
Hundreds of Philippine ships assembled, has the situation changed at Scarborough Shoal? The satellite has overwhelmed, and the Chinese side has sent additional troops overnight

author:See the world in the vernacular

What is the purpose of the 100 Philippine ships gathering and preparing to forcibly storm Scarborough Shoal? In this regard, the Chinese side has sent additional troops to Scarborough Shoal overnight to be ready to deal with the conflict at any time.

On the 13th, the Philippine Marcos government openly announced that they would gather more than 100 ships, bring media reporters, and prepare to go to China's Scarborough Shoal on the 15th to carry out the so-called "civil mission", to put it bluntly, preparing to forcibly break into the mainland's Scarborough Shoal. And the operation was led by an ostensible non-governmental organization, the Atin Itto Alliance, whose name translates to "The South China Sea is ours." From the name alone, it is not difficult to see that the Marcos administration covets the South China Sea ambitions. According to the head of the organization, their entire operation is expected to last 2 to 3 days and eventually drop the buoys that assert the so-called "sovereignty" of the country, which is also their ultimate goal. Obviously, this is a naked provocation. Although the organization is under the banner of a so-called "non-governmental organization", in fact, everyone knows exactly what kind of medicine they are selling in the gourd, and the outside world sees whether there is the power of the Philippine government behind it. In fact, this is not the first time that the organization has provoked such trouble in the South China Sea, and they have also sent a number of ships in a vain attempt to force their way into the mainland's Ren'ai Jiao, but at that time, under the strict defense of the mainland coast guard ships, it did not achieve much effect.

Hundreds of Philippine ships assembled, has the situation changed at Scarborough Shoal? The satellite has overwhelmed, and the Chinese side has sent additional troops overnight

Why are these so-called "non-governmental organizations" in the Philippines stirring up trouble in the South China Sea? In fact, the reason is very simple, first of all, compared with the mainland coast guard ships, the two are not of the same order of magnitude at all, in the past in the course of every Sino-Philippine maritime confrontation, the Philippine ship is the one who suffers, either the mainland coast guard ship's water cannon damaged the ship's radar system, or was beaten by the water cannon "raising the white flag" surrendered in embarrassment, and in the end they all turned around and ran away, the Philippine side shouted the happiest every time before the incident, and the Philippine side ran the fastest afterwards, which is self-inflicted and self-inflicted. Second, the Marcos administration allowed civilian vessels to rush to the front line and act under the banner of so-called "non-governmental organizations", which is obviously conducive to them taking the opportunity to create public opinion, after all, in their opinion, it is impossible for Chinese coast guard ships to attack civilian fishing boats, and if we do take action, they can just let the accompanying Western media reporters take pictures of the scene, and then create rumors in the international community, slander and smear the legitimate law enforcement actions of the Chinese coast guard, and shape China into an image of a "maritime hegemon". At the same time, it also packaged the Philippines as a "victim" in exchange for the sympathy of international public opinion. This is also a common trick used by the Marcos administration, which has been used by the Philippine side many times before on the issue of Ren'ai Jiao.

Hundreds of Philippine ships assembled, has the situation changed at Scarborough Shoal? The satellite has overwhelmed, and the Chinese side has sent additional troops overnight

Just before the Philippine 100 ships began to operate, the mainland coast guard had already deployed additional troops overnight and had already assembled a huge water force in the vicinity to blockade Scarborough Shoal on the largest scale observed so far, and according to the automatic identification system for ships, a large number of Chinese ships have already gone to Scarborough Shoal, including at least four Chinese coast guard ships and 26 so-called "large Chinese maritime militia ships." In addition, satellites are also overhead over the South China Sea. As long as the Philippine ships dare to come, they will be resolutely counterattacked by our side.

Hundreds of Philippine ships assembled, has the situation changed at Scarborough Shoal? The satellite has overwhelmed, and the Chinese side has sent additional troops overnight

Ironically, not long ago, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos repeatedly declared that "the last thing the Philippines wants is to escalate tensions in the South China Sea, and the mission of the Philippine Navy and Coast Guard is not to cause or escalate tensions." Before the words fell, the Philippine side organized such a "large-scale" operation and tried in vain to forcibly invade Scarborough Shoal, either by slapping Marcos in the face or by deliberately showing the ugly face of saying one thing and doing another. If the Philippines really wants to de-escalate the situation in the South China Sea, it should immediately stop intruding into the waters adjacent to China's Nansha Islands and Scarborough Shoal, stop illegal landing activities on relevant uninhabited islands and reefs, and stop spreading disinformation to mislead the international community.

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