ching-te's "inauguration ceremony" speech has also become the focus of public opinion, and this particularly involves cross-strait issues. In this regard, the US Congressional Research Office recently submitted to Congress a report on the "Taiwan Defense Question" that seems to have given an answer, and the report mentioned that Lai Qingde has promised to follow Tsai Ing-wen's "four insistences" on the cross-strait policy line and will not seek "independence-centered issues" to avoid increasing the possibility of conflict in the Taiwan Strait.

On the day of 520, Lai Qingde will talk about cross-strait issues, and the Kuomintang will act ahead of schedule, and reunification is the only option

Why would Lai Qingde make such a promise that is inconsistent with his self-proclaimed identity? The reason for this is mainly pressure from many quarters, first of all, pressure from the United States; Rosenberg, chairman of the so-called "American Institute in Taiwan," has visited the Taiwan region five times since he took office last year, which is very rare, and one of his purposes is to "knock" Lai Qingde and ask him not to express some overly radical cross-strait policies and propositions during the inauguration ceremony. Of course, the United States is also doing this for its own sake, after all, the current United States has been overwhelmed by the two conflicts between Russia and Ukraine and Palestine and Israel, and this year is the year of the US presidential election, and the Biden administration certainly does not want the tension in the Taiwan Strait to further escalate to the point of being uncontrollable; The second is the dissatisfaction of the people on the island with their "Taiwan independence" acts; because the DPP authorities' provocations to seek "independence" have become increasingly rampant, and because Lai Ching-te's previous radical "independence" remarks have led to the current tense situation in the Taiwan Strait, the frequency and frequency of regular actions by the PLA fighters and warships around Taiwan have also increased, which has brought great psychological deterrence to those diehard "Taiwan independence" elements on the island, and at the same time, the Taiwan people have felt the crisis of "war."

On the day of 520, Lai Qingde will talk about cross-strait issues, and the Kuomintang will act ahead of schedule, and reunification is the only option

In addition, there is also pressure from the "opposition parties" on the island, and recently, the Chinese Kuomintang took action ahead of schedule. For example, Xu Yuzhen, a public opinion representative of the Chinese Kuomintang, pointed out that the DPP authorities' three "gods" of "'Taiwan independence,' the abolition of nuclear weapons, and the abolition of death" have aggravated the security crisis in the Taiwan region and caused greater social disturbances. In addition, on the cross-strait issue, Lai Qingde should show goodwill and strengthen dialogue. At the same time, Hong Xiuzhu, former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, recently also taught Lai Qingde a good lesson. She stressed: If Lai Ching-te does not freeze the "Taiwan independence" party platform, he will still be obstinate and stubborn, and then invite war, which will inevitably be spurned by the people. As far as Lai Qingde is concerned, the most important thing to do is to "accept the bloodline of the Chinese nation from Zhangzhou, Fujian, and Fujian" on the mainland, immediately announce the freezing of the DPP's "Taiwan independence" party platform, and become an upright Chinese.

On the day of 520, Lai Qingde will talk about cross-strait issues, and the Kuomintang will act ahead of schedule, and reunification is the only option

As a matter of fact, it is not important what Lai Qingde will say specifically on the cross-strait issue in his inaugural speech, but what matters is whether or not the promises he makes will be implemented with concrete actions, rather than saying one thing and doing another. As far as the Taiwan region is concerned, reunification is its only option, and there is nothing else. Whether it is the so-called "maintenance of the status quo" in the mouth of the DPP authorities or the so-called "Tsai Ing-wen line" inherited by Lai Qingde, the essence of this is "Taiwan independence." The mainland's Taiwan Affairs Office has clearly pointed out earlier that the so-called "Tsai Ing-wen line" is the "Taiwan independence" line, the confrontation line, and the line of harming Taiwan, and is the biggest source of chaos that will lead to the danger of Taiwan's war, damage to the interests of the people, and endanger regional stability. As for the so-called "maintenance of the status quo", Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin has clearly emphasized earlier that what is the status quo in the Taiwan Strait? That is, both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China, Taiwan is part of China's territory, and China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity have never been divided.